Titel Dimension Drive
System Switch
Genre Action
Entwickler 2Awesome Studio
Publisher/Firma Eastasiasoft
Altersfreigabe 12
Release 21.08.2018
Release EU 21.08.2018
M! Games 02/2018 43%
Dimension Drive -JP-

This intense space shoot'em up challenges you to fight across two battlefields on one split screen. Instantly switch between them to dodge waves of bullets, reach secret areas, or surprise your enemies. Play solo or turn it up to 11 with a local co-op partner. Climb the global leaderboards in four different difficulty modes ranging from Normal for a balanced challenge to Insane for whoever can take the pain. Still too easy? Step into the 13 zones of the Mirror Dimension in New Game+.

Facts & Features:
  • Code Free-Version - runnable on european consoles
  • Space shoot'em up action switching between two battlefields on one split screen
  • Play solo or in local co-op
  • 13 levels of story campaign and 13 more in New Game+ mode
  • Online leaderboards and four difficulty modes offer the ultimate challenge
  • Advanced gameplay strategies including Drift and Reverse Drive to test your skill
  • Find secret data cubes to unlock and power-up new weapons like the Flak Shotgun or the Pulse Cannon
  • Created by two ex-space engineers


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