N-Zone ist ein monatlich erscheindendes Spielemagazin, das sich ausschliesslich den Nintendo Videospielkonsolen widmet. Verlag ist Computec Media AG.

Website von N-Zone


The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight PrincessGameCube01/200797%
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of TimeNintendo 6412/199897%
Perfect DarkNintendo 6406/200096%
Perfect DarkNintendo 6408/200096%
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's MaskNintendo 6411/200096%
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's MaskNintendo 6412/200096%
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's MaskNintendo 6406/200096%
Super Mario GalaxyWii01/200896%
Super Mario Galaxy 2Wii07/201096%
Super Mario Galaxy 2Wii06/201096%
Metroid Prime TrilogyWii10/200995%
Pokémon SnapNintendo 6409/200095%
Donkey Kong 64Nintendo 6412/199995%
The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind WakerGameCube02/200395%
The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind WakerGameCube05/200395%
Metroid Prime: HuntersDS05/200695%
Metroid Prime: HuntersDS06/200695%
Resident Evil 4GameCube03/200595%
Resident Evil 4GameCube04/200595%
Metroid PrimeGameCube01/200394%
Metroid PrimeGameCube04/200394%
Metroid Prime 2: EchoesGameCube13/200494%
Mario Kart Double Dash!!GameCube12/200394%
Mario Kart DSDS12/200594%
Pokémon - Goldene EditionGame Boy Color04/200194%
Pokémon - Silberne EditionGame Boy Color04/200194%
Pokémon Stadium 2Nintendo 6402/200194%
Mario Kart 73DS01/201294%
Rayman 2: The Great EscapeNintendo 6411/199994%
Metroid Prime 3: CorruptionWii12/200794%
Metroid Prime 3: CorruptionWii11/200794%
Pokémon - Kristall-EditionGame Boy Color09/200194%
Pokémon - Kristall-EditionGame Boy Color11/200194%
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The WildSwitch04/201794%
Pokémon X3DS11/201394%
Pokémon Y3DS11/201394%
Pokémon - Weisse Edition 2DS11/201293%
Pokémon - Schwarze Edition 2DS11/201293%
Bayonetta 2Wii U11/201493%
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward SwordWii12/201193%
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The WildWii U04/201793%
Shadow ManNintendo 6409/199993%
Pokémon - Schwarze EditionDS03/201193%
Pokémon - Weisse EditionDS03/201193%
Pokémon StadiumNintendo 6404/200093%
Pokémon - Goldene Edition HeartGoldDS04/201093%
Banjo-KazooieNintendo 6407/199893%
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsDS05/200993%
The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish CapGame Boy Advance13/200493%
Pokémon - Silberne Edition SoulSilverDS04/201093%
Pokémon - Special Pikachu Edition - Gelbe EditionGame Boy07/200093%
Rayman LegendsWii U10/201393%
Pokémon - Special Pikachu Edition - Gelbe EditionGame Boy06/200092%
Resident Evil 4: Wii EditionWii08/200792%
Mario Power TennisGameCube01/200592%
Mario Power TennisGameCube03/200592%
Dragon Quest VIII: Die Reise des verwunschenen Königs3DS02/201792%
Prince Of Persia: Warrior WithinGameCube01/200592%
The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of AgesGame Boy Color08/200192%
The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of AgesGame Boy Color10/200192%
The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of SeasonsGame Boy Color08/200192%
The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of SeasonsGame Boy Color10/200192%
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario WorldGame Boy Advance02/200292%
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario WorldGame Boy Advance04/200292%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4GameCube01/200392%
The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight PrincessWii01/200792%
Diddy Kong RacingNintendo 6411/199792%
F-Zero XNintendo 6409/199892%
F-Zero XNintendo 6411/199892%
Mario TennisNintendo 6409/200092%
Mario TennisNintendo 6411/200092%
NHL 99Nintendo 6411/199892%
Die Welt ist nicht genugNintendo 6412/200092%
Turok 2: Seeds Of EvilNintendo 6411/199892%
Super Mario 3D WorldWii U01/201492%
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D3DS03/201592%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2GameCube04/200392%
Tony Hawk's UndergroundGame Boy Advance02/200492%
Mario Kart 8 DeluxeSwitch05/201791%
Mario Kart 8 DeluxeSwitch06/201791%
Super Smash Bros. For Wii UWii U01/201591%
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends Of The Titan3DS10/201391%
The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker HDWii U11/201391%
New Super Mario Bros. 23DS09/201291%
Metroid: Other MWii10/201091%
The New TetrisNintendo 6410/199991%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2Nintendo 6409/200191%
Pokémon - Perl-EditionDS12/200691%
Pokémon - Diamant-EditionDS12/200691%
Tetris Party DeluxeWii10/201091%
Professor Layton und die verlorene ZukunftDS11/201091%
Mario GolfNintendo 6408/199991%
Mario GolfNintendo 6411/199991%
ForsakenNintendo 6406/199891%
Super Mario 64Nintendo 6406/199791%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos TheoryGameCube05/200591%
Tony Hawk's Underground 2GameCube12/200491%
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron III: Rebel StrikeGameCube11/200391%
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron III: Rebel StrikeGameCube12/200391%
Super Mario SunshineGameCube09/200291%
Super Mario SunshineGameCube10/200291%
Fire EmblemGame Boy Advance09/200491%
Super Smash Bros. UltimateSwitch01/201991%
Super Smash Bros. UltimateSwitch02/201991%
The Legend Of Zelda - A Link To The Past / Four SwordsGame Boy Advance04/200391%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4Game Boy Advance01/200391%
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of TimeGameCube04/200491%
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of TimeGameCube02/200491%
Starfox AdventuresGameCube12/200291%
F-Zero GXGameCube12/200391%
F-Zero GXGameCube09/200391%
Splatoon 2Switch08/201791%
Splatoon 2Switch02/201891%
Madden NFL 2005GameCube11/200491%
Donkey Kong CountryGame Boy Color12/200091%
Mario Kart Super CircuitGame Boy Advance09/200191%
Pikmin 3Wii U08/201391%
BayonettaWii U11/201490%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3Game Boy Advance04/200290%
Fire Emblem Fates: Vermächtnis3DS06/201690%
Professor Layton und das geheimnisvolle DorfDS12/200890%
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's RequiemGameCube08/200290%
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's RequiemGameCube11/200290%
Fire Emblem: Path Of RadianceGameCube12/200590%
Star Wars - Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron IIGameCube01/200290%
Star Wars - Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron IIGameCube05/200290%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora TomorrowGameCube09/200490%
SSX On TourGameCube11/200590%
SoulCalibur IIGameCube10/200390%
SoulCalibur IIGameCube06/200390%
Prince Of Persia: The Two ThronesGameCube01/200690%
Pokémon ColosseumGameCube02/200490%
Pokémon ColosseumGameCube06/200490%
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin SnakesGameCube05/200490%
Paper Mario: Die Legende vom ÄonentorGameCube13/200490%
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & IIGameCube04/200390%
Pikmin 2GameCube07/200490%
Pikmin 2GameCube11/200490%
Advance Wars: Dual StrikeDS09/200590%
Advance Wars: Dual StrikeDS10/200590%
Kirby: Power PaintbrushDS12/200590%
Mario GolfGame Boy Color01/200090%
Metal Gear SolidGame Boy Color05/200090%
RaymanGame Boy Color03/200090%
New Super Mario Bros.DS08/200690%
New Super Mario Bros.DS07/200690%
Tetris DSDS05/200690%
Top Gear RallyGame Boy Advance12/200390%
Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's IslandGame Boy Advance10/200290%
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3Game Boy Advance12/200390%
The Legend Of Zelda - A Link To The Past / Four SwordsGame Boy Advance02/200390%
Metroid FusionGame Boy Advance12/200290%
Metroid: Zero MissionGame Boy Advance04/200490%
Metroid: Zero MissionGame Boy Advance05/200490%
Final Fantasy Tactics AdvanceGame Boy Advance11/200390%
Gunstar Future HeroesGame Boy Advance11/200590%
Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral TownGame Boy Advance03/200490%
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole RisingGame Boy Advance11/200390%
Tony Hawk's American WastelandGameCube12/200590%
Tony Hawk's UndergroundGameCube01/200490%
TimeSplitters: Future PerfectGameCube03/200590%
Tom Clancy's Splinter CellGameCube06/200390%
Viewtiful JoeGameCube11/200390%
Viewtiful JoeGameCube08/200390%
Viewtiful Joe 2GameCube03/200590%
Bomberman Land Touch!DS08/200590%
Pokémon Stadium 2Nintendo 6410/200190%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double AgentGameCube12/200690%
FIFA: Die WM-Qualifikation 98Nintendo 6401/199890%
FIFA 99Nintendo 6402/199990%
FIFA 99Nintendo 6404/199990%
International Superstar Soccer 2000Nintendo 6409/200090%
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.Nintendo 6401/200090%
Frankreich '98: Die Fußball WMNintendo 6405/199890%
Paper MarioNintendo 6410/200190%
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D3DS07/201190%
Professor Layton und die Schatulle der PandoraDS10/200990%
New Super Mario Bros. WiiWii12/200990%
Donkey Kong Country ReturnsWii01/201190%
Chrono TriggerDS02/200990%
Chrono TriggerDS04/200990%
The Legend Of Zelda: Spirit TracksDS01/201090%
Rayman Legends: Definitive EditionSwitch10/201790%
Lufia: The Legend ReturnsGame Boy Color11/200190%
Tony Hawk's SkateboardingNintendo 6404/200090%
WWF No MercyNintendo 6412/200090%
NHL Breakaway '98Nintendo 6403/199890%
Ridge Racer 64Nintendo 6403/200090%
NBA Live 2000Nintendo 6412/199990%
Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS3DS11/201490%
Tetris Party DeluxeDS10/201090%
Der Schattenläufer und die Rätsel des dunklen TurmsWii11/201090%
Super Mario 3D Land3DS12/201190%
DJ Hero 2Wii12/201090%
NBA 2K18Switch11/201790%
SplatoonWii U10/201590%
SplatoonWii U07/201590%
Madden NFL 2000Nintendo 6411/199990%
The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds3DS12/201390%
Pokémon ConquestDS09/201290%
Resident Evil 2Nintendo 6401/200090%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005GameCube11/200490%
Madden NFL 2004GameCube10/200390%
Shovel Knight: Treasure TroveSwitch05/201790%
The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth +Switch11/201790%
Diablo IIISwitch12/201890%
Rocket LeagueSwitch01/201890%
Phantasy Star Online: Card RevolutionGameCube07/200490%
NFL 2K3GameCube04/200390%
Pokémon Ultrasonne3DS01/201890%
Pokémon Ultramond3DS01/201890%
Metroid: Samus Returns3DS10/201790%
Fire Emblem Fates: Herrschaft3DS06/201690%
Bayonetta 2Switch03/201890%
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeSwitch06/201890%
Mario Kart 8 DLC-Pack 2Wii U06/201590%
Mario Kart 8 DLC-Pack 1Wii U01/201590%
Dragon Quest IX: Hüter des HimmelsDS08/201090%
Dragon Quest IX: Hüter des HimmelsDS09/200990%
Band HeroWii01/201090%
F-1 World Grand PrixGame Boy Color08/199990%
Pokémon Mond3DS01/201790%
Pokémon Sonne3DS01/201790%
Panzer Tactics DSDS01/200889%
Virtual Pro Wrestling 2Nintendo 6407/200089%
Tactics Ogre: The Knight Of LodisGame Boy Advance08/200189%
Yo-Kai Watch3DS05/201689%
Xenoblade Chronicles 2Switch01/201889%
FIFA 07GameCube10/200689%
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeWii U03/201489%
SSX 3GameCube01/200489%
Mario Kart 8Wii U07/201489%
Mario Kart 8Wii U06/201489%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004GameCube11/200389%
Aggressive InlineGameCube09/200289%
NBA 2K13Wii U03/201389%
Castlevania: Aria Of SorrowGame Boy Advance06/200389%
Fire Emblem Awakening3DS05/201389%
Mario TennisGame Boy Color03/200189%
Turok: Legenden des verlorenen LandesNintendo 6411/199989%
World Driver ChampionshipNintendo 6408/199989%
World Driver ChampionshipNintendo 6412/199989%
Ridge Racer 64Nintendo 6402/200089%
NFL Quarterback Club 2000Nintendo 6410/199989%
Super Smash Bros. BrawlWii04/200889%
WWF Wrestlemania 2000Nintendo 6401/200089%
Toy Story 2Nintendo 6401/200089%
Pokémon - Diamant-EditionDS07/200789%
Pokémon - Diamant-EditionDS08/200789%
Pokémon - Perl-EditionDS07/200789%
Pokémon - Perl-EditionDS08/200789%
Pikmin 2Wii07/200989%
Pokémon: Platin-EditionDS06/200989%
Pokémon: Platin-EditionDS07/200989%
Conker's Bad Fur DayNintendo 6404/200189%
NFL Quarterback Club '98Nintendo 6412/199789%
NFL Quarterback Club '99Nintendo 6412/199889%
Banjo-TooieNintendo 6401/200189%
Banjo-TooieNintendo 6404/200189%
International Superstar Soccer 98Nintendo 6408/199889%
International Superstar Soccer 98Nintendo 6409/199889%
International Superstar Soccer 64Nintendo 6407/199789%
International Superstar Soccer 2000Nintendo 6410/199989%
Super Monkey Ball 2GameCube04/200389%
Tales Of SymphoniaGameCube11/200389%
Tales Of SymphoniaGameCube13/200489%
Castlevania: Harmony Of DissonanceGame Boy Advance09/200289%
Castlevania: Harmony Of DissonanceGame Boy Advance08/200289%
Mario Power TennisGame Boy Advance12/200589%
Mario & Luigi: Superstar SagaGame Boy Advance01/200489%
Wario Land 4Game Boy Advance11/200189%
Wario Land 4Game Boy Advance10/200189%
Yoshi's Island DSDS01/200789%
Animal CrossingGameCube11/200489%
Beyond Good & EvilGameCube04/200489%
Beyond Good & EvilGameCube03/200489%
Tomb RaiderGame Boy Color07/200089%
Paper Mario: Die Legende vom ÄonentorGameCube10/200489%
Pokémon XD: Der dunkle SturmGameCube12/200589%
Pokémon XD: Der dunkle SturmGameCube10/200589%
Rayman 3: Hoodlum HavocGameCube03/200389%
Resident Evil ZeroGameCube01/200389%
Resident Evil ZeroGameCube03/200389%
FIFA 06GameCube10/200589%
FIFA Football 2005GameCube12/200489%
Burnout 2: Point Of ImpactGameCube06/200389%
Donkey KongaGameCube11/200489%
Donkey Konga 2GameCube06/200589%
Pokémon PinballGame Boy Color10/200089%
Pokémon PinballGame Boy Color08/199989%
Madden NFL 06GameCube10/200589%
Mario Kart 64Nintendo 6406/199789%
Golden Sun: Die vergessene EpocheGame Boy Advance10/200389%
Assassin's Creed IIIWii U01/201388%
Animal Crossing: Wild WorldDS02/200688%
Animal Crossing: Wild WorldDS04/200688%
Persona Q: Shadow Of The Labyrinth3DS01/201588%
Deus Ex: Human RevolutionWii U12/201388%
WWE Day Of Reckoning 2GameCube10/200588%
GoldenEye 007Nintendo 6410/199788%
CrocGame Boy Color08/200088%
Conker's Pocket TalesGame Boy Color08/199988%
Rock Band 2Wii06/200988%
Donkey Kong Jungle BeatGameCube03/200588%
Final Fantasy: Crystal ChroniclesGameCube10/200388%
Final Fantasy: Crystal ChroniclesGameCube04/200488%
Resident EvilGameCube09/200288%
Mario & Luigi: Partners In TimeDS02/200688%
Castlevania: Portrait Of RuinDS03/200788%
Super Mario 64 DSDS04/200588%
Super Mario 64 DSDS02/200588%
The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom HourglassDS11/200788%
The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom HourglassDS09/200788%
Mario vs. Donkey KongGame Boy Advance13/200488%
Pokémon: Blattgrüne EditionGame Boy Advance04/200488%
Pokémon: Feuerrote EditionGame Boy Advance04/200488%
The Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords AdventuresGameCube02/200588%
The Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords AdventuresGameCube06/200488%
Advance WarsGame Boy Advance10/200188%
Advance WarsGame Boy Advance02/200288%
TimeSplitters 2GameCube12/200288%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3GameCube01/200288%
F-1 World Grand Prix IINintendo 6405/199988%
NBA Courtside 2Nintendo 6401/200088%
