Titel Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars
System Playstation 4
Genre Action / Rollenspiel
Entwickler Compile Heart
Publisher/Firma Idea Factory
Altersfreigabe 12
Release 28.10.2021
Release EU 28.10.2021
M! Games 12/2021 62%
Weitere Systeme Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars (Switch)
Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars - Day 1 Edition

As the struggle for control increased between the Daimyos of the nations, tensions rose between the two great nations, each of which was home to one of the major schools of martial arts.

The Compa Style which has mastered the Ninja Arts based on the Command Technique.
The Honeypa Style which has mastered the Ninja Arts rooted in the Action Technique.

The two camps were stuck in a ruthless competition of skill in order to achieve hegemony, but as they fought on, a mysterious army of mechanical ninjas made their assault.

The mechanical ninja army overran the smaller nations in an instant, and the Steeme Legion leader, Yoh Gamer, made an announcement to the world: "The Super NINJA War to decide the world's strongest school is about to begin!"

Day 1 Edition
  • The Game
  • 8 Trading cards
  • Sticker Sheet
  • Double-Sided A2 Poster
  • Revesible Cover Sleeve
  • Collector's Box

Facts & Features:
  • When 2 Become 1 - The two warring nations from the Neptunia and SENRAN KAGURA series have now joined forces in one action-packed RPG! Choose from 10 possible characters, including two new characters: Yuuki and Goh, and pick two characters to set forth on your adventure. Swiftly switch between your two chosen characters in battle!?
  • The Art of the Ninja - Each character possess a unique set of skills, known as Ninja Art Skills. Chain your Ninja Art Skills to leave your enemies in the dust. Ninjas and shinobi are also equipped with projectiles that can inflict physical damage or temporary status ailments to slow down foes.?
  • Stay Stylin' with Spirit Gems - Collect Spirit Gems for helpful stat boosts! Legend says arranging them in certain combinations can add even bigger boosts...?
  • Are You a True Ninja Warrior? - The Peaches & Cream Meditation mini-game allows players to test their balance with the PS4 motion controller. Successfully filling the Peach Gauge gives extra stat boosts in battle! Plus, test your might with the post-game content, Yomi-Training! Expert ninjas and shinobi can play through 8 different trials, each set with difficult restrictions!


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