Titel Microcosm
System Amiga CD32
Genre Shoot Em' Up
Publisher/Firma Psygnosis
Release 1994
Release EU 1994
ASM 03/1994 11
Video Games 05/1994 65%
Weitere Systeme Microcosm (Mega-CD)
Microcosm (3DO)
In the year 2051, two mega corporations battle it out for supremacy over an overcrowded, overpolluted planet. CyberTech Industries, the dominant company on the planet, is being challenged by Axiom, who blames the former for their president's death. To gain revenge, they secretly inject CyberTech's president, Anton Korsby, with a virus that threatens to take over his body--and ultimately destroy himself and CyberTech. Your mission is to enter Korsby's body, destroy the virus, and defeat the organism that controls his brain.

Microcosm is a 3D action shooter, similar to Descent, that takes place entirely within the human body. You pilot your way through various parts of the anatomy, blasting virii and enemy ships, while gaining power-ups and faster, stronger craft to aid you in your mission. Eventually you will make your way to the brain, where you must stop Grey M, the entity that controls Korsby's body.

Microcosm makes heavy use of full-motion video and features high-resolution fractal graphics (to simulate the walls of veins and arteries), digital music and sound effects.

Microcosm was only realised on CD32 (and on other consoles...)
This is THE amiga CD32 game... why? as allways, psygnosis came with the most incredible game...
...of course as allways it isn't really fun to play! just enjoy the show
The game dont works fine with CD32 emulators on amiga, of course, I guess they designed the emul for it!.
I didn't try to install the game on HD, who would do that???
It supports 1 language: English. It can be played only by pad.
I dunno about saving...

Microcosm, should be the first real multimedia game ever since they invented the CDrom !
Why? this is a video game, i mean, a game with all the time video playing in background!
That's why there isn't a lot of CDDA on this game, too much videos!
History says that this game should came out for CDTV, since there is a famous free demo CD for it.
Of course, you got a lot of intro videos, between stages video...
Basically, this is a poor shoot them up, you kill baddies while flying in a human corpse, inside veins.
That's why you got video in background... this is cool, but your only job is to kill, kill, kill... and it's not
really easy!!! (and interresting), well... there is some other things, you can (perhaps) choose your way sometimes,
and there is a strange map: in fact, your trip is not linear but circular....
Well, this is a must have for your multimedia experience, not for playing!...


Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 3 (Reviews: 1)

Revolutionäre Grafik. Vielleicht das erste Game, dass die Kapazität einer CD-ROM ausnützte. Das war die Gallionsfigur des (erfolglosen) CD32...Grafisch also brilliant, aber am Gameplay haperte es. Wurde etwas schnell langweilig (vor allem wegen den wenigen Extras, die ein Shooter einfach braucht).

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