NBA Jam '99Nintendo 6412/199888%
NBA Jam 2000Nintendo 6411/199988%
NBA Live 99Nintendo 6412/199888%
Extreme G 2Nintendo 6411/199888%
All-Star Baseball 2000Nintendo 6405/199988%
Pokémon Stadium 2Nintendo 6407/199988%
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-StarsWii02/201088%
Monster Hunter TriWii05/201088%
Wario Land 3Game Boy Color06/200088%
Fire Emblem: Radiant DawnWii04/200888%
Guitar Hero III: Legends Of RockWii12/200788%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Winterspielen - Vancouver 2010DS11/200988%
Mario & Luigi: Abenteuer BowserDS11/200988%
Mario & Luigi: Abenteuer BowserDS06/200988%
DJ HeroWii12/200988%
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition3DS04/201188%
Turok 3: Shadow Of OblivionNintendo 6409/200088%
Top Gear OverdriveNintendo 6401/199988%
WipEout 64Nintendo 6412/199888%
Super Mario OdysseySwitch12/201788%
Resident Evil: Revelations3DS02/201288%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11Wii07/201088%
Kirby: Mass AttackDS11/201188%
Professor Layton und der Ruf des PhantomsDS12/201188%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011Wii11/201088%
Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder3DS11/201288%
Professor Layton und das Vermächtnis von Aslant3DS12/201388%
Shovel KnightWii U01/201588%
The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess HDWii U04/201688%
Bravely Second: End Layer3DS03/201688%
Bravely Default3DS01/201488%
NHL 2005GameCube11/200488%
NHL 06GameCube10/200588%
Boktai: The Sun Is In Your HandGame Boy Advance07/200488%
Skies Of Arcadia LegendsGameCube06/200388%
Into The BreachSwitch10/201888%
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows Of Valentia3DS06/201788%
Yo-Kai Watch 33DS01/201988%
Boktai 2: Solar Boy DjangoGame Boy Advance06/200588%
Yo-Kai Watch 2: Geistige Geister3DS11/201788%
Mario & Luigi: Abenteuer Bowser + Bowser Jr.s Reise3DS03/201988%
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond The Myth3DS12/201788%
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward3DS05/201388%
999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 DoorsDS05/201188%
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship EditionWii U08/201488%
Shin Megami Tensei IV3DS12/201488%
Shantae And The Pirate's CurseWii U04/201588%
Indiana Jones And The Infernal MachineNintendo 6402/200188%
Indiana Jones And The Infernal MachineNintendo 6404/200188%
The World Ends With YouDS06/200888%
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse3DS01/201788%
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit Of Justice3DS10/201687%
Tony Hawk's Downhill JamDS01/200787%
UEFA Champions League 2004-2005GameCube04/200587%
Astro Boy: Omega FactorGame Boy Advance06/200587%
Ruff & TumbleNintendo 6402/200087%
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The RiftDS08/200887%
Rune Factory 43DS02/201587%
Civilization VISwitch01/201987%
Yo-Kai Watch 2: Kräftige Seelen3DS05/201787%
Yo-Kai Watch 2: Knochige Gespenster3DS05/201787%
Hollow KnightSwitch08/201887%
Doom IIGame Boy Advance02/200387%
Duke Nukem AdvanceGame Boy Advance10/200287%
Medal Of Honor: FrontlineGameCube01/200387%
Stardew ValleySwitch12/201787%
Madden NFL 2002GameCube02/200287%
Rock BandWii12/200887%
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight3DS03/201687%
Call Of Duty: GhostsWii U01/201487%
Beat The Beat: Rhythm ParadiseWii08/201287%
Xenoblade Chronicles XWii U01/201687%
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros.3DS01/201687%
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons - Super Mario Bros. Edition3DS06/201587%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops IIWii U01/201387%
Assassin's Creed IV: Black FlagWii U01/201487%
FIFA 11Wii10/201087%
Golden Sun: Die dunkle DämmerungDS01/201187%
Dragon Quest VI: Wandler zwischen den WeltenDS06/201187%
Call Of Duty: Black OpsWii01/201187%
Sonic & Sega All-Stars RacingDS03/201087%
Final Fantasy VIGame Boy Advance08/200787%
Advance Wars: Dark ConflictDS03/200887%
Spectrobes: Jenseits der PortaleDS12/200887%
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney3DS04/201487%
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D3DS04/201287%
Hatsune Miku - Project Mirai DX3DS11/201587%
Vigilante 8: Zweite HerausforderungNintendo 6402/200087%
V-Rally Edition '99Nintendo 6412/199887%
WCW/nWo RevengeNintendo 6411/199887%
Star Wars: Episode 1 - RacerNintendo 6406/199987%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009Wii04/200987%
Mario Kart WiiWii05/200887%
Picross 3DDS04/201087%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: MastersWii05/201187%
de Blob 2Wii03/201187%
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance3DS08/201287%
Guitar Hero: MetallicaWii06/200987%
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysDS11/200987%
Fire Emblem: Radiant DawnWii05/200787%
Sonic & Sega All-Stars RacingWii03/201087%
Rayman OriginsWii12/201187%
FIFA Fussball Weltmeisterschaft Südafrika 2010Wii06/201087%
de BlobWii10/200887%
Sonic Rush AdventureDS11/200787%
Beetle Adventure Racing!Nintendo 6404/199987%
F-1 World Grand PrixNintendo 6409/199887%
Mickey's Speedway USANintendo 6412/200087%
Jet Force GeminiNintendo 6411/199987%
Racing Simulation 2Nintendo 6410/199987%
Wario WorldGameCube07/200387%
Wave Race: Blue StormGameCube05/200287%
WWE Day Of ReckoningGameCube11/200487%
Mickey's Speedway USAGame Boy Color04/200187%
Donkey Kong CountryGame Boy Advance07/200387%
Donkey Kong Country 2Game Boy Advance08/200487%
Donkey Kong Country 3Game Boy Advance11/200587%
Fire Emblem: The Sacred StonesGame Boy Advance12/200587%
Rayman 3Game Boy Advance03/200387%
Pokémon - Rubin-EditionGame Boy Advance02/200387%
Pokémon - Rubin-EditionGame Boy Advance08/200387%
Pokémon - Saphir-EditionGame Boy Advance02/200387%
Pokémon - Saphir-EditionGame Boy Advance08/200387%
Pokémon: Smaragd-EditionGame Boy Advance13/200487%
Pokémon: Smaragd-EditionGame Boy Advance11/200587%
Mario Golf: Advance TourGame Boy Advance09/200487%
Mario Golf: Advance TourGame Boy Advance11/200487%
Tales Of PhantasiaGame Boy Advance04/200687%
Sonic Advance 3Game Boy Advance08/200487%
WarioWare - Touched!DS02/200587%
WarioWare - Touched!DS04/200587%
Sonic RushDS12/200587%
Castlevania: Dawn Of SorrowDS10/200587%
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game Of The MovieGameCube01/200687%
Need For Speed: Underground 2GameCube13/200487%
Mario Party 5GameCube01/200487%
Mario Party 6GameCube03/200587%
Donkey KongaGameCube03/200487%
Def Jam: Fight for NYGameCube12/200487%
Castlevania: Order Of EcclesiaDS02/200987%
Final Fantasy IVDS10/200887%
Anno 1701: Dawn Of DiscoveryDS07/200787%
Shantae: Half-Genie HeroWii U02/201787%
Fantasy Life3DS10/201487%
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl3DS06/201487%
Mario Golf: World Tour3DS06/201487%
Tom Clancy's EndWarDS01/200987%
Animal Crossing: New Leaf3DS01/201786%
Pokémon Omega Rubin3DS12/201486%
Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The CityWii01/200986%
Meteos: Disney MagicDS08/200786%
Guitar Hero: World TourWii01/200986%
Fire Emblem: Shadow DragonDS01/200986%
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des KönigsGameCube12/200386%
Die Hard: VendettaGameCube12/200286%
Die Sims brechen ausGameCube01/200486%
Liebesgrüsse aus MoskauGameCube12/200586%
Killer 7GameCube08/200586%
Luigi's MansionGameCube05/200286%
Donkey Kong Jungle BeatGameCube02/200586%
FIFA Football 2004GameCube12/200386%
Tony Hawk's American Sk8landDS01/200686%
Baten KaitosGameCube05/200586%
Rayman: Die Rache der HoodlumsGame Boy Advance05/200586%
Rayman AdvanceGame Boy Advance06/200186%
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of SoulsGame Boy Advance01/200586%
F-Zero: GP LegendGame Boy Advance07/200486%
DoomGame Boy Advance01/200286%
Crash Bandicoot XSGame Boy Advance03/200286%
Breath Of Fire IIGame Boy Advance07/200286%
Breath Of Fire IIGame Boy Advance08/200286%
Mystical Ninja2: Starring GoemonNintendo 6404/199986%
1080° SnowboardingNintendo 6404/199886%
1080° SnowboardingNintendo 6410/199886%
Excitebike 64Nintendo 6407/200086%
Excitebike 64Nintendo 6406/200186%
ECW Hardcore RevolutionNintendo 6403/200086%
Bust-A-Move 3DXNintendo 6401/199986%
Bomberman 64Nintendo 6411/199786%
Mario Slam BasketballDS03/200786%
Hey you, PikachuNintendo 6401/200186%
Call Of Duty 3Wii01/200786%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen: London 2012Wii12/201186%
Little King's StoryWii06/200986%
Kirby und das magische GarnWii03/201186%
Guitar Hero 5Wii11/200986%
Might & Magic: Clash Of HeroesDS02/201086%
The Conduit 2Wii05/201186%
Sphinx und die verfluchte MumieGameCube03/200486%
Bully: Die EhrenrundeWii04/200886%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08Wii11/200786%
Raving Rabbids: Die verrückte ZeitreiseWii12/201086%
True Crime: Streets Of LAGameCube12/200386%
Turok: Dinosaur HunterNintendo 6406/199786%
WWF Attitude - Get It!Nintendo 6409/199986%
Sonic und die geheimen RingeWii04/200786%
Die SiedlerDS08/200786%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07Wii04/200786%
Vigilante 8Nintendo 6404/199986%
Wave Race 64Nintendo 6406/199786%
Freedom FightersGameCube11/200386%
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D3DS06/201386%
Kirby's Adventure WiiWii01/201286%
Dragon Quest: Die Hand der HimmelsbrautDS04/200986%
Golden Eye 007Wii12/201086%
Muramasa: The Demon BladeWii11/200986%
Bomberman Max 2: Red AdvanceGame Boy Advance04/200386%
Bomberman Max 2: Blue AdvanceGame Boy Advance04/200386%
Mass Effect 3: Special EditionWii U01/201386%
Pokémon Alpha Saphir3DS12/201486%
NBA Live 06GameCube11/200586%
Call Of Duty 2: Big Red OneGameCube01/200686%
Call Of Duty 4: Modern WarfareWii01/201086%
NHL 2004GameCube11/200386%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 - All-PlayWii11/200886%
Virtua TennisGame Boy Advance03/200386%
Medal Of Honor: InfiltratorGame Boy Advance02/200486%
Octopath TravelerSwitch08/201886%
NBA 2K3GameCube04/200386%
Hyper Light DrifterSwitch11/201886%
Space Invaders ExtremeDS09/200886%
Ace Attorney Trilogy3DS02/201586%
Fast Racing NeoWii U02/201686%
Shantae And The Pirate's Curse3DS04/201586%
Band HeroDS01/201086%
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowsers Schergen3DS11/201786%
Star Wars: Episode 1 - Obi-Wan's AdventuresGame Boy Color01/200186%
Return Of The Ninja 2Game Boy Color03/200186%
Die Biene Maja: Süßes GoldGame Boy Advance05/200586%
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit Of Justice - Turnabout Time Traveller3DS12/201686%
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of FatesDS04/200886%
Paper Mario: Color SplashWii U11/201686%
NHL 2K3GameCube05/200386%
Dragon Quest VII: Fragmente der Vergangenheit3DS10/201685%
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon SwordDS08/200885%
Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyDS04/200685%
Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyDS01/200785%
Fast Racing Neo: Neo-Future-PaketWii U11/201685%
NBA Street V3GameCube04/200585%
International Karate 2000Game Boy Color12/200085%
Super Street Fighter II X RevivalGame Boy Advance09/200185%
Sin And PunishmentNintendo 6402/200185%
Konami GB Collection Vol. 4Game Boy Color09/200085%
Suzuki Alstare Extreme RacingGame Boy Color12/199985%
KlaxGame Boy Color08/199985%
Der Weg nach El DoradoGame Boy Color11/200085%
StarCraft 64Nintendo 6408/200085%
SpirouGame Boy Color06/200085%
Harvest Moon 2Game Boy Color06/200185%
Super Street Fighter II Turbo RevivalGame Boy Advance11/200185%
Guitar Hero: AerosmithWii08/200885%
Star Fox ZeroWii U05/201685%
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology3DS04/201885%
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom BattleSwitch10/201785%
Child Of LightWii U06/201485%
Mega Man Zero CollectionDS08/201085%
Super Smash Bros. DLCWii U06/201585%
Dance Dance Revolution With MarioGameCube09/200585%
Phantasy Star ZeroDS03/201085%
Dementium IIDS09/201085%
Mario Sports Superstars3DS04/201785%
New Super Mario Bros. U DeluxeSwitch02/201985%
Okami HDSwitch10/201885%
Luigi's Mansion3DS11/201885%
James Bond 007: NightfireGameCube01/200385%
Ecks vs. Sever 2: BallisticGame Boy Advance12/200285%
Eggo ManiaGame Boy Advance02/200285%
V-Rally 3Game Boy Advance08/200285%
Max Payne AdvanceGame Boy Advance06/200485%
Rock 'n' Roll RacingGame Boy Advance07/200385%
NHL 2003GameCube12/200285%
NBA Live 2005GameCube13/200485%
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D3DS05/201585%
Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U EditionWii U12/201285%
New Super Mario Bros. UWii U12/201285%
Tomodachi Life3DS07/201485%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011Wii12/201085%
C.O.P. The RecruitDS12/200985%
NBA JamWii12/201085%
Sonic Generations3DS12/201185%
Super Pokémon Rumble3DS01/201285%
Super Mario MakerWii U10/201585%
Mario Party 9Wii03/201285%
Super ScribblenautsDS11/201085%
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over The NexusDS04/201185%
Pflanzen gegen ZombiesDS06/201185%
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant WingsDS03/200885%
Guitar Hero On Tour: DecadesDS01/200985%
Age Of Empires: MythologiesDS02/200985%
Disgaea DSDS06/200985%
Hotel Dusk: Room 215DS05/200785%
WCW MayhemNintendo 6401/200085%
Nintendogs: Dachshund & FriendsDS07/200585%
Nintendogs: Dachshund & FriendsDS10/200585%
WWF WarzoneNintendo 6409/199885%
Micro Machines 64 TurboNintendo 6403/199985%
Sonic ColoursWii12/201085%
Conflict: Desert Storm IIGameCube12/200385%
Dead Space: ExtractionWii11/200985%
Hitman 2: Silent AssassinGameCube08/200385%
Mega Man ZXDS08/200785%
Dr. Kawashimas Mehr Gehirn-JoggingDS08/200785%
Knights Of The Temple: Infernal CrusadeGameCube05/200485%
Last Window: Das Geheimnis von Cape WestDS10/201085%
Zack & Wiki: Der Schatz von BarbarosWii02/200885%
Nintendogs: Dalmatian & FriendsDS08/200685%
NBA Live 08Wii11/200785%
Final Fantasy V AdvanceGame Boy Advance04/200785%
Elite Beat AgentsDS08/200785%
Super Paper MarioWii06/200785%
Super Paper MarioWii10/200785%
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone WarsWii05/201185%
Dead Or Alive Dimensions3DS06/201185%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D3DS04/201185%
Space Invaders Extreme 2DS11/200985%
Boom Blox Smash PartyWii07/200985%
FIFA 10Wii11/200985%
Anno: Erschaffe eine neue WeltWii07/200985%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010Wii11/200985%
Guitar Hero: Greatest HitsWii08/200985%
Anno: Erschaffe eine neue WeltDS07/200985%
Xenoblade ChroniclesWii09/201185%
No More Heroes 2: Desperate StruggleWii06/201085%
Sin And Punishment: Successor Of The SkiesWii05/201085%
Micky EpicWii01/201185%
FIFA 09 All-PlayWii12/200885%
Sonic Chronicles: Die dunkle BruderschaftDS11/200885%
Dragon Quest: Die Chronik der ErkorenenDS10/200885%
Geheimakte TunguskaWii06/200885%
Pokémon Puzzle LeagueNintendo 6403/200185%
Pokémon SnapNintendo 6407/199985%
Nintendogs: Labrador & FriendsDS07/200585%
Nintendogs: Labrador & FriendsDS10/200585%
Destruction Derby 64Nintendo 6412/199985%
Mission: ImpossibleNintendo 6409/199885%
Hybrid HeavenNintendo 6410/199985%
Iggy's Reckin' BallsNintendo 6408/199885%
Army Men: Sarge's HeroesNintendo 6403/200085%
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade EditionNintendo 6405/199885%
F1 Racing ChampionshipNintendo 6411/200085%
