Titel | Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed |
System | Playstation 4 |
Genre | Action-Adventure |
Entwickler | Acquire |
Publisher/Firma | Xseed Games |
Altersfreigabe | 18 |
Release | 15.07.2021 |
Release EU | 15.07.2021 |
Weitere Systeme |
Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (Switch) |
Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed - 10th Anniversary Edition -US-
Experience the acclaimed origin of the "strip action RPG" series in English for the very first time and return to the glittering streets of the golden age of the Akihabara district circa 2011! This remastered version of the original "AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed" (originally known as AKIBA'S TRIP Plus in Japan) brings the game up to modern HD graphical standards, all while retaining the charm of the original classic that sparked a cult hit series. 10th Anniversary Edition
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