Titel Gungnir
System PSP
Genre Strategie
Entwickler Sting
Publisher/Firma Atlus Co.
Altersfreigabe 12
Release 15.06.2012
Release EU 15.06.2012
M! Games 08/2012 79%
In a land ravaged by disparity where the impoverished must battle for survival, the fate of all is thrust into uncertainty when rebels happen upon custody of a young female noble and a magical spear of immeasurable power falls from the heavens. Now, hunted by incumbent powers desperate to reclaim the girl and armed with a weapon capable of reshaping the realm, the Resistance must wage war to deliver themselves from the tyranny of their oppressors.

Facts & Features:
  • Code Free-Version - lauffähig auf europäischen Konsolen!
  • Dealing with societal inequity and racial prejudice, far heavier themes than the average video game, Gungnir's intense narrative offers gamers a world worth saving and characters deserving of empathy and attention.
  • Building upon the traditional action queue of turn?based SRPGs, actions in Gungnir all have a numerical wait interval associated with them. Faster actions bear smaller numbers, allowing them to precede slower preexisting attacks.
  • Developer Sting has a proud, extensive history of expertly crafted, highly innovative RPGs, having garnered critical acclaim and fan admiration with classics like Riviera, Yggdra Union, and Knights in the Nightmare.
Spieleranzahl: 1


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