Mystical Ninja: Starring GoemonNintendo 6404/199885%
Magical Tetris ChallengeNintendo 6403/199985%
Magical Tetris ChallengeNintendo 6411/199985%
NBA CourtsideNintendo 6406/199885%
Operation: WinBackNintendo 6411/199985%
Operation: WinBackNintendo 6404/200085%
Paper MarioNintendo 6410/200085%
Star Wars: Episode 1 - Battle For NabooNintendo 6403/200185%
Star Wars: Episode 1 - Battle For NabooNintendo 6402/200185%
NFL BlitzNintendo 6411/199885%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow SixNintendo 6411/199985%
Crash Bandicoot 2: N-TrancedGame Boy Advance04/200385%
Denki BlocksGame Boy Advance12/200185%
F-Zero: Maximum VelocityGame Boy Advance05/200185%
Gradius AdvanceGame Boy Advance11/200185%
FILA DecathlonGame Boy Advance04/200285%
Super Smash Bros. MeleeGameCube01/200285%
Super Smash Bros. MeleeGameCube06/200285%
Guitar Hero: On TourDS09/200885%
Pokémon Pinball: Rubin & SaphirGame Boy Advance12/200385%
Lady SiaGame Boy Advance11/200185%
Mech PlatoonGame Boy Advance01/200285%
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesGame Boy Advance06/200585%
Kirby: Nightmare In Dream LandGame Boy Advance11/200385%
Klonoa: Empire Of DreamsGame Boy Advance09/200185%
Klonoa: Empire Of DreamsGame Boy Advance12/200185%
Sonic AdvanceGame Boy Advance02/200285%
Sonic AdvanceGame Boy Advance03/200285%
Sonic Advance 2Game Boy Advance05/200385%
Super Monkey Ball Jr.Game Boy Advance04/200385%
Beach SpikersGameCube09/200285%
Beach SpikersGameCube10/200285%
FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft Deutschland 2006GameCube06/200685%
Viewtiful Joe Double TroubleDS03/200685%
Resident Evil: Deadly SilenceDS03/200685%
Resident Evil: Deadly SilenceDS04/200685%
Metroid Prime PinballDS01/200685%
Metroid Prime PinballDS08/200785%
Dr. Kawashimas Gehirn-JoggingDS06/200685%
Another Code: Doppelte ErinnerungDS07/200585%
TarzanGame Boy Color12/199985%
Resident Evil GaidenGame Boy Color12/200185%
Road Champs: BXS Stunt BikingGame Boy Color05/200185%
Pokémon Puzzle ChallengeGame Boy Color06/200185%
Pokémon Puzzle ChallengeGame Boy Color11/200085%
Micro Machines 1&2 - Twin TurboGame Boy Color03/200085%
International Track & FieldGame Boy Color04/200085%
Jay und die SpielzeugdiebeGame Boy Color09/200085%
Das Dschungelbuch: Moglis wildes AbenteuerGame Boy Color01/200185%
Fight Night Round 2GameCube05/200585%
James Bond 007: Alles oder nichtsGameCube03/200485%
GoldenEye: Rogue AgentGameCube01/200585%
Die SimsGameCube05/200385%
Blood Omen 2GameCube02/200385%
Crazy TaxiGameCube01/200285%
Crazy TaxiGameCube05/200285%
Dancing Stage: Mario MixGameCube11/200585%
Mario Golf: Toadstool TourGameCube10/200385%
Mario Golf: Toadstool TourGameCube07/200485%
Mario Smash FootballGameCube12/200585%
Spider-Man 2GameCube09/200485%
Call Of Duty: World At WarWii01/200985%
Die Original Moorhuhn JagdGame Boy Color01/200185%
Picross DSDS07/200785%
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & FreundeDS07/200585%
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & FreundeDS10/200585%
Final Fantasy IVDS07/200885%
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call3DS10/201485%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora TomorrowGame Boy Advance05/200485%
Luigi's Mansion 23DS04/201385%
Viva Piñata DSDS10/200885%
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney: Trials And TribulationsDS12/200885%
Golden SunGame Boy Advance03/200285%
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed3DS03/201385%
Need For Speed: Most Wanted UWii U05/201385%
Sonic & All-Stars Racing TransformedWii U01/201385%
Batman: Arkham City: Armoured EditionWii U01/201385%
Hyrule WarriorsWii U10/201484%
NBA Street Vol. 2GameCube07/200384%
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate3DS03/201584%
Dragon Quest MonstersGame Boy Color03/200084%
Red Faction IIGameCube07/200384%
Mario Party 7GameCube01/200684%
Mario Party 7GameCube02/200684%
Medal Of Honor: European AssaultGameCube07/200584%
Worms: Open WarfareDS04/200684%
X-Men Legends II: Rise Of ApocalypseGameCube12/200584%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008Wii04/200884%
Super Monkey Ball 2GameCube11/200284%
Star Wars Bounty HunterGameCube02/200384%
Final Fantasy IV AdvanceGame Boy Advance06/200684%
Castlevania: Circle Of The MoonGame Boy Advance05/200184%
Bomberman TournamentGame Boy Advance08/200184%
Chameleon TwistNintendo 6411/199784%
Holy Magic CenturyNintendo 6408/199884%
Holy Magic CenturyNintendo 6411/199884%
International Track & Field Summer GamesNintendo 6404/200084%
Mario Party 3Nintendo 6411/200184%
Mario Party 3Nintendo 6402/200184%
Lylat WarsNintendo 6406/199784%
Lylat WarsNintendo 6409/199784%
Command & ConquerNintendo 6407/199984%
Body HarvestNintendo 6412/199884%
Box Champions 2000Nintendo 6412/199984%
Blast CorpsNintendo 6406/199784%
Blast CorpsNintendo 6408/199784%
WarioWare: Smooth MovesWii02/200784%
Puzzle Quest 2DS09/201084%
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For AllDS04/200784%
Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 1-4Wii07/201084%
Harvest Moon: Magical MelodyWii05/200884%
Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3Wii05/201084%
Star Fox 64 3D3DS09/201184%
FIFA 10DS12/200984%
Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern HitsDS08/200984%
Kingdom Hearts Re:codedDS02/201184%
Freshly-Picked: Tingle's Rosy RupeelandDS11/200784%
Pokémon RangerDS04/200784%
Yoshi's StoryNintendo 6402/199884%
Yoshi's StoryNintendo 6404/199884%
Top Gear RallyNintendo 6411/199784%
SSX BlurWii05/200784%
Ace Attorney: Apollo JusticeDS07/200884%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012Wii12/201184%
Inazuma Eleven 2: FeuersturmDS06/201284%
Inazuma Eleven 2: EissturmDS06/201284%
Mario Tennis Open3DS06/201284%
Guitar Hero: Warriors Of RockWii11/201084%
Lego Indiana Jones 2: Die neuen AbenteuerWii12/200984%
Resident Evil: The Darkside ChroniclesWii12/200984%
Ken Griffey JR.'s SlugfestNintendo 6408/199984%
Zombi UWii U01/201384%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013Wii01/201384%
Lego Herr der RingeWii01/201384%
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker3DS12/201584%
NBA 2K2GameCube06/200284%
Lego Marvel Super HeroesWii U12/201384%
Need For Speed: UndergroundGameCube12/200384%
NBA Live 2004GameCube12/200384%
FIFA Football 2004Game Boy Advance01/200484%
FIFA Football 2003GameCube12/200284%
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of TimeGame Boy Advance12/200384%
Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceGame Boy Advance04/200384%
SSX TrickyGameCube08/200284%
Picross 3D: Round 23DS01/201784%
GT Advance 3: Pro Concept RacingGame Boy Advance05/200384%
Mega Man ZX AdventDS05/200884%
The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimSwitch01/201884%
Steamworld Dig 2Switch11/201784%
New International Track & FieldDS07/200884%
Rhythm Paradise Megamix3DS11/201684%
Advance GTAGame Boy Advance05/200184%
Spider-Man 2: The Sinister SixGame Boy Color08/200184%
ToonsylvaniaGame Boy Color07/200084%
Lucky Luke: Banditen ExpressGame Boy Color01/200184%
Snoopy TennisGame Boy Color11/200184%
Racedriver GridDS06/200884%
Daigasso! Band BrothersDS03/200584%
Axiom VergeSwitch10/201684%
Tony Hawk's Proving GroundDS01/200884%
Lunar KnightsDS04/200784%
Die Sims 2: HaustiereGameCube11/200683%
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendGameCube01/200783%
Skylanders ImaginatorsWii U12/201683%
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks Paket3DS11/201683%
Soul BubblesDS08/200883%
Contra 4DS03/200883%
Wendy: Every Witch WayGame Boy Color11/200183%
Woody Woodpecker RacingGame Boy Color02/200183%
SwingGame Boy Color04/200083%
Janosch: Das große Panama SpielGame Boy Color03/200083%
F1 Racing ChampionshipGame Boy Color11/200083%
Donald Duck - Quack AttackGame Boy Color10/200083%
Alexander Zickler Total Soccer 2002Game Boy Advance11/200183%
Santa Claus JuniorGame Boy Color12/200183%
Monster Boy And The Cursed KingdomSwitch01/201983%
Etrian Odyssey Nexus3DS03/201983%
Dragon Quest BuildersSwitch03/201883%
Mario Tennis AcesSwitch08/201883%
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest MoonDS12/201083%
Jump Super StarsDS10/200583%
Super Mario PartySwitch12/201883%
Super Mario PartySwitch11/201883%
Overcooked! 2Switch10/201883%
Dead CellsSwitch09/201883%
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden CountrySwitch11/201883%
Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World3DS03/201783%
Lost Kingdoms IIGameCube06/200383%
Shining SoulGame Boy Advance03/200383%
Summoner: A Goddess RebornGameCube04/200383%
Disney's Extreme Skate AdventureGameCube10/200383%
Onimusha TacticsGame Boy Advance12/200383%
SSX TrickyGameCube01/200283%
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi OutcastGameCube01/200383%
WWE Wrestlemania XIXGameCube10/200383%
Tak und die Macht des JujuGameCube05/200483%
Boulder Dash EXGame Boy Advance09/200283%
Herr der Ringe: Das dritte ZeitalterGameCube13/200483%
Mega Man Zero 3Game Boy Advance12/200483%
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesGame Boy Advance01/200483%
FIFA Football 2003Game Boy Advance01/200383%
NBA Live 2003GameCube02/200383%
Senran Kagura Burst3DS04/201483%
Rayman Raving RabbidsGame Boy Advance02/200783%
Def Jam VendettaGameCube07/200383%
ExciteBots: Trick RacingWii06/200983%
Project Zero: Maiden Of Black WaterWii U11/201583%
Story Of Seasons3DS02/201683%
Harry Potter und die Kammer des SchreckensGame Boy Advance01/200383%
Animal LeaderGameCube04/200283%
BlackThorneGame Boy Advance11/200383%
Yoshi's Woolly WorldWii U08/201583%
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies3DS12/201383%
Need For Speed: NitroWii12/200983%
EA Sports Active: More WorkoutsWii01/201083%
Bit.Trip CompleteWii05/201283%
Crash Bandicoot: Der Zorn des CortexGameCube10/200283%
Tak 2: Der Stab der TräumeGameCube04/200583%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: BlacklistWii U10/201383%
Lego Batman 2: DC Super HeroesWii08/201283%
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy3DS08/201283%
Lego Star Wars: Die komplette SagaDS02/200883%
Ghost Trick: Phantom-DetektivDS02/201183%
Crush 3D: Das Puzzle in einer neuen Dimension3DS02/201283%
Pokémon RangerDS06/200683%
Final Fantasy IIIDS06/200783%
Wario Land: The Shake DimensionWii10/200883%
Wario Land: The Shake DimensionWii11/200883%
Undercover: Doppeltes SpielDS10/200783%
Kid Icarus: Uprising3DS04/201283%
Geheimakte 2: Puritas CordisWii06/200983%
Infinite SpaceDS05/201083%
Super Monkey Ball: Step & RollWii03/201083%
Sonic und der schwarze RitterWii04/200983%
FIFA 09DS12/200883%
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest MoonDS04/200983%
Geometry Wars: GalaxiesWii01/200883%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009Wii12/200883%
Call Of Duty: World At WarDS01/200983%
WarioWare: Do It YourselfDS05/201083%
Bomberman HeroNintendo 6406/199883%
Bomberman HeroNintendo 6410/199883%
CastleVania: Legacy Of DarknessNintendo 6402/200083%
Mystical Ninja: Starring GoemonNintendo 6410/199783%
NHL Breakaway '99Nintendo 6401/199983%
CastlevaniaNintendo 6403/199983%
CastlevaniaNintendo 6405/199983%
Mario Party 2Nintendo 6402/200083%
Mario Party 2Nintendo 6410/200083%
Roadsters TrophyNintendo 6401/200083%
Boxing FeverGame Boy Advance03/200283%
Chu Chu RocketGame Boy Advance05/200183%
Chu Chu RocketGame Boy Advance12/200183%
GT Advance 2: Rally RacingGame Boy Advance07/200283%
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham HeartbreakGame Boy Advance08/200383%
Tak: Die große Juju-JagdGameCube03/200683%
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate DestructionGameCube11/200583%
Lego Indiana Jones: Die legendären AbenteuerWii07/200883%
FIFA 08Wii11/200783%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009DS12/200883%
Konami Krazy RacersGame Boy Advance05/200183%
Kirby And The Amazing MirrorGame Boy Advance10/200483%
Pokémon: Feuerrote EditionGame Boy Advance11/200483%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue SpearGame Boy Advance04/200283%
Polarium AdvanceGame Boy Advance05/200683%
Pokémon: Blattgrüne EditionGame Boy Advance11/200483%
Trauma Center: Under The KnifeDS05/200683%
Ultimate Spider-ManDS12/200583%
Super Princess PeachDS06/200683%
Rayman DSDS04/200583%
Hype - The Time QuestGame Boy Color11/200083%
Super Mario AdvanceGame Boy Advance05/200183%
Age Of Empires: The Age Of KingsDS09/200683%
Lego Star Wars II: Die klassische TrilogieGameCube10/200683%
Spider-Man: The MovieGameCube07/200283%
Sonic HeroesGameCube03/200483%
Sonic Mega CollectionGameCube05/200383%
Dark SummitGameCube06/200283%
Der Herr der Ringe: Die zwei TürmeGameCube03/200383%
Die Sims 2GameCube12/200583%
Lost KingdomsGameCube08/200283%
James Bond 007: Agent im KreuzfeuerGameCube07/200283%
James Bond 007: Agent im KreuzfeuerGameCube05/200283%
DaikatanaGame Boy Color11/200083%
Chicken RunGame Boy Color01/200183%
Williams Pinball ClassicsWii09/201183%
Kirby und der Regenbogen-PinselWii U05/201583%
Tony Hawk's American Sk8landGame Boy Advance01/200683%
Trauma Center: Second OpinionWii09/200783%
Trauma Center: New BloodWii01/200983%
Sonic Pinball PartyGame Boy Advance01/200483%
Custom Robo ArenaDS07/200783%
Brothers In Arms DSDS08/200783%
Skylanders: Trap TeamWii U11/201483%
The Wonderful 101Wii U09/201383%
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros.3DS08/201383%
Darksiders IIWii U01/201383%
Lock's Quest: Hüter der WeltDS12/200883%
Unsolved Crimes: Tatort New York CityDS12/200882%
Lego City UndercoverWii U04/201382%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008DS12/200782%
Batman: Arkham OriginsWii U12/201382%
Ultimate NES Remix3DS12/201482%
Madden NFL 08Wii11/200782%
Pitfall: Die verlorene ExpeditionGameCube05/200482%
Mario Party 10Wii U04/201582%
The ConduitWii07/200982%
Need For Speed - UndercoverWii01/200982%
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes Of TimeDS05/200982%
Harry Potter und der FeuerkelchGameCube01/200682%
Bloody Roar: Primal FuryGameCube05/200282%
Sega Soccer SlamGameCube05/200282%
Sega Soccer SlamGameCube11/200282%
NBA Courtside 2002GameCube06/200282%
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & IIGameCube11/200282%
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 - Marsch der Mini-MariosDS04/200782%
Spider-Man: The MovieGame Boy Color07/200282%
Mickey's Racing AdventureGame Boy Color01/200082%
The Rub Rabbits!DS03/200682%
Mortal Kombat: Deadly AllianceGame Boy Advance01/200382%
GT Advance 2: Rally RacingGame Boy Advance06/200282%
WarioWare - Twisted!Game Boy Advance07/200582%
Sabre WulfGame Boy Advance04/200482%
Boom BloxWii06/200882%
Fire Pro WrestlingGame Boy Advance05/200182%
Frogger's Adventures: Temple Of The FrogGame Boy Advance01/200282%
Breath Of FireGame Boy Advance04/200282%
Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's RevengeGame Boy Advance12/200382%
Die Sims brechen ausGame Boy Advance03/200482%
Rocket: Robot On WheelsNintendo 6412/199982%
Penny RacersNintendo 6411/199882%
Mario PartyNintendo 6403/199982%
Madden NFL 07Wii02/200782%
Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games - Beijing 2008DS03/200882%
Cursed MountainWii09/200982%
FIFA 123DS11/201182%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Winterspielen - Vancouver 2010Wii11/200982%
Spectrobes: Der UrsprungWii10/200982%
