Titel | Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy |
System | Switch |
Genre | Action |
Entwickler | Rockstar North |
Publisher/Firma | Rockstar Games |
Altersfreigabe | |
Fachzeitschriften | Games Aktuell 01/2022 2/10 M! Games 01/2022 40% N-Zone 01/2022 2/10 |
Weitere Systeme |
Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Playstation 5) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Xbox) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (PC) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Playstation 2) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Mac) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Playstation 4) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Xbox One) Grand Theft Auto - The Trilogy (Xbox Series X) |