Titel Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
System PC
Genre Action-Adventure
Entwickler Capcom Game Studio Vancouver
Publisher/Firma Capcom
Altersfreigabe 18
Release 14.10.2011
Release EU 14.10.2011
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, sees photojournalist and original hero of Dead Rising's Willamette incident, Frank West take center stage as players experience a reimagining of the Fortune City outbreak. Forget what you know about Dead Rising 2,"Frank West is back in the game!" The new, "Off the Record" storyline means an all new Dead Rising 2 experience. Frank will face off against more twisted enemies, build more outrageous combo weapons, follow his own unique mission structure and explore brand new areas of Fortune City to get his biggest scoop yet. Frank's come back means the return of his trusty camera, with players able to earn Prestige Points (PP) for specific photo opportunities that are graded against criteria such as horror, drama, erotica and brutality. In addition to the new scenario and gameplay enhancements, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record offers a suite of technical updates including load time optimizations, improved network performance and a host of system upgrades to deliver a more satisfying Dead Rising experience.
Facts & Features:
  • Frank West is back - The original Dead Rising hero returns to get the scoop on the Fortune City outbreak.
  • Fortune City but not as you know it - Experience a re-interpretation of the Fortune City outbreak through the eyes and camera of photojournalist Frank West.
  • Say "Cheese!" - Capture those classic, violent, scary, hilarious Dead Rising moments, earn Prestige Points and complete all new missions with Frank's new and improved camera feature.
  • Upgraded Experience - Full of technical improvements, system enhancements and feature upgrades to create a faster, smoother, more satisfying Dead Rising.
Solo: 1
Multiplayer: 2


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