Wii Fit PlusWii11/200982%
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Aufruhr im Miniland!DS02/201182%
Inazuma ElevenDS02/201182%
Kirby Super Star UltraDS10/200982%
Runaway: The Dream Of The TurtleWii01/201082%
Kirby: Mouse AttackDS08/200782%
Final Fantasy IIIDS11/200682%
Smuggler's Run: WarzonesGameCube10/200282%
Prince Of Persia: Rival SwordsWii06/200782%
Shadowgate 64: Trials Of The Four TowersNintendo 6409/199982%
Shadowgate 64: Trials Of The Four TowersNintendo 6406/199982%
Madden NFL 99Nintendo 6401/199982%
Virtual Pool 64Nintendo 6404/199982%
Sonic ManiaSwitch09/201782%
Disgaea 5: CompleteSwitch07/201782%
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Reverse Of Arcadia - World Championship 2010DS05/201082%
Aliens: InfestationDS10/201182%
Etrian Mystery Dungeon3DS11/201582%
Skylanders: SuperChargersWii U11/201582%
FIFA Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2002GameCube05/200282%
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: Das VideospielWii06/201182%
Sonic ColoursDS12/201082%
Prince Of Persia: Die vergessene ZeitWii06/201082%
Art Academy AtelierWii U07/201582%
Madden NFL 2003Game Boy Advance11/200282%
Skylanders: GiantsWii12/201282%
Skylanders: GiantsWii U01/201382%
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers3DS11/201382%
Mario Tennis: Ultra SmashWii U12/201582%
FIFA 133DS11/201282%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008DS03/200882%
Lego Star WarsGameCube12/200582%
Project X Zone3DS09/201382%
Skylanders: SWAP ForceWii U12/201382%
Tomb Raider: The ProphecyGame Boy Advance12/200282%
FIFA Football 2002GameCube01/200282%
X-Men LegendsGameCube12/200482%
Shrek 2GameCube08/200482%
NBA StreetGameCube04/200282%
Goblin Commander: Unleash The HordeGameCube05/200482%
NHL Hitz 20-03GameCube12/200282%
NFL Street 2GameCube02/200582%
Bruce Lee: Return Of The LegendGame Boy Advance05/200382%
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3Game Boy Advance02/200382%
Mortal Kombat: Deadly AllianceGameCube03/200382%
Mortal Kombat: Deadly AllianceGameCube04/200382%
Knockout Kings 2003GameCube02/200382%
Splatoon 2: Octo ExpansionSwitch08/201882%
Mega Man X Legacy CollectionSwitch09/201882%
Cave Story+Switch09/201782%
The Banner Saga 3Switch09/201882%
State Of MindSwitch10/201882%
Valkyria Chronicles 4Switch11/201882%
Mega Man 11Switch12/201882%
Disgaea 1 CompleteSwitch12/201882%
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun!Switch12/201882%
Resident Evil: Revelations 2Switch01/201882%
Dragonball Origins 2DS08/201082%
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.Nintendo 6407/199882%
South Park: The Fractured But WholeSwitch06/201882%
Monster Hunter Generations3DS08/201682%
Big Bang MiniDS06/200982%
Pokémon TekkenWii U04/201682%
Stella Glow3DS05/201682%
Pokémon Tekken DXSwitch10/201782%
Valiant Hearts: The Great WarSwitch01/201982%
Dragon Quest Monsters: JokerDS04/200882%
Worms ArmageddonGame Boy Color01/200082%
Spider-ManNintendo 6401/200182%
Die Völker: Land der LegendenGame Boy Color10/200182%
Pocket SoccerGame Boy Color04/200182%
Boulder Dash: Rocks!DS01/200882%
Puzzle Quest: Challenge Of The WarlordsDS06/200882%
DTM Race Driver 3: Create & RaceDS11/200782%
Metal Slug AdvanceGame Boy Advance03/200582%
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit Of Justice - Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney3DS12/201682%
ZoooGame Boy Advance12/200581%
Hyrule Warriors Legends - A Link Between Worlds Paket3DS12/201681%
Legend Of Spyro: A New BeginningGameCube01/200781%
Dr. Mario 64Nintendo 6406/200181%
Mr. Driller 2Game Boy Advance05/200181%
NapoleonGame Boy Advance05/200181%
International Track & Field Summer GamesGame Boy Color10/200081%
Disney's The Little Mermaid II: Pinball FrenzyGame Boy Color04/200181%
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2Game Boy Advance12/200181%
DSF All Star TennisGame Boy Color12/199981%
Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerSwitch08/201881%
Wolfenstein II: The New ColossusSwitch08/201881%
Snipperclips Plus - - Zusammen schneidet man am besten ab!Switch01/201881%
Darkest DungeonSwitch03/201881%
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FEWii U07/201681%
Thor: God Of ThunderDS06/201181%
Supercross 2000Nintendo 6401/200081%
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong AdventureSwitch08/201881%
Fast RMXSwitch05/201781%
Katamari Damacy REROLLSwitch02/201981%
Rogue LegacySwitch01/201981%
Total Soccer ManagerGame Boy Advance06/200281%
Turok: EvolutionGame Boy Advance10/200281%
Super Ghouls'n GhostsGame Boy Advance09/200281%
Droopy's Tennis OpenGame Boy Advance07/200281%
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des KönigsGame Boy Advance01/200481%
Puyo Pop FeverGameCube04/200481%
Crash Bandicoot: FusionGame Boy Advance08/200481%
Spyro: FusionGame Boy Advance08/200481%
Tomb Raider: Curse Of The SwordGame Boy Color08/200181%
Defender Of The CrownGame Boy Advance02/200581%
Crash Tag Team RacingGameCube12/200581%
Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerWii U01/201581%
Sega Superstars TennisDS05/200881%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 3D3DS01/201381%
The King Of Fighters EX: Neo BloodGame Boy Advance03/200281%
Yoshi's New Island3DS04/201481%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 3D3DS02/201281%
F1 20113DS12/201181%
Shaun White Snowboarding: World StageWii12/200981%
Rhythm Thief & der Schatz des Kaisers3DS06/201281%
Pandora's TowerWii05/201281%
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition3DS03/201281%
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2DS11/201181%
Solatorobo: Red The HunterDS08/201181%
Paper Mario: Sticker Star3DS12/201281%
TarzanNintendo 6405/200081%
Terminator 3: The RedemptionGameCube11/200481%
Lego Star Wars: Die komplette SagaWii12/200781%
Donkey Kong Jungle BeatWii08/200981%
TrackMania Turbo DSDS12/201081%
Mario Sports MixWii02/201181%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-UpWii11/200981%
Marbles! Balance ChallengeWii06/200981%
Suikoden: TierkreisDS04/200981%
Red Steel 2Wii04/201081%
Lego Indiana Jones: Die legendären AbenteuerDS08/200881%
Mario Power TennisWii04/200981%
Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 1-4DS07/201081%
Excite TruckWii03/200781%
Die Sims 2: HaustiereDS01/200781%
Crazy MachinesWii09/201081%
Madden NFL 08DS11/200781%
Super Monkey Ball: Banana BlitzWii12/200681%
Donald Duck: Quack AttackNintendo 6412/200081%
Gex 3: Deep Cover GeckoNintendo 6410/199981%
Ready 2 Rumble BoxingNintendo 6401/200081%
Die Biene Maja das große AbenteuerGame Boy Advance04/200281%
CreaturesGame Boy Advance12/200181%
DK: King Of SwingGame Boy Advance03/200581%
Grand Theft AutoGame Boy Advance01/200581%
No More HeroesWii04/200881%
Super Monkey BallGameCube05/200281%
Sword Of ManaGame Boy Advance04/200481%
WarioWare Inc.: Minigame ManiaGame Boy Advance06/200381%
Yoshi's Universal GravitationGame Boy Advance05/200581%
Bomberman Story DSDS01/200881%
James Bond 007: Alles oder nichtsGame Boy Advance02/200481%
Kuru kuru kururinGame Boy Advance05/200181%
Batman: VengeanceGameCube05/200281%
Batman: VengeanceGameCube01/200281%
Zoo KeeperDS04/200581%
Pokémon Link!DS06/200681%
Project RubDS02/200581%
Project RubDS04/200581%
Die 24 Stunden von Le MansGame Boy Color07/200081%
Test Drive 6Game Boy Color08/200081%
Tweety's Highflying AdventuresGame Boy Color12/200081%
Metal Arms: Glitch In The SystemGameCube12/200381%
NHL Hitz 20-02GameCube01/200281%
NHL Hitz 20-02GameCube05/200281%
Sonic Adventure 2: BattleGameCube02/200281%
Sonic Adventure 2: BattleGameCube05/200281%
Spartan: Total WarriorGameCube11/200581%
Crash Nitro KartGameCube01/200481%
XG3: Extreme-G RacingGameCube01/200281%
XG3: Extreme-G RacingGameCube05/200281%
Mushroom Men: Der SporenkriegWii08/200981%
Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesWii03/201081%
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's DungeonWii01/200981%
Sonic UnleashedWii01/200981%
Attacke vom MarsGame Boy Color07/200081%
Comix ZoneGame Boy Advance02/200381%
Lego Batman 3: Beyond GothamWii U12/201481%
Game & WarioWii U07/201381%
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Mirror Of Fate3DS04/201381%
Spider-Man: Web Of ShadowsDS12/200881%
Lego Star Wars: The Force AwakensWii U08/201680%
Nintendo LandWii U12/201280%
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate3DS04/201380%
Monster Hunter 3 UltimateWii U04/201380%
Resident Evil: RevelationsWii U06/201380%
Animal Crossing: New Leaf3DS07/201380%
Kirby: Triple Deluxe3DS06/201480%
Tetris Ultimate3DS01/201580%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3GameCube08/200480%
Tom Clancy's Ghost ReconGameCube04/200380%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2GameCube05/200580%
Super Mario RuniOS11/201780%
Sonic BattleGame Boy Advance04/200480%
Mission: Impossible - Operation SurmaGameCube06/200480%
Lost In Blue 2DS06/200780%
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+3DS04/201580%
Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stones - Flammenwall3DS04/201580%
Tales Of Vesperia: Definitive EditionSwitch03/201980%
TrackMania DSDS01/200980%
Tomb Raider: UnderworldWii01/200980%
Dragonball OriginsDS02/200980%
AnimorphsGame Boy Color11/200080%
Duke NukemGame Boy Color12/199980%
Die Urbz: Sims In The CityGameCube01/200580%
Doshin The GiantGameCube10/200280%
Spyro: A Hero's TailGameCube13/200480%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Film ab!GameCube02/200680%
Second SightGameCube11/200480%
Need For Speed: Most WantedGameCube01/200680%
Mario Superstar BaseballGameCube12/200580%
NBA Courtside 2002GameCube03/200280%
Big Brain AcademyDS08/200680%
Die Sims 2DS01/200680%
Game & Watch Gallery 3Game Boy Color05/200080%
Mission ImpossibleGame Boy Color01/200080%
Lion King: Simba's Mighty AdventureGame Boy Color05/200180%
Nintendo Touch Golf: Birdie ChallengeDS12/200580%
Ridge Racer DSDS02/200580%
Ridge Racer DSDS07/200580%
Super Monkey Ball Touch & RollDS03/200680%
Star Fox CommandDS02/200780%
International Superstar SoccerGame Boy Advance12/200180%
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMXGame Boy Advance01/200280%
Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky StackersGame Boy Advance02/200280%
Worms: Open Warfare 2DS09/200780%
Disney's Kim Possible: Dr. Drakkens UntergangDS08/200680%
Tekken AdvanceGame Boy Advance04/200280%
Tekken AdvanceGame Boy Advance02/200280%
Tetris WorldsGame Boy Advance12/200180%
Endless OceanWii12/200780%
Ultimate Spider-ManGameCube12/200580%
Final Fight OneGame Boy Advance10/200180%
Final Fight OneGame Boy Advance08/200180%
Die Sims 2Game Boy Advance01/200680%
Dr. Mario & Puzzle LeagueGame Boy Advance12/200580%
Broken Sword: Baphomets FluchGame Boy Advance04/200280%
RTL World League Soccer 2000Nintendo 6412/199980%
GloverNintendo 6411/199880%
Hydro ThunderNintendo 6405/200080%
English Training: Spielend Englisch lernenDS11/200680%
All-Star Baseball '99Nintendo 6407/199880%
Madden Football 64Nintendo 6412/199780%
Kirby 64: The Crystal ShardsNintendo 6406/200080%
Kirby 64: The Crystal ShardsNintendo 6407/200180%
Tony Hawk's Downhill JamWii01/200780%
Need For Speed: CarbonWii02/200780%
Ghostbusters: The Video GameWii11/200980%
Prince Of Persia: Die vergessene ZeitDS06/201080%
Pokémon StadiumNintendo 6410/199880%
Children Of ManaDS02/200780%
Red SteelWii01/200780%
Automobili LamborghiniNintendo 6412/199780%
Gottlieb Pinball ClassicsWii01/200780%
DaikatanaNintendo 6404/200080%
Tales Of The Abyss3DS01/201280%
PokéPark Wii - Pikachus grosses AbenteuerWii08/201080%
Ferrari ChallengeDS02/200880%
Sega Superstars TennisWii05/200880%
Ferrari ChallengeWii09/200880%
Dementium: Die AnstaltDS12/200880%
EA Sports Active Personal TrainerWii07/200980%
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedWii11/200880%
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins Of The MoonWii04/201080%
Rock Band: The BeatlesWii11/200980%
Let's TapWii07/200980%
Mini NinjasWii11/200980%
Rhythm ParadiseDS07/200980%
Geheimakte 2: Puritas CordisDS06/200980%
Super Mario All-StarsWii01/201180%
Bleach: Dark SoulsDS05/200980%
Resident Evil: ArchivesWii08/200980%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010DS12/200980%
Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New WorldWii12/200980%
Baphomets Fluch: The Director's CutWii05/200980%
Indiana Jones und der Stab der KönigeWii07/200980%
Lego StrategieDS08/200980%
Blast WorksWii07/200980%
Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever3DS04/201180%
Nintendogs + Cats: Zwergpudel3DS04/201180%
Cave Story 3D3DS12/201180%
Ridge Racer 3D3DS04/201180%
Nintendogs + Cats: Französische Bulldogge3DS04/201180%
Deadly CreaturesWii03/200980%
Die Sims 2: GestrandetWii12/200780%
Puzzle League DSDS08/200780%
Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games - Beijing 2008Wii12/200780%
Need For Speed: ProStreetWii01/200880%
Wii PartyWii11/201080%
Top Gear Hyper-BikeNintendo 6403/200080%
WCW vs. nWo: World TourNintendo 6404/199880%
WCW vs. nWo: World TourNintendo 6402/199880%
Worms ArmageddonNintendo 6411/199980%
Metal Slug AnthologyWii03/200780%
Star Wars: Rogue SquadronNintendo 6402/199980%
Gunpey DSDS06/200780%
Chronos TwinsDS12/200780%
Road Rash 64Nintendo 6412/199980%
Harvest Moon: Die Sonnenschein-InselnDS01/201180%
ATV Quad Power Racing 2GameCube03/200380%
The Last StoryWii03/201280%
Heroes Of Ruin3DS07/201280%
Injustice: Gods Among UsWii U06/201380%
Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins3DS06/201380%
FIFA 13Wii11/201280%
New Super Luigi UWii U08/201380%
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles EdgeworthDS04/201080%
FIFA 12Wii10/201180%
Dragonball Z: Attack Of The SaiyansDS01/201080%
Rhapsody: A Musical AdventureDS06/200980%
Rabbids Go HomeWii12/200980%
The Kore Gang: Invasion der Inner-IrdischenWii09/201080%
Tom Clancy's Ghost ReconWii12/201080%
Inazuma Eleven Go: Licht3DS07/201480%
StuntmanGame Boy Advance07/200380%
Inazuma Eleven Go: Schatten3DS07/201480%
Shrek 2Game Boy Advance09/200480%
Lego Batman: The VideogameDS12/200880%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004Game Boy Advance03/200480%
We Love Golf!Wii07/200880%
Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stones - Donnerknall3DS04/201580%
WWE '12Wii12/201180%
Need For Speed: ProStreetDS01/200880%
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - MobilizedDS01/201080%
Harry Potter und der Gefangene von AskabanGame Boy Advance09/200480%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3Game Boy Color01/200280%
Tennis Masters Series 2003Game Boy Advance10/200280%
Phantasy Star CollectionGame Boy Advance04/200380%
Wiley's Wireway: Total verboingt!DS12/200980%
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A KingDS06/200880%
Death Jr.: Root Of EvilWii08/200880%
Pinball Challenge DeluxeGame Boy Advance08/200280%
Eggo ManiaGameCube09/200280%
Dokapon: Monster HunterGame Boy Advance07/200280%
MX SuperflyGameCube11/200280%
The World Ends With You - Final RemixSwitch11/201880%
LEGO DC Super-VillainsSwitch12/201880%
Forgotton AnneSwitch01/201980%
Guacamelee 2Switch02/201980%
Pipe ManiaDS12/200880%
Fire Emblem HeroesiOS04/201780%
Fire Emblem HeroesAndroid04/201780%
Ever Oasis3DS07/201780%
Snipperclips - Zusammen schneidet man am besten ab!Switch05/201780%
Dragonball FighterZSwitch11/201880%
