Was war das für ein geniales Need for Speed, anno '98! Strecken wie Aquatica mit dieser unvergleichlichen Streckenführung und dem Abendhimmel mit seinen verschiedenen Farbschattierungen habe ich geliebt! Das müsste mal wieder neu aufgelegt werden!
Playstation ****** Along with the Demo 1 game that came with the console, this was the 1st game I ever owned on the PS1. The cars and tracks are much weaker in this game then in NFS2 but what pushes the score to a 6 is the Hot Pursuit mode which is by far the most enjoyable thing about this. So much fun trying to outrun the police has made me keep coming back to play this again and again over the years. The other modes, well I don't really care that much about those but I don't need too when I got cops chasing after me. Although NFS2 is better this is still a very fun game in it's own right. Zuletzt editiert: 01.08.2015 12:11:00
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