Titel Dead Space 3
System PC
Genre Actionspiel
Entwickler Visceral Games
Publisher/Firma Electronic Arts
Altersfreigabe 18
Release 07.02.2013
Release EU 07.02.2013
Weitere Systeme Dead Space 3 (Playstation 3)
Dead Space 3 (Xbox 360)
Dead Space 3 -E-

Scavenge the violent wilderness, build devastating weapons, and take down the terror together. Dead Space 3 brings Isaac Clarke and merciless soldier John Carver on a journey across space to discover the source of the Necromorph outbreak. Crash-landed on the frozen planet of Tau Volantis, Isaac must comb the harsh environment for raw materials and scavenged parts. He will then put his engineering skills to the ultimate test to create and customise weapons and survival tools. The ice planet holds the key to ending the Necromorph plague forever, but first Isaac must overcome avalanches, treacherous ice-climbs, and the violent wilderness. Facing deadlier evolved enemies and the brutal elements, Isaac can choose to team up, not only for his own survival, but for that of mankind’s. Play together with a friend or go it alone as Isaac Clarke using the seamless new drop in, drop out co-op functionality. Each mode offers unique story elements and gameplay.

Facts & Features:
  • EA Origin Account is required!
  • Team up and take down the terror together
    • Play the full campaign in online co-op or single player
    • Easy drop-in and drop-out play
  • Head planet side and experience a hostile new environment
    • Discover underworld cities and accept side missions
    • Explore the frozen terrain and search abandoned encampments
  • Uncover the past and embark on a thrilling expedition to save mankind
    • Discover the source of the Necromorph terror and fight to fend off the extinction of the human race
Solo: 1
Multiplayer: 2 Spielewertungen:
GameStar: 81% Links zum Spiel:


Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 (Reviews: 1)

Leider wurde in Deadspace 3 mit den Horror Elementen gespart, wer aber auf knallharte Action mit Horror Atmospähre steht, wird hier sein Spiel gefunden haben. Den CO-OP Modus kann ich nur empfehlen!

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