Final Fantasy XV: Pocket EditionSwitch11/201880%
Dark Souls: RemasteredSwitch12/201880%
Sushi Striker: The Way Of SushidoSwitch07/201880%
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogySwitch08/201880%
WCW MayhemGame Boy Color08/200080%
Ferrari: The Race ExperienceWii01/201180%
Swords & Soldiers 2Wii U07/201580%
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tripping StarsWii U04/201580%
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes Of LightDS11/201080%
Tetris AttackGame Boy Advance12/200580%
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive EditionSwitch07/201880%
Outlast: Bundle Of TerrorSwitch04/201880%
Pac Man: Championship Edition 2 PlusSwitch04/201880%
Outlast 2Switch05/201880%
Kirby Star AlliesSwitch04/201880%
A.O.T. 2Switch05/201880%
Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary CollectionSwitch07/201880%
L.A. NoireSwitch01/201880%
Super Mario RunAndroid11/201780%
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2Switch02/201880%
World Of Final Fantasy MaximaSwitch01/201980%
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle und die Verschwörung der Millionäre3DS11/201780%
Sine Mora EXSwitch12/201780%
Keep The Balance!Game Boy Color10/200180%
DSF All Star TennisGame Boy Color06/200080%
Geheimakte TunguskaDS06/200880%
Bangai-O SpiritsDS09/200880%
7th Dragon III Code: VFD3DS01/201780%
Metal Slug 7DS01/200980%
WWF Wrestlemania 2000Game Boy Color02/200080%
Wings Of FuryGame Boy Color06/200080%
Das Geheimnis der Happy Hippo-InselGame Boy Color07/200180%
Orcs & ElvesDS01/200880%
Call Of Duty 4: Modern WarfareDS01/200880%
Sid Meier's Civilization RevolutionDS10/200880%
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit Of Justice - Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney3DS12/201680%
Der SpongeBob Schwammkopf FilmGameCube02/200579%
Rogue Trooper: Quartz Zone MassacreWii04/200979%
Geometry Wars: GalaxiesDS02/200879%
Die Sims 2: HaustiereWii09/200779%
Crash Of The TitansDS12/200779%
Legend Of Spyro: A New BeginningGameCube01/200779%
Asphalt Urban GT 2DS02/200779%
Mr. Driller 2Game Boy Advance04/200479%
Spy vs SpyGame Boy Color08/199979%
Dream Pinball 3DWii10/200879%
Indiana Jones And The Infernal MachineGame Boy Color07/200179%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Der Tag der Duellanten - World Championship Tournament 2005Game Boy Advance06/200579%
Dezaemon 3DNintendo 6409/199879%
Great Empires: RomeDS08/200979%
Triple Play 2000Nintendo 6411/199979%
Summer Challenge: Athletics TournamentWii09/201079%
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of DanaSwitch09/201879%
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney3DS01/201879%
Pokémon: Let's Go, Evoli!Switch12/201879%
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!Switch12/201879%
Starlink: Battle For AtlasSwitch12/201879%
Football Manager 2019 TouchSwitch02/201979%
Iridion 2Game Boy Advance07/200379%
X-Men 2: Wolverine's RevengeGame Boy Advance06/200379%
Big Mutha TruckersGameCube11/200379%
Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceGame Boy Advance03/200479%
NFL StreetGameCube02/200479%
Medal Of Honor: Rising SunGameCube01/200479%
Terminator 3: Rebellion der MaschinenGame Boy Advance01/200479%
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004Game Boy Advance06/200479%
Project X Zone 23DS04/201679%
Project Zero 2: Wii EditionWii07/201279%
Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 5-7Wii01/201279%
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy3DS02/201279%
Puzzle Quest GalactrixDS05/200979%
Lego Batman: The VideogameWii12/200879%
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: Das VideospielDS06/201179%
James Bond 007: Blood StoneDS01/201179%
Lego DimensionsWii U11/201579%
Lego Jurassic WorldWii U08/201579%
Blue Dragon: Awakened ShadowDS10/201079%
Mario Strikers Charged FootballWii06/200779%
Star Wars: The Clone WarsGameCube12/200279%
Starshot: Panik im Space CircusNintendo 6411/199879%
Top Gear Rally 2Nintendo 6402/200079%
WetrixNintendo 6406/199879%
Tonic TroubleNintendo 6410/199979%
Buffy im Bann der Dämonen: Chaos BleedsGameCube11/200379%
Top Spin 4Wii05/201179%
Virtua Tennis 4Wii06/201179%
Cars 2Wii09/201179%
Link's Crossbow TrainingWii01/200879%
Earthworm Jim 3DNintendo 6401/200079%
Blues Brothers 2000Nintendo 6408/200079%
Blues Brothers 2000Nintendo 6409/200079%
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2000Nintendo 6407/200079%
Tournament Of LegendsWii07/201079%
Rayman Raving RabbidsWii01/200779%
Pro Evolution Soccer 6DS03/200779%
Lego RacersNintendo 6410/199979%
Gex 64: Enter The GeckoNintendo 6410/199879%
Hot Wheels Turbo RacingNintendo 6412/199979%
Monster Truck MadnessNintendo 6408/199979%
S.C.A.R.S.Nintendo 6401/199979%
Pilotwings 64Nintendo 6406/199779%
Turok: EvolutionGameCube11/200279%
Spiderman: Mysterio's MenaceGame Boy Advance09/200179%
Lego Star WarsGame Boy Advance06/200579%
Maniac Racers AdvanceGame Boy Advance06/200279%
Rampage Puzzle AttackGame Boy Advance01/200279%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare TroubadourDS12/200579%
NBA Pro '99Game Boy Color12/199979%
Lost In BlueDS12/200579%
Harry Potter: Quidditch-WeltmeisterschaftGameCube01/200479%
Disney's DinosaurierGame Boy Color10/200079%
Carl Lewis Athletics 2000Game Boy Color10/200079%
Shaun White Snowboarding: Road TripWii12/200879%
James Cameron's Avatar: Das SpielDS02/201079%
Watch DogsWii U01/201579%
Lego Batman 2: DC Super HeroesWii U07/201379%
Tom Clancy's Splinter CellGame Boy Advance06/200379%
Disney's Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & MinnieGame Boy Advance09/200379%
Crash Nitro KartGame Boy Advance02/200479%
Sing PartyWii U03/201379%
Rabbids Rumble3DS01/201379%
Zero Time Dilemma3DS08/201679%
Crash: Herrscher der MutantenWii01/200979%
Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV PartyDS01/200978%
Spider-Man: Web Of ShadowsWii12/200878%
Lego The HobbitWii U06/201478%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow SixGame Boy Color12/200078%
Disney's Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & MinnieGame Boy Advance10/200278%
MX vs. ATV UntamedWii06/200878%
007: Ein Quantum TrostWii01/200978%
Super FruitfallDS01/200778%
AnimorphsGame Boy Color09/200078%
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant Of The PlumeDS06/200978%
Skate ItWii01/200978%
Star Wars: The Clone WarsWii12/200878%
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful LifeGameCube05/200478%
Die Chroniken von Narnia: Der König von NarniaGameCube05/200678%
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2GameCube01/200278%
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2GameCube05/200278%
Pokémon ChannelGameCube05/200478%
Harry Potter und der FeuerkelchDS01/200678%
1080º: AvalancheGameCube01/200478%
Battalion WarsGameCube01/200678%
Billy Hatcher And The Giant EggGameCube12/200378%
Super Bust-A-MoveGame Boy Advance12/200178%
WarioWare Inc.GameCube10/200478%
Hot Potato!Game Boy Advance08/200178%
Hot Potato!Game Boy Advance05/200278%
Hercules: The Legendary JourneysNintendo 6408/200078%
Hercules: The Legendary JourneysNintendo 6409/200078%
Gauntlet LegendsNintendo 6412/199978%
Spider-Man: DimensionsWii10/201078%
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit CallerDS05/200778%
Call Of Duty: Finest HourGameCube02/200578%
Donkey Kong Jungle ClimberDS12/200778%
Battalion Wars 2Wii03/200878%
Battalion Wars 2Wii01/200878%
Alice im WunderlandWii04/201078%
Blue Dragon PlusDS05/200978%
Sam & Max: Season OneWii07/200978%
Giana Sisters DSDS04/200978%
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D3DS08/201178%
Dragonball: Revenge Of King PiccoloWii11/200978%
Overlord: Dark LegendWii08/200978%
Super Monkey Ball 3D3DS05/201178%
Samba de AmigoWii11/200878%
Shaun White SkateboardingWii12/201078%
Drawn To Life: Mal-Held seinDS10/200778%
Worms 3DGameCube11/200378%
Conflict: Desert StormGameCube07/200378%
Zoo Tycoon DSDS11/200578%
Mercury Meltdown RevolutionWii05/200778%
Alice im WunderlandDS04/201078%
Beat CityDS07/201078%
Puyo Puyo TetrisSwitch06/201778%
Alone In The Dark: The New NightmareGame Boy Color07/200178%
LBX: Little Battlers eXperience3DS10/201578%
Rayman Origins3DS08/201278%
Jam With The BandDS07/201078%
Ace GolfGameCube12/200278%
Tigger's Honey HuntNintendo 6401/200178%
Tigger's Honey HuntNintendo 6405/200178%
Call Of Duty: Black OpsDS01/201178%
Winter Sports 2011: Go For GoldWii02/201178%
Avalon CodeDS04/201078%
Assassin's Creed II: DiscoveryDS01/201078%
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeirDS03/200978%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition - Stairway To The Destined DuelGame Boy Advance05/200378%
Gormiti: Die Herrscher der Natur!Wii10/201078%
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Wii01/201278%
Kelly Slater's Pro SurferGameCube12/200278%
Final Fantasy Explorers3DS03/201678%
Disney InfinityWii U10/201378%
Lego Marvel's AvengersWii U03/201678%
Rubik's Puzzle WorldDS01/200978%
WWE '13Wii12/201278%
Lego Indiana Jones 2: Die neuen AbenteuerDS01/201078%
Inazuma Eleven 3: Team Oger greift an!3DS03/201478%
Inazuma Eleven 3: Kettenblitz3DS11/201378%
Inazuma Eleven 3: Explosion3DS11/201378%
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tripping Stars3DS04/201578%
The Simpsons: Hit & RunGameCube12/200378%
Harry Potter und der Stein der WeisenGame Boy Color01/200278%
Mega Man Zero 2Game Boy Advance12/200378%
Kao Das Känguru: Runde 2GameCube01/200578%
Megaman & BassGame Boy Advance04/200378%
Disney Sports BasketballGame Boy Advance08/200378%
Der Herr der Ringe: Die GefährtenGame Boy Advance11/200278%
Zone Of The Enders: The Fist Of MarsGame Boy Advance07/200278%
Fire Emblem WarriorsSwitch11/201778%
Child Of LightSwitch12/201878%
FIFA 19Switch11/201878%
Animal Crossing: Pocket CampiOS01/201878%
Animal Crossing: Pocket CampAndroid01/201878%
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Add-On: Die legendären PrüfungenSwitch08/201778%
Dr. Kawashimas Diabolisches Gehirn-Jogging3DS08/201778%
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Add-On: Die legendären PrüfungenWii U08/201778%
Dragonball Fusions3DS03/201778%
Die Biene Maja: Klatschmohnwiese in GefahrDS01/200778%
Lego City UndercoverSwitch06/201778%
Just Dance 2017Switch04/201778%
Galileo Mystery: Die Krone des MidasWii12/200978%
Bubble Bobble RevolutionDS02/200678%
Monster Hunter Stories3DS10/201778%
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - Die Ballade der ReckenSwitch02/201878%
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - Die Ballade der ReckenWii U02/201878%
Kirby: Planet Robobot3DS07/201678%
Scribblenauts: ShowdownSwitch04/201878%
Lego: The IncrediblesSwitch08/201878%
Legend Of The River King 2Game Boy Color03/200178%
Mario Party: Star Rush3DS11/201678%
Dinosaur KingDS10/200878%
Dream Pinball 3DDS10/200878%
Banjo PilotGame Boy Advance04/200577%
Scarface: The World Is YoursWii09/200777%
Naruto: Clash Of NinjaGameCube02/200777%
Etrian OdysseyDS08/200877%
Commander KeenGame Boy Color08/200177%
Bridge Constructor PortalSwitch04/201877%
Meisterdetektiv Pikachu3DS05/201877%
Lost SphearSwitch03/201877%
Thimbleweed ParkSwitch11/201777%
Dragonball: Xenoverse 2Switch11/201777%
FIFA 18Switch11/201777%
Battle Chasers: NightwarSwitch07/201877%
Army Men 2Game Boy Color08/200077%
Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity GauntletWii02/201177%
NHL 2K9Wii02/200977%
WarioWare Gold3DS09/201877%
Flipping DeathSwitch10/201877%
Hand Of Fate 2Switch09/201877%
My Hero One's JusticeSwitch12/201877%
Gear.Club Unlimited 2Switch01/201977%
Sega Mega Drive ClassicsSwitch02/201977%
Capcom Beat 'Em Up BundleSwitch11/201877%
Ecks vs. SeverGame Boy Advance02/200277%
Mega Man ZeroGame Boy Advance10/200277%
The MummyGame Boy Advance11/200277%
Monster HouseGame Boy Advance10/200677%
F1 Career ChallengeGameCube08/200377%
Drome RacersGameCube11/200377%
Prince Of Persia: The Fallen KingDS02/200977%
Marvel Avengers: Kampf um die ErdeWii U01/201377%
Pinball: Hall Of Fame 3D3DS06/201277%
Harvest Moon 3D: Geschichten zweier Städte3DS09/201277%
Guitar Hero LiveWii U12/201577%
Need For Speed: UndergroundGame Boy Advance04/200477%
NBA 2K12Wii12/201177%
FIFA 11DS12/201077%
Summer Stars 2012Wii05/201277%
Twisted Edge SnowboardingNintendo 6401/199977%
Xena: Talisman of FateNintendo 6412/199977%
Runaway: The Dream Of The TurtleWii02/200877%
Juiced 2: Hot Import NightsDS11/200777%
Rogue OpsGameCube03/200477%
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars3DS05/201177%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars3DS04/201177%
de Blob 2DS04/201177%
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: Das Videospiel3DS07/201177%
Pilotwings Resort3DS04/201177%
Another Code R: Die Suche nach der verborgenen ErinnerungWii08/200977%
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent AcesWii03/201077%
Racket Sports PartyWii05/201077%
Die Simpsons: Das SpielWii12/200777%
Die Simpsons: Das SpielDS01/200877%
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryWii01/200877%
Alone In The DarkWii08/200877%
Puzzle Quest: Challenge Of The WarlordsWii06/200877%
Nascar 2000Nintendo 6411/199977%
Marvel: Ultimate AllianceWii01/200777%
Daffy Duck als Weltraumheld Duck DodgersNintendo 6411/200077%
NHL Pro '99Nintendo 6404/199977%
NHL Pro '99Nintendo 6411/199977%
Harry Potter und der FeuerkelchGame Boy Advance01/200677%
Top Spin 3Wii08/200877%
Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power BattlesGame Boy Advance02/200277%
Prehistorik ManGame Boy Advance11/200177%
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game Of The MovieGame Boy Advance01/200677%
Yoshi Touch & GoDS04/200577%
Yoshi Touch & GoDS06/200577%
FIFA 06DS12/200577%
Star Fox AssaultGameCube04/200577%
Star Fox AssaultGameCube05/200577%
F1 2002GameCube09/200277%
SNK Arcade Classics: Vol. 1Wii02/200977%
Monster LabWii03/200977%
Chase HQ: Secret PoliceGame Boy Color10/199977%
Super Mario RuniOS02/201777%
Hot Wheels: World RaceGame Boy Advance02/200477%
Star Wars: The Clone WarsDS01/200977%
Scribblenauts UnlimitedWii U03/201377%
Scribblenauts UnlimitedWii U02/201476%
Die Gilde DSDS05/200976%
Ultimate BandDS05/200976%
Crazy MachinesDS09/200876%
Puzzle CityDS03/200976%
Mini Mario & Friends Amiibo Challenge3DS06/201676%
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 4Nintendo 6407/199776%
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham3DS01/201576%
Deja Vu I & IIGame Boy Color11/199976%
Eledees: The Adventures Of Kai And ZeroDS03/200976%
Time HollowDS02/200976%
Super Dodge Ball AdvanceGame Boy Advance05/200176%
Super Dodge Ball AdvanceGame Boy Advance11/200176%
Big Brain Academy für WiiWii09/200776%
Pangya! Golf With StyleWii07/200776%
Der HobbitGameCube01/200476%
International Superstar Soccer 2000Game Boy Color10/200076%
Batman BeginsGameCube08/200576%
Peter Pan: Neue Abenteuer in NimmerlandGame Boy Advance08/200276%
Mega Man Battle NetworkGame Boy Advance12/200176%
Jurassic Park III: Dino AttackGame Boy Advance03/200276%
Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark HandGame Boy Advance01/200276%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Reschef der ZerstörerGame Boy Advance12/200476%
Crash Of The TitansWii12/200776%
Ultimate Spider-ManGame Boy Advance12/200576%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Erkundungsteam ZeitDS08/200876%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Erkundungsteam DunkelheitDS08/200876%
Wreckless: The Yakuza MissionsGameCube01/200376%
Top Gun: Combat ZonesGameCube12/200276%
Summer AthleticsWii09/200876%
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham GamesGame Boy Advance10/200476%
Donald Duck AdvanceGame Boy Advance11/200176%
Star Wars: Shadows Of The EmpireNintendo 6406/199776%
Bio FreaksNintendo 6407/199876%
Bio FreaksNintendo 6410/199876%
Fighters Destiny 2Nintendo 6411/199976%
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2Wii05/200776%
Theme ParkDS05/200776%
F1 Pole PositionNintendo 6410/199776%
Chopper AttackNintendo 6402/199876%
Chopper AttackNintendo 6409/199876%
Fighters DestinyNintendo 6403/199876%
Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3Wii05/200876%
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2Wii12/200776%
Spyro AdventureGame Boy Advance12/200376%
Skylanders: Spyro's AdventureWii12/201176%
SimCity CreatorDS11/200876%
Harvest Moon: Baum der StilleWii11/200976%
Bratz Rock AngelzGameCube02/200676%
Für immer ShrekWii08/201076%
Toy Story 3DS09/201076%
Need For Speed: CarbonGameCube12/200676%
Pet AlienDS08/200776%
Tony Hawk's Proving GroundWii01/200876%
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.3DS06/201576%
Bust-A-Move DSDS06/200876%
King ArthurGameCube01/200576%
Taz ExpressNintendo 6407/200076%
Wayne Gretzky's 3D-Hockey '98Nintendo 6402/199876%
Wayne Gretzky's 3D-Hockey '98Nintendo 6405/199876%
TetrisphereNintendo 6410/199776%
TetrisphereNintendo 6403/199876%
Medal Of Honor: VanguardWii05/200776%
Maestro! Jump In MusicDS05/201076%
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer3DS11/201576%
Bomberman 2DS03/200976%
Rabbids Go HomeDS01/201076%
Wii Play: MotionWii07/201176%
Go VacationWii11/201176%
Toy Story 3Wii09/201076%
Die Abenteuer von Tim & Struppi: Das Geheimnis der EinhornWii12/201176%
Angry Birds Trilogy3DS11/201276%
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon3DS03/201676%
One Piece: Unlimited World Red3DS08/201476%
One Piece: Romance Dawn3DS01/201476%
Skylanders: SWAP ForceWii12/201376%
Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning3DS01/201476%
Mario und Sonic bei den Olympischen Winterspielen: Sotschi 2014Wii U12/201376%
The Lost VikingsGame Boy Advance05/200376%
Speed KingsGameCube08/200376%
Super Bust-A-Move All StarsGameCube11/200376%
König der LöwenGame Boy Advance12/200376%
Earthworm Jim 2Game Boy Advance01/200376%
Pro Rally 2002GameCube11/200276%
Super Mario Maker For Nintendo 3DS3DS01/201776%
SheepGame Boy Advance06/200276%
Spider-Man 2Game Boy Advance10/200476%
The Simpsons: Road RageGame Boy Advance10/200376%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002Game Boy Advance09/200276%
Star Wars: The New Droid ArmyGame Boy Advance01/200376%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeondice MonstersGame Boy Advance01/200476%
Hey! Pikmin3DS08/201776%
Avatar: Der Pfad des FeuersDS01/200976%
Monster LabDS01/200976%
Kirby: Battle Royale3DS12/201776%
Mini Mario & Friends Amiibo ChallengeWii U06/201676%
Pinobee: Quest Of HeartGame Boy Advance05/200176%
Real Football 2009DS02/200976%
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Der KürbiskönigGame Boy Advance02/200676%
Jewel Master: Cradle Of RomeDS07/200876%
Spacestation Silicon ValleyGame Boy Color09/199976%
Tiny Toon Adventures: Dizzy auf BonbonjagdGame Boy Color10/200176%
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker3DS08/201876%
Kung Fu PandaWii08/200876%
Darksiders: Warmastered EditionWii U07/201776%
Die Biene Maja: Klatschmohnwiese in GefahrGame Boy Advance02/200776%
Disney FriendsDS05/200875%
Denk-Spiele für DummiesDS05/200975%
Total Soccer 2000Game Boy Color12/199975%
Doodle HexDS09/200875%
Pokémon GoiOS08/201775%
Ogre Battle 64Nintendo 6401/200175%
Pokémon GoAndroid08/201775%
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2Wii U08/201675%
Story Of Seasons: Trio Of Towns3DS11/201775%
One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe EditionSwitch11/201775%
MySims: Sky HeroesWii11/201075%
Arcade Hits Pack: Gunblade NY & L.A. MachinegunsWii10/201075%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Die Kreatur aus der krossen KrabbeGame Boy Advance01/200775%
Die Chroniken von Narnia: Der König von NarniaDS01/200675%
Skylanders ImaginatorsSwitch05/201775%
Yomawari: The Long Night CollectionSwitch12/201875%
Monster Hunter Generations UltimateSwitch10/201875%
NBA 2K19Switch11/201875%
Batman: The Telltale SeriesSwitch01/201875%
Gear.Club UnlimitedSwitch01/201875%
Honeycomb BeatDS01/200875%
Mario Super SluggersWii09/200875%
Top Gun Firestorm AdvanceGame Boy Advance05/200275%
ESPN International Winter SportsGame Boy Advance03/200275%
Penny RacersGame Boy Advance04/200275%
Speedball 2Game Boy Advance08/200275%
Megaman Battle Network 3Game Boy Advance07/200375%
Puyo Pop FeverDS06/200675%
C.S.I.: Dark MotivesDS12/200775%
Whirl TourGameCube03/200375%
Dr. MutoGameCube04/200375%
Colin McRae Rally 2.0Game Boy Advance10/200275%
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2GameCube06/200575%
Bionicle HeroesDS01/200775%
NHL 2000Game Boy Color03/200075%
Tomb Raider: UnderworldDS02/200975%
Rainbow IslandsGame Boy Color06/200175%
Skylanders: Giants3DS12/201275%
The Legend Of Legacy3DS03/201675%
Scribblenauts Unlimited3DS03/201375%
Pokémon Ranger: Spuren des LichtsDS11/201075%
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2GameCube12/200275%
Schlag den Raab: Das 2. SpielWii12/201175%
Dragonball Z: Extreme butoden3DS11/201575%
Inazuma Eleven StrikersWii10/201275%
Poképark 2: Die Dimension der WünscheWii04/201275%
Lernen mit Pokémon: Tasten-AbenteuerDS10/201275%
Bit.Trip Saga3DS05/201275%
Need For Speed - UndercoverDS02/200975%
Bleach: The 3rd PhantomDS03/201075%
Blazing Angels: Squadrons Of WWIIWii05/200775%
Re-VoltNintendo 6410/199975%
Super Smash Bros.Nintendo 6403/199975%
Super Smash Bros.Nintendo 6401/200075%
Rayman Raving RabbidsDS05/200775%
42 SpieleklassikerDS11/200675%
Enter The MatrixGameCube06/200375%
My Sims RacingWii08/200975%
The Humans: Abenteuer mit den HöhlenmenschenDS07/200975%
My Sims RacingDS08/200975%
Tron: Evolution - Battle GridsWii03/201175%
Samurai Shodown AnthologyWii06/200975%
Cosmic FamilyWii11/200775%
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedDS12/200875%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Erkundungsteam HimmelDS12/200975%
Real Football 2008DS11/200775%
Nights: Journey Of DreamsWii03/200875%
Dancing Stage: Hottest PartyWii05/200875%
Endless Ocean 2: Der Ruf des MeeresWii03/201075%
Mind Quiz: Trainiere dein Gehirn!DS06/200775%
Magical StarsignDS03/200775%
Mace: The Dark AgeNintendo 6411/199775%
Mace: The Dark AgeNintendo 6401/199875%
NBA Pro '98Nintendo 6402/199875%
X-Men: The Official GameGameCube07/200675%
Lego Rock BandWii12/200975%
Shaman King: Master Of Spirits 2Game Boy Advance04/200675%
Lucky Luke: WantedGame Boy Advance12/200175%
Pac 'n RollDS12/200575%
Tonic TroubleGame Boy Color03/200075%
Burnout LegendsDS01/200675%
Asphalt: Urban GTDS04/200575%
Asphalt: Urban GTDS02/200575%
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2GameCube12/200275%
Madden NFL 06DS10/200575%
Killer Instinct GoldNintendo 6406/199775%
Pokémon Ranger: Finsternis über AlmiaDS01/200975%
007: Ein Quantum TrostDS01/200975%
Micky Epic: Die Macht der 2Wii12/201275%
Warriors Orochi 3 HyperWii U01/201375%
Naruto Powerful Shippuden3DS05/201374%
Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M.Game Boy Color02/200074%
My Sims PartyWii04/200974%
Need For Speed: Carbon - Own The CityGame Boy Advance01/200774%
Mario Party 4GameCube12/200274%
ESPN International Winter SportsGameCube05/200274%
ESPN International Winter SportsGameCube03/200274%
Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2DS02/200674%
GoldenEye: Rogue AgentDS08/200574%
PapyrusGame Boy Color12/199974%
Need For Speed: Underground 2DS07/200574%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos TheoryDS08/200574%
Lego Insel 2: Der Steinbrecher kehrt zurückGame Boy Advance10/200174%
Muppet Pinball MayhemGame Boy Advance08/200274%
Freestyle ScooterGame Boy Advance12/200174%
SpyHunterGame Boy Advance06/200274%
Street Racing SyndicateGameCube05/200574%
Bubble Bobble: Old & NewGame Boy Advance01/200374%
Disney's Lilo & StitchGame Boy Advance08/200274%
Rush 2: Extreme Racing USANintendo 6401/199974%
All Star Tennis '99Nintendo 6406/199974%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team BlauDS12/200674%
SpongeBob und seine Freunde: Angriff der SpielzeugroboterDS04/200874%
Bee Movie: Das GameWii01/200874%
Pokémon Battle RevolutionWii03/200774%
Cars: Hook InternationalWii03/200874%
Ghost SquadWii12/200774%
Ghost SquadWii02/200874%
Resident Evil ZeroWii02/201074%
SimCity CreatorWii12/200874%
Moto GPWii05/200974%
Family Trainer: Extreme ChallengeWii10/200974%
Aqua Panic!Wii07/200974%
Hunter: The ReckoningGameCube07/200374%
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007DS06/200774%
Harry Potter und der Gefangene von AskabanGameCube08/200474%
Harry Potter und die Kammer des SchreckensGameCube01/200374%
Himmel und HuhnGameCube03/200674%
Mario Party DSDS12/200774%
Snowboard Kids 2Nintendo 6405/199974%
Virtual Chess 64Nintendo 6406/199874%
Harvest Moon: Deine TierparadeWii01/201174%
Phineas und Ferb: Quer durch die 2. DimensionWii11/201174%
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP3DS03/201274%
Schlag den Raab: Das 3. SpielWii11/201274%
The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes3DS02/201674%
The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes3DS11/201574%
Disney Infinity 3.0: Star WarsWii U10/201574%
Tenchu: Shadow AssassinsWii05/200974%
Captain America: Super SoldierWii09/201174%
Die Abenteuer von Tim & Struppi: Das Geheimnis der Einhorn3DS12/201174%
Scribblenauts Unlimited3DS02/201474%
The Legend Of Kage 2DS01/200974%
Micky Epic: Macht der Fantasie3DS12/201274%
One Piece: Unlimited World RedWii U08/201474%
Madden NFL 2005DS02/200574%
Colin McRae RallyGame Boy Color10/200174%
InvaderGame Boy Advance04/200274%
Micro MachinesGameCube03/200374%
Motoracer AdvanceGame Boy Advance10/200274%
International Superstar Soccer 3GameCube07/200374%
Bomberman GenerationGameCube08/200274%
Bomberman GenerationGameCube12/200274%
Micro MachinesGame Boy Advance01/200374%
Spyro 2: Season Of FlameGame Boy Advance10/200274%
Santa Claus Jr.Game Boy Advance11/200274%
Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EXGame Boy Advance03/200374%
Deutschland sucht den SuperstarGame Boy Advance02/200474%
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon & Red SunGame Boy Advance11/200474%
No Rulez: Get PhatGame Boy Advance01/200274%
Pro Beach SoccerGame Boy Advance05/200374%
Mega Man - Star Force 2: Zerker x SaurianDS12/200874%
Mega Man - Star Force 2: Zerker x NinjaDS12/200874%
Blood RayneGameCube12/200274%
Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Rote-Katzen-Kommando3DS10/201874%
Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Weisse-Hunde-Brigade3DS10/201874%
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2Switch09/201874%
Has-Been HeroesSwitch06/201774%
Senran kagura 2: Deep Crimson3DS10/201574%
Academy Of ChampionsWii12/200974%
Jewel MatchDS07/200974%
Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers3DS07/201874%
Hyrule Warriors Legends3DS05/201674%
FortressGame Boy Advance12/200174%
Top Gun: Fire StormGame Boy Color09/200174%
LEGO Dimensions Story Pack: GhostbustersWii U11/201674%
Warhammer 40,000: Squad CommandDS01/200874%
Star Wars: Lethal AllianceDS01/200773%
Ab durch die Hecke: Hammy dreht durchGame Boy Advance02/200773%
Know-How der ZauberkunstDS05/200873%
Bratz Rock AngelzGame Boy Advance02/200673%
Golf Ou: The King Of GolfGame Boy Color05/200073%
Batman Of The Future: Return Of The JokerGame Boy Color02/200173%
Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep CapersNintendo 6402/200173%
Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep CapersNintendo 6403/200173%
Turok: Rage WarsGame Boy Color01/200073%
Toy Story RacerGame Boy Color05/200173%
Flipper & LopakaGame Boy Color03/200173%
Mario Party: The Top 1003DS02/201873%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen Rio 20163DS05/201673%
Cars 3: Driven To WinSwitch11/201773%
Cars 3: Driven To WinWii U11/201773%
Dragon Ball: Advanced AdventureGame Boy Advance08/200573%
Snake PassSwitch05/201773%
Smoke And SarificeSwitch07/201873%
Future Tactics: The UprisingGameCube01/200573%
Lemony Snicket: Rätselhafte EreignisseGame Boy Advance04/200573%
Disney's Extreme Skate AdventureGame Boy Advance11/200373%
All-Star Baseball 2002GameCube01/200273%
Pro Tennis WTA TourGameCube05/200273%
Aggressive InlineGame Boy Advance11/200273%
Monster Jam: Maximum DestructionGame Boy Advance10/200273%
WWE Wrestlemania X8GameCube08/200273%
WWE Wrestlemania X8GameCube11/200273%
V.I.P.Game Boy Advance09/200273%
V-Rally 3GameCube07/200373%
NBA Live 09 - All-PlayWii12/200873%
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 4Wii07/201173%
Mystery Case Files: Der Fall MalgraveWii09/201173%
F1 2009Wii01/201073%
Herr der Ringe: Die Abenteuer von AragornWii12/201073%
New Art Academy3DS09/201273%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Portale in die Unendlichkeit3DS06/201373%
uDraw Studio - Instant ArtistWii05/201173%
Zurück in die Zukunft - Das SpielWii06/201273%
Wickie und die starken Männer: Wiedersehen in Flake - Teil 2DS10/201173%
One Piece: Gigant Battle!DS08/201173%
Pac-Man PartyWii12/201073%
Tony Hawk: ShredWii12/201073%
Ab durch die HeckeGameCube08/200673%
Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut'sWii04/200773%
Robotech BattlecryGameCube12/200273%
The BigsWii01/200873%
Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut'sGameCube06/200673%
Monsters vs. AliensWii06/200973%
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011Wii07/201173%
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone WarsDS05/201173%
Ultimate BandWii05/200973%
Operation: VietnamDS01/200873%
Dragonball Z: Das Erbe von Goku IIGame Boy Advance07/200373%
Der tierisch verrückte BauernhofWii03/200773%
All Star Tennis '99Nintendo 6404/199973%
In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64Nintendo 6410/199973%
Lode Runner 3DNintendo 6405/199973%
Aerofighters AssaultNintendo 6401/199873%
Aerofighters AssaultNintendo 6404/199873%
San Francisco Rush 2049Nintendo 6410/200073%
Die Chroniken von Narnia: Der König von NarniaGame Boy Advance01/200673%
Dexter's Laboratory: Desaster StrikesGame Boy Advance02/200273%
CasperGame Boy Advance04/200273%
Disney's Tarzan FreerideGameCube02/200273%
Disney's Tarzan FreerideGameCube05/200273%
Super Mario BallGame Boy Advance01/200573%
Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions3DS10/201173%
Midway's Greatest Arcade HitsGame Boy Advance01/200273%
Inspector Gadget: Advance MissionGame Boy Advance12/200173%
Sonic: Lost World3DS12/201373%
Lego Dimensions: Story-Pack Phantastische TierwesenWii U01/201773%
World RacingGameCube03/200473%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team RotGame Boy Advance12/200673%
Dukes Of Hazzard - Racing For HomeGame Boy Color04/200173%
Disaster: Day Of CrisisWii12/200873%
Madagascar 2DS02/200973%
Skylanders: Trap TeamWii12/201473%
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 - Mission: WifixDS01/200773%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen Rio 2016Wii U08/201673%
Lego Herr der Ringe3DS01/201372%
Legend Of Spyro: Dawn Of The DragonWii01/200972%
Pokémon Art Academy3DS08/201472%
The Lego Movie VideogameWii U06/201472%
Asterix bei den Olympischen SpielenDS02/200872%
MX vs. ATV UntamedDS05/200872%
Pac-Man World 2GameCube05/200372%
Madagascar 2Wii01/200972%
Harvest Moon: Mein InselparadiesDS01/200972%
Alice In WonderlandGame Boy Color05/200172%
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2009: 5D's Stardust AcceleratorDS06/200972%
Rafa Nadal TennisDS01/200772%
SpongeBob und seine Freunde: Schlacht um die VulkaninselDS08/200772%
18 Wheeler American Pro TruckerGameCube06/200272%
18 Wheeler American Pro TruckerGameCube04/200272%
M&M's Mini MadnessGame Boy Color07/200172%
FIFA Street 2GameCube04/200672%
Sonic RidersGameCube04/200672%
Harry Potter: Quidditch-WeltmeisterschaftGame Boy Advance02/200472%
Jurassic Park III: Park BuilderGame Boy Advance10/200172%
Planet MonstersGame Boy Advance11/200172%
RTL Winter Sports 2010Wii12/200972%
Shrek: Swamp Kart SpeedwayGame Boy Advance04/200272%
Dragon Quest Swords: Die maskierte Königin und der SpiegelturmWii07/200872%
Batman BeginsGame Boy Advance08/200572%
Dark ArenaGame Boy Advance03/200272%
San Francisco RushNintendo 6412/199772%
Nascar 99Nintendo 6411/199872%
Battle Tanx: Global AssaultNintendo 6403/200072%
A Bug's LifeNintendo 6403/200072%
Chameleon Twist 2Nintendo 6404/199972%
California SpeedNintendo 6405/199972%
Heroes Of ManaDS11/200772%
Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal NightWii02/200872%
Cars 2DS09/201172%
James Cameron's Avatar: Das SpielWii01/201072%
Die Sims 3: Einfach tierisch3DS12/201172%
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise 1Wii08/200972%
Smarty PantsWii01/200872%
Worms: Odyssee im WurmraumWii04/200872%
Ready 2 Rumble RevolutionWii04/200972%
Die Sims 33DS05/201172%
The King Of Fighters Collection: The Orochi SagaWii06/200972%
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise 2Wii10/200972%
Sim City DSDS08/200772%
Die Unglaublichen - The Incredibles: Der Angriff des TunnelgräbersGameCube01/200672%
SpongeBob: Die Macht des SchleimsDS01/200972%
Transformers: Mission auf CybertronWii08/201072%
Die Legende von AangWii09/201072%
Boogie SuperstarWii01/200972%
Wayne Gretzky's 3D-HockeyNintendo 6407/199772%
Wayne Gretzky's 3D-HockeyNintendo 6406/199772%
Tom & Jerry In Fists Of FurryNintendo 6412/200072%
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - DefianceDS01/201272%
Wallace & Gromit in Projekt ZooGameCube02/200472%
International Superstar Soccer 2GameCube05/200272%
Skylanders: SuperChargers Racing3DS11/201572%
Your ShapeWii02/201072%
Rune Factory: FrontierWii04/201072%
Disney UniverseWii01/201272%
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Die Heilligen KartenGame Boy Advance04/200472%
R: RacingGameCube04/200472%
Mario Party: Island Tour3DS02/201472%
Skylanders: SWAP Force3DS12/201372%
Asterix Brain TrainerDS09/200872%
Skate ItDS02/200972%
Madagascar 3: Flucht durch EuropaWii11/201272%
Quiz PartyWii09/201272%
Mechanic MasterDS01/200972%
Sim City 2000Game Boy Advance02/200472%
James Bond 007: NightfireGame Boy Advance05/200372%
Serious Sam: Next EncounterGameCube06/200472%
Serious Sam AdvanceGame Boy Advance07/200472%
Speed RacerWii07/200872%
Kung Fu Panda: Legendäre KämpferDS02/200972%
Kampf der Giganten - DinosaurierDS12/200872%
GRIP: Combat RacingSwitch12/201872%
Shift HappensSwitch12/201872%
Flying DragonNintendo 6402/199872%
Samurai Warriors 3Wii07/201072%
Batman: The Brave And The BoldDS11/201072%
DSF Ultimate SurfingGame Boy Color08/200172%
Tony Hawk's SkateboardingGame Boy Color05/200072%
X-Men: Mutant AcademyGame Boy Color09/200072%
Sonic Boom: Feuer & Eis3DS11/201672%
Tak: Die große Juju-JagdDS03/200672%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Fluch der Karibik 2Game Boy Advance09/200672%
Shrek der DritteWii08/200772%
Dig Dug: Digging StrikeDS12/200672%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Am Ende der WeltWii07/200771%
Thrillville: Verrückte AchterbahnWii12/200771%
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2DS12/200771%
Family TrainerWii11/200871%
ClustertruckPlaystation 405/201871%
Kung Fu PandaDS09/200871%
Coco, der neugierige AffeGame Boy Advance02/200771%
X-Men: Wolverine's RageGame Boy Color08/200171%
In einem Land vor unserer ZeitGame Boy Color07/200171%
Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen: Das VideospielWii02/201071%
Resident Evil: RevelationsSwitch01/201871%
Travis Strikes Again: No More HeroesSwitch03/201971%
Naruto: Ninja DestinyDS04/200871%
Power Rangers: Ninja StormGame Boy Advance12/200371%
Fishing MasterWii04/200871%
Die Unglaublichen - The Incredibles: Der Angriff des TunnelgräbersDS02/200671%
Jimmy Neutron: Der mutige ErfinderGame Boy Advance04/200271%
City Life DSDS11/200871%
Wing Commander ProphecyGame Boy Advance08/200371%
Tennis Davis CupGame Boy Advance06/200271%
CastleweenGame Boy Advance06/200371%
Justice League Heroes: The FlashGame Boy Advance03/200771%
Der AnschlagGame Boy Advance10/200271%
Monster ForceGame Boy Advance10/200271%
X-Men: Next DimensionGameCube01/200371%
Tarzan: Rückkehr in den DschungelGame Boy Advance01/200371%
Drome RacersGame Boy Advance05/200371%
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel AcademyGame Boy Advance10/200671%
Need For Speed: The Run3DS01/201271%
NHL 2K11Wii12/201071%
Legend Of Kay AnniversaryWii U09/201571%
Nascar 2000Game Boy Color09/200071%
Strassen des GlücksWii02/201271%
MySims KingdomWii12/200871%
Spider-Man 3Wii07/200771%
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendGame Boy Advance01/200771%
Dewy's AdventureWii11/200771%
Obscure IIWii06/200871%
Cooking MamaDS03/200871%
Tron: EvolutionDS03/201171%
Michael Jackson: The ExperienceDS02/201171%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D3DS05/201171%
Asphalt 3D3DS04/201171%
Charlie Blast's TerritoryNintendo 6405/199971%
Buck BumbleNintendo 6409/199871%
A Bug's LifeNintendo 6407/199971%
NBA Pro 99Nintendo 6406/199971%
NBA Pro 99Nintendo 6411/199971%
DrivenGame Boy Advance02/200271%
Asterix bei den Olympischen SpielenWii01/200871%
Universal StudiosGameCube02/200271%
Universal StudiosGameCube05/200271%
Spyro: Season Of IceGame Boy Advance11/200171%
Sakura Wars: So Long, My LoveWii05/201071%
Pac-Man CollectionGame Boy Advance12/200171%
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters MeleeGameCube12/200271%
MTV Sports: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMXGame Boy Color02/200171%
Megaman Battle Network 5: Double Team DSDS06/200671%
Retro Atari ClassicsDS05/200571%
Tom And Jerry In Infurnal EscapeGame Boy Advance07/200371%
Skylanders: Trap Team3DS12/201471%
Looney Tunes: Duck AmuckDS01/200871%
Micky Epic: Die Macht der 2Wii U05/201370%
FIFA 13Wii U01/201370%
Disney Magical World3DS11/201470%
Sonic: Lost WorldWii U12/201370%
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate3DS12/201370%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Am Ende der WeltDS08/200770%
Wario: Master Of DisguiseDS07/200770%
102 DalmatiansGame Boy Color03/200170%
RTL Winter Sports 2009: The Next ChallengeWii01/200970%
Zoo HospitalWii03/200970%
Snowboard Kids SBKDS05/200670%
Star Wars Episode III: Die Rache der SithDS06/200570%
Spongebob Schwammkopf: Der gelbe RächerDS02/200670%
Spyro Shadow LegacyDS12/200570%
Die Urbz: Sims In The CityDS04/200570%
Lego Insel 2: Der Steinbrecher kehrt zurückGame Boy Color03/200170%
Die Urbz: Sims In The CityGameCube02/200570%
Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey MouseGameCube10/200270%
Donald Duck: Quack AttackGameCube05/200270%
Pocket MusicGame Boy Advance03/200270%
Kao The KangarooGame Boy Advance11/200170%
Iridion 3DGame Boy Advance10/200170%
Iridion 3DGame Boy Advance08/200170%
Mike Tyson BoxingGame Boy Advance03/200270%
Lego Racers 2Game Boy Advance10/200170%
Mario Party AdvanceGame Boy Advance07/200570%
Scooby-Doo und die Cyber JagdGame Boy Advance02/200270%
Sega Arcade GalleryGame Boy Advance07/200370%
True Crime: New York CityGameCube01/200670%
The Simpsons: Road RageGameCube02/200270%
The Simpsons: Road RageGameCube05/200270%
Britney's Dance BeatGame Boy Advance07/200270%
F-14 TomcatGame Boy Advance04/200270%
Mario Party 8Wii07/200770%
Off Road ChallengeNintendo 6408/199870%
Rampage 2: Universal TourNintendo 6406/199970%
Bottom Of The 9thNintendo 6406/199970%
NBA ShowtimeNintendo 6401/200070%
Olympic Hockey '98Nintendo 6405/199870%
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer '94Nintendo 6402/199870%
Centre Court TennisNintendo 6412/199870%
Dream Trigger 3D3DS09/201170%
Steel Diver3DS06/201170%
Puzzle Bobble Universe3DS05/201170%
WWE All StarsWii05/201170%
The MunchablesWii08/200970%
Naruto Shippuden 3D: The New Era3DS08/201170%
Phineas und Ferb: Quer durch die 2. DimensionDS11/201170%
My Sims AgentsWii11/200970%
Zoo Tycoon DS 2DS05/200870%
Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente: Die Erde brenntWii02/200870%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters EditionGame Boy Advance06/200670%
EA PlaygroundWii12/200770%
Ice Age 3: Die Dinosaurier sind losDS09/200970%
Harry Potter und der Halbblut-PrinzWii08/200970%
Populous DSDS06/200970%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Schlacht um Bikini BottomGameCube04/200470%
Sports Island 3Wii11/201070%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf und seine Freunde: Durch dick und dünnGameCube04/200670%
Spider-Man: DimensionsDS11/201070%
Beyblade Vforce: Ultimate Blader JamGame Boy Advance02/200470%
Harry Potter und der Stein der WeisenGameCube02/200470%
Snowboard KidsNintendo 6403/199870%
South ParkNintendo 6402/199970%
Space Station: Silicon ValleyNintendo 6411/199870%
NBA In The Zone 2000Nintendo 6405/200070%
Avatar: Der Herr der ElementeWii05/200770%
Sudoku: The Puzzle Game Collection3DS07/201170%
Hotel Gigant DSDS02/200970%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen: London 20123DS04/201270%
Runaway: A Twist Of FateDS01/201170%
Sports Island DSDS06/201070%
Sengoku Basara: Samurai HeroesWii12/201070%
Nerf N-StrikeWii05/200970%
My Sims PartyDS05/200970%
EA Sports Football AcademyDS04/200970%
Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's ChroniclesDS06/200870%
Doktor Lautrec und die vergessenen Ritter3DS01/201270%
Dragon Ball Z: Das Erbe von GokuGame Boy Advance07/200270%
Need For Speed: Hot PursuitWii01/201170%
Def Jam: RapstarWii02/201170%
Green Lantern: Rise Of The ManhuntersWii09/201170%
Batman: The Brave And The BoldWii10/201070%
Disney's Lilo & Stitch 2Game Boy Advance02/200570%
Lego Ninjago: Das VideospielDS06/201170%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000Game Boy Color04/200070%
I Am SetsunaSwitch05/201770%
New Style Boutique 2: Mode von morgen3DS12/201570%
Bakugan: Battle BrawlersDS12/200970%
Wii Sports ClubWii U08/201470%
Transformers: The Dark Spark3DS08/201470%
Ben 10: OmniverseWii U02/201370%
Go West! - Ein Abentuer mit Lucky LukeDS02/200870%
Outlaw GolfGameCube08/200370%
Justice League: Injustice For AllGame Boy Advance02/200370%
Wer wird MillionärGame Boy Advance12/200270%
Legends Of Wrestling 2GameCube04/200370%
TOCA World Touring CarsGame Boy Advance04/200370%
Dragon Ball Z: BudokaiGameCube11/200370%
Starsky & HutchGameCube11/200370%
Carmen Sandiego: Das Geheimnis der gestohlenen TrommelnGameCube06/200470%
Looney Tunes: Back In ActionGameCube01/200470%
Kung Fu Panda: Legendäre KämpferWii02/200970%
Die Unglaublichen - The Incredibles: Der Angriff des TunnelgräbersGame Boy Advance01/200670%
Sushi AcademyDS02/200970%
Enchanted Folk And The School Of WizardryDS04/200970%
Fortnite: Battle RoyaleSwitch08/201870%
RPG Maker Fes3DS08/201770%
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final ChallengersSwitch07/201770%
Namco MuseumSwitch09/201770%
Nintendo Labo - Toy-Con 03: Vehicle KitSwitch11/201870%
This War Of Mine - Complete EditionSwitch01/201970%
Wer weiss denn sowas?Switch01/201970%
Onimusha: WarlordsSwitch03/201970%
EragonGame Boy Advance02/200770%
Bakugan: Beschützer des KernsWii01/201170%
Thor: God Of ThunderWii06/201170%
Pokémon Rumble UWii U10/201370%
Max & The Magic MarkerWii11/201170%
Know How - Spielend um die Ecke denkenDS01/200970%
Star Soldier: Vanishing EarthNintendo 6409/199870%
Die Geheimnisse der SpiderwicksWii03/200870%
Scurge HiveGame Boy Advance01/200770%
Never AloneWii U09/201570%
Star Fox GuardWii U05/201670%
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle: Ultraherausforderungs-PaketSwitch12/201770%
Hands Of TimeGame Boy Color09/200170%
Ninja ReflexWii05/200870%
Top Spin 3DS09/200870%
Pokémon GoiOS09/201670%
WWF BetrayalGame Boy Color11/200170%
Pokémon GoAndroid09/201670%
Tak: Die große Juju-JagdGame Boy Advance04/200470%
Avatar: Der Herr der ElementeGame Boy Advance05/200770%
Scotland YardDS03/200970%
My Frogger: Toy TrialsDS05/200770%
Disney Magical World 23DS11/201670%
Micro Machines V4DS01/200769%
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendDS01/200769%
Winx ClubGame Boy Advance03/200669%
Himmel und HuhnGame Boy Advance05/200669%
SpongeBobs atlantisches AbenteuerDS05/200869%
Disney's Ein Königreich für ein LamaGame Boy Color04/200169%
Disney's Atlantis: Das Geheimnis der verlorenen StadtGame Boy Color12/200169%
Ottifanten: Kommando StörtebekerGame Boy Advance09/200169%
Star Wars: Episode 1 - RacerGame Boy Color02/200069%
Little NightmaresSwitch07/201869%
Scurge HiveDS01/200769%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant NightmareDS12/200569%
Guitar Hero: Van HalenWii04/201069%
Agatha Christie: The ABC MurdersDS02/201069%
Pokémon QuestSwitch08/201869%
Bratz DollsGame Boy Advance07/200369%
Spy Kids 3D: Game OverGame Boy Advance12/200369%
Neighbours From HellDS08/200969%
G1 Jockey WiiWii08/200769%
Buffy: König Darkhuls ZornGame Boy Advance10/200369%
Moorhuhn: Juwel der FinsternisDS06/200869%
Batman: Rise Of Sin TzuGameCube02/200469%
Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice Of The ForceGame Boy Advance12/200469%
Digimon: Battle SpiritGame Boy Advance09/200369%
Findet NemoGame Boy Advance12/200369%
Rally ChampionshipGameCube04/200369%
Dakar 2GameCube04/200369%
Evolution SnowboardingGameCube04/200369%
Disney Sports FußballGame Boy Advance02/200369%
Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente: Die Erde brenntDS02/200869%
The Lego Movie Videogame3DS06/201469%
The HobbitGame Boy Advance12/200369%
BMX XXXGameCube02/200369%
Super Bomberman RSwitch04/201769%
Lego Star Wars II: Die klassische TrilogieGame Boy Advance12/200669%
DaredevilGame Boy Advance05/200369%
Spider-Man: Edge Of Time3DS12/201169%
Harry Potter 7: Und die Heiligtümer des Todes Teil 2Wii09/201169%
TMNT - Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesWii06/200769%
Nuclear StrikeNintendo 6402/200069%
South Park: Chef's Luv ShackNintendo 6401/200069%
Wing IslandWii04/200769%
Diddy Kong Racing DSDS06/200769%
Findet NemoGameCube12/200369%
Black & BruisedGameCube07/200369%
Asterix & Obelix XXLGameCube09/200469%
Transformers: The GameWii09/200769%
SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge Of The Flying DutchmanGameCube04/200369%
Naruto Ninja Destiny IIDS05/200969%
Sam & Max: Season Two: All-Zeit bereitWii06/201069%
Steel HorizonDS02/200869%
Sonic Riders: Zero GravityWii04/200869%
Indiana Jones und der Stab der KönigeDS08/200969%
Summer Athletics 2009Wii09/200969%
Cruis'n WorldNintendo 6409/199869%
Aero GaugeNintendo 6403/199869%
Aero GaugeNintendo 6404/199869%
Asteroids Hyper 64Nintendo 6403/200069%
G.A.S.P.!! Fighters NexTreamNintendo 6406/199869%
CyberTiger Woods GolfNintendo 6406/200069%
Multi Racing ChampionshipNintendo 6410/199769%
Multi Racing ChampionshipNintendo 6408/199769%
Earthworm JimGame Boy Advance10/200169%
FIFA 06Game Boy Advance12/200569%
Ice AgeGame Boy Advance05/200269%
ChessmasterGame Boy Advance07/200269%
Disney's Atlantis: Das Geheimnis der verlorenen StadtGame Boy Advance12/200169%
Sega Rally ChampionshipGame Boy Advance06/200369%
Stuart Little 2Game Boy Advance09/200269%
Naruto Ninja CouncilDS12/200769%
BarbarianGame Boy Advance02/200469%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008Wii12/200769%
ZooCubeGame Boy Advance08/200269%
Hot Wheels Stunt Track DriverGame Boy Color07/200069%
Harvest Moon DSDS05/200769%
Need For Speed: Most WantedDS01/200669%
Spider-Man 2DS02/200569%
Spider-Man 2DS04/200569%
Batman: Dark TomorrowGameCube04/200369%
Family Ski & SnowboardWii05/200969%
Largo Winch: Empire Under ThreatGameCube12/200269%
Touch DartsDS08/200769%
Lego The Hobbit3DS06/201469%
Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV PartyDS01/200969%
Facebreaker K.O. PartyWii01/200968%
Wii Party UWii U12/201368%
G-Force: Agenten mit BissWii11/200968%
Toy Story 2Game Boy Color05/200068%
Castlevania JudgmentWii04/200968%
Battles Of Prince Of PersiaDS02/200668%
Die Unglaublichen - The IncrediblesGameCube01/200568%
F1 2002GameCube03/200368%
Mega Man Star Force: DragonDS01/200868%
The Powerpuff Girls: Mojo Jojo A-Go-GoGame Boy Advance02/200268%
Planet der AffenGame Boy Advance12/200168%
Army Men AdvanceGame Boy Advance08/200168%
Earthworm JimGame Boy Advance08/200168%
ESPN Final Round Golf 2002Game Boy Advance10/200168%
ESPN X Games SkateboardingGame Boy Advance12/200168%
Wii Sports ResortWii09/200968%
Family SkiWii08/200868%
Human Grand PrixNintendo 6406/199768%
BattletanxNintendo 6403/199968%
Xiaolin ShowdownDS04/200768%
Avatar: Der Herr der ElementeDS05/200768%
Bomberman Land Touch!DS06/200768%
Transformers: Die RacheWii09/200968%
Metropolis CrimesDS11/200968%
James Noir's Hollywood Crimes 3D3DS01/201268%
Sonic Classic CollectionDS05/201068%
Agatha Christie: Und dann gabs keines mehrWii03/200868%
Pokémon Battle RevolutionWii01/200868%
Trivial PursuitWii05/200968%
Spyro: Enter The DragonflyGameCube12/200268%
Bionicle: The GameGameCube11/200368%
Taz WantedGameCube10/200268%
Megaman: Network TransmissionGameCube08/200368%
Der tierisch verrückte BauernhofGameCube12/200668%
South Park RallyNintendo 6403/200068%
Schlag den Raab: Das 2. Spiel3DS02/201268%
Gormiti: Die Herrscher der Natur!DS10/201068%
Green Lantern: Rise Of The Manhunters3DS09/201168%
Eurosport Winter StarsWii01/201268%
Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2Wii03/200968%
Iron Man 2Wii06/201068%
Glee Karaoke Revolution: Volume 2Wii07/201168%
Crouching Tiger Hidden DragonGame Boy Advance02/200468%
MadagascarGame Boy Advance09/200568%
Real Heroes: FirefighterWii12/200968%
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash3DS12/201568%
Lego Marvel's Avengers3DS03/201668%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival3DS08/201468%
Transformers Prime: The GameWii U01/201368%
Speed ChallengeGameCube11/200268%
Spider-Man: Battle For New YorkDS03/200768%
Donald Duck PhantomiasGameCube01/200368%
Starsky & HutchGame Boy Advance11/200368%
Miami CrisisDS10/200968%
Drawn To Life: SpongeBob und der magische StiftDS12/200868%
Kid Clown: Crazy ChaseGame Boy Advance09/200268%
Minecraft: Story ModeWii U02/201768%
Di-Gata DefendersDS10/200868%
Golden Eye 007DS01/201168%
Cartoon Network: Jetzt geht's rund3DS01/201268%
Spider-Man: Edge Of TimeWii12/201168%
Hot Wheels: Track AttackWii02/201168%
Sherlock Holmes DS und das Geheimnis der KöniginDS08/201068%
101 In 1 Explosive MegamixDS02/200968%
Mike Piazza's Strike ZoneNintendo 6409/199868%
Arielle die Meerjungfrau: Abenteuer unter WasserDS12/200668%
Payday 2Switch04/201868%
Schlag den StarSwitch11/201768%
Fire Emblem Warriors3DS12/201768%
Minecraft: Story Mode - Das komplette AbenteuerSwitch10/201768%
Space InvadersNintendo 6402/200068%
San Francisco Rush 2049Game Boy Color12/200068%
Elevator ActionGame Boy Color06/200168%
JGTO Golf MasterGame Boy Advance05/200168%
Madagascar: Operation PinguinGame Boy Advance01/200668%
Australia Zoo QuestDS03/200968%
Die Chroniken von Narnia: Prinz Kaspian von NarniaWii09/200868%
Totally Spies!Game Boy Advance02/200668%
Metroid Prime: Federation Force3DS10/201668%
Scooby-Doo! Fluch der FoliantenGame Boy Advance04/200468%
Donkey Kong: Jet RaceWii10/200768%
Donkey Kong: Jet RaceWii02/200868%
Könige der WellenWii11/200768%
Death Jr. And The Science Fair Of DoomDS10/200768%
Mega Man Battle Network 6Game Boy Advance08/200667%
RTL Biathlon 2009Wii01/200967%
Emergency HeroesWii08/200867%
ROXGame Boy Color05/200167%
ROXGame Boy Color05/200167%
Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep CapersGame Boy Color05/200167%
Bomberman 64: The Second AttackNintendo 6408/200067%
Dexter's Laboratory: Robot RampageGame Boy Color08/200167%
Sim City 2000Nintendo 6405/199867%
Shrek: Oger und DreselDS04/200867%
GTI Club: Supermini FestaWii04/201067%
Easy PianoDS02/201067%
The Italian JobGameCube02/200467%
Driver 2 AdvanceGame Boy Advance10/200267%
American Dragon: Jake LongGame Boy Advance03/200767%
Scooby-Doo! Fluch der FoliantenGameCube06/200467%
UFC ThrowdownGameCube11/200267%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Die Kreatur aus der krossen KrabbeGameCube02/200767%
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3D3DS12/201267%
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013Wii U02/201367%
The Amazing Spider-ManWii08/201267%
Need For Speed: Porsche UnleashedGame Boy Advance03/200467%
Cars: Hook InternationalDS02/200867%
Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite SquadronDS01/201067%
Naruto Ninja Council 2DS12/200867%
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes3DS08/201267%
Pogo IslandDS06/200767%
Die Sims 2: Apartment PetsDS11/200867%
Spawn: ArmageddonGameCube04/200467%
Disney's Winnie Puuh: Kunterbunte AbenteuerGameCube05/200567%
Abenteuer auf dem ReiterhofDS03/200767%
Cranium KabookiiWii02/200867%
Sports IslandWii07/200867%
Sega Bass FishingWii05/200867%
Naruto: Clash Of Ninja RevolutionWii06/200867%
Minigolf ResortDS03/201167%
Rabbids 3D3DS05/201167%
Spore HeldenWii11/200967%
Bomberman Land Touch!DS06/200867%
X-Men 2: Wolverine's RevengeGameCube06/200367%
Mischief MakersNintendo 6411/199767%
Mischief MakersNintendo 6408/199767%
Rampage: World TourNintendo 6406/199867%
Destroy all Humans! Big Willy: entfesseltWii05/200867%
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Eindeutige BeweiseWii05/200867%
Virtua Striker 3 ver. 2002GameCube08/200267%
Virtua Striker 3 ver. 2002GameCube04/200267%
Fantastic FourGameCube09/200567%
Shadow The HedgehogGameCube01/200667%
Shrek der DritteDS09/200767%
Harry Potter und der Orden des PhönixWii09/200767%
Spore: Wilde KreaturenDS11/200867%
Ghostbusters: The Video GameDS11/200966%
Disney Infinity 2.0Wii U11/201466%
Uno 52DS08/200766%
Pony FriendsDS07/200766%
Lego Ninjago - Shadow Of Ronin3DS05/201566%
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo TalesDS07/200766%
Tak und das Geheimnis des glühenden KristallsWii01/200966%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Die Kreatur aus der krossen KrabbeWii01/200766%
Clayfighter 63 1/3Nintendo 6412/199766%
Job IslandWii04/200966%
Prof. Kageyamas Mathematik-TrainingDS04/200866%
Need For Speed: The RunWii01/201266%
Spider-Man: Freund oder FeindWii12/200766%
Casper: Spirit DimensionsGameCube12/200266%
Ab durch die HeckeDS08/200666%
Shrek Super SlamGameCube01/200666%
The Incredible HulkGame Boy Advance08/200366%
Go West! - Ein Abentuer mit Lucky LukeWii02/200866%
Captain America: Super Soldier3DS12/201166%
Cubic Ninja3DS08/201166%
Fantastic FourGame Boy Advance09/200566%
Shifting World3DS11/201266%
Lego Ninjago: Nindroids3DS09/201466%
Marvel Trading Card GameDS10/200766%
NBA 2K10Wii01/201066%
The LEGO Ninjago Movie VideogameSwitch12/201766%
Super BowlingNintendo 6403/200166%
Piraten: Volle BreitseiteDS02/200966%
Fort BoyardGame Boy Color12/200166%
Himmel und Huhn: Ace in ActionDS03/200766%
Ninja ReflexDS05/200866%
Safecracker: Das ultimative Puzzle-AbenteuerWii03/200966%
Star Trek: Tactical AssaultDS03/200765%
Rugrats In Paris - The MovieNintendo 6401/200165%
AsteroidsGame Boy Color11/199965%
Momotarou FestivalGame Boy Advance05/200165%
Return To PopoloCrois3DS04/201665%
Bangai-ONintendo 6401/200065%
Pokémon Shuffle3DS04/201565%
W.I.T.C.H.Game Boy Advance01/200665%
Go! Go! Cosmo Cops!DS10/200965%
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2Switch12/201865%
The Powerpuff Girls: HIM and SeekGame Boy Advance12/200265%
Disney Sports MotocrossGame Boy Advance08/200365%
Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut'sGame Boy Advance06/200665%
Schweinchen Wilbur und seine FreundeGame Boy Advance03/200765%
Dungeon ExplorerDS06/200865%
Rapala's Fishing FrenzyWii02/200965%
Fossil Fighters Frontier3DS07/201565%
Freakyforms Deluxe3DS09/201265%
FIFA Street 3DS05/200865%
Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 5-73DS01/201265%
Need For Speed: NitroDS01/201065%
My Sims AgentsDS11/200965%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Das dunkle DuellGame Boy Color04/200365%
Animaniacs: The Great Edgar HuntGameCube07/200565%
PlanesWii U10/201365%
Captain America: Super SoldierDS09/201165%
Dragon's Lair 3DGameCube05/200465%
Soulcalibur LegendsWii02/200865%
Soulcalibur LegendsWii10/200865%
Aidyn Chronicles: The First MageNintendo 6405/200165%
Aidyn Chronicles: The First MageNintendo 6406/200165%
Carnival: Die Jahrmarkt PartyWii12/200765%
Scooby-Doo: Nacht der 100 SchreckenGameCube12/200265%
Frogger: Helmet ChaosDS04/200665%
Tom Clancy's HAWX 2Wii01/201165%
Mushroom Men: Aufstand der PilzeDS08/200965%
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles3DS05/201165%
Rayman 3D3DS05/201165%
Pferd & Pony: Mein GestütDS05/200765%
Garfield's NightmareDS05/200765%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle NexusGameCube05/200565%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double AgentWii02/200765%
Paperboy 64Nintendo 6402/200065%
Super Monkey Ball AdventureGameCube08/200665%
Batman: VengeanceGame Boy Advance11/200165%
Cinderella: Zauberhafte TräumeGame Boy Advance12/200565%
Scooby DooGame Boy Advance09/200265%
Dragon Ball Z: Goku DensetsuDS11/200765%
Cooking MamaWii03/200865%
Neopets Puzzle AdventureDS08/200965%
Monster HouseGameCube11/200665%
Legend Of Spyro: Dawn Of The DragonDS01/200965%
F1 Race StarsWii U03/201465%
Sonic Gems CollectionGameCube12/200565%
Cel DamageGameCube03/200265%
Cel DamageGameCube05/200265%
Pokémon DashDS02/200565%
Hello Kitty Roller RescueGameCube03/200664%
Die Hüter des LichtsWii U02/201364%
Pac-Man und die GeisterabenteuerWii U05/201464%
Rock Band: AC/DC LiveWii05/200964%
Agatha Christie: Das Böse unter der SonneWii03/200964%
Namco MuseumGame Boy Advance08/200164%
Namco MuseumGame Boy Advance12/200164%
Dark RiftNintendo 6408/199764%
Dark RiftNintendo 6412/199764%
Kampf der Giganten: Dinosaurier 3D3DS05/201164%
DualPen Sports3DS10/201164%
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic HeroesWii11/200964%
Der magische StiftWii12/200964%
Alien Monster Bowling LeagueWii08/201064%
Meine TierpensionDS07/200664%
Bee Movie: Das GameDS02/200864%
Triff die RobinsonsDS06/200764%
Danny Phantom: Sein größter GegnerDS08/200664%
Green Lantern: Rise Of The ManhuntersDS09/201164%
7 Wonders IIDS09/200964%
Aqua Panic!DS06/200964%
Doods großes AbenteuerWii05/201164%
SpongeBobs atlantisches AbenteuerWii05/200864%
Worms BlastGameCube11/200264%
Ribbit KingGameCube12/200464%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Schlacht um Bikini BottomGame Boy Advance04/200464%
Capcom vs. SNK 2 EOGameCube09/200264%
Wasteland 2Switch11/201864%
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 183DS07/201764%
Double CrossSwitch03/201964%
Geheimakte TunguskaWii U12/201564%
Tony Hawk's Downhill JamGame Boy Advance02/200764%
Snow SpeederNintendo 6407/199964%
Jewel Master: Cradle Of Rome 2DS01/201264%
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 33DS08/201564%
The Longest Five MinutesSwitch04/201864%
Lego WorldsSwitch10/201764%
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney's World Dancing MuseumNintendo 6402/200164%
Tabaluga: Grünland in GefahrDS05/200864%
Winx Club: Quest For The CodexGame Boy Advance02/200764%
Meine TierpensionGame Boy Advance02/200664%
Away Shuffle DungeonDS06/200964%
Tak: Die große Juju-JagdGame Boy Advance03/200664%
Namco Museum 50th AnniversaryGameCube03/200664%
Franklins große AbenteuerDS03/200664%
Disney Th!nk - Das Schnelldenker-QuizWii05/200963%
Titeuf Mission NadiaDS04/200663%
RTL Winter Sports 2008Wii01/200863%
Planet der AffenGame Boy Color12/200163%
Polaris SnoCrossNintendo 6403/200163%
Mega Man 64Nintendo 6402/200163%
IronFall: Invasion3DS04/201563%
Pferd & Pony: Lass uns reiten 2Game Boy Advance01/200663%
Worms World PartyGame Boy Advance11/200263%
Evolution WorldsGameCube03/200363%
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs DeathGameCube02/200463%
Linerider FreestyleDS08/200963%
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP23DS10/201263%
Dungeon MakerDS01/200963%
Thor: God Of Thunder3DS11/201163%
Harry Potter 7: Und die Heiligtümer des Todes Teil 2DS09/201163%
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2012 3D3DS05/201263%
Bionicle HeroesWii07/200763%
Mystic HeroesGameCube12/200263%
Actua PoolDS05/200763%
SeaWorld: Shamu's Deep Sea AdventureGameCube06/200663%
Ju-On: The GrudgeWii12/200963%
Neopets Puzzle AdventureWii07/200963%
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesGameCube05/200463%
Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal NightDS01/200863%
Rampage: Total DestructionWii02/200763%
Pitfall: The Mayan AdventureGame Boy Advance08/200163%
Pitfall: The Mayan AdventureGame Boy Advance10/200163%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Film ab!Game Boy Advance02/200663%
Dynasty Warriors AdvanceGame Boy Advance12/200563%
Feivel der Mauswanderer und der verborgene SchatzGame Boy Advance03/200263%
Harry Potter und der Stein der WeisenGame Boy Advance01/200263%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: LockdownGameCube10/200563%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Die Kreatur aus der krossen KrabbeDS01/200763%
Findet Nemo: Flucht in den OzeanDS05/200663%
War GodsNintendo 6407/199763%
War GodsNintendo 6409/199763%
HexenNintendo 6408/199762%
007 LegendsWii U02/201362%
Detective Conan: Die Mirapolis-ErmittlungWii03/200962%
Sherlock Holmes DS: Das Geheimnis der MumieDS06/200962%
Disney Sports FußballGameCube02/200362%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Fluch der Karibik 2DS09/200662%
Shrek Super SlamDS01/200662%
FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft Deutschland 2006DS07/200662%
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot RumbleGameCube03/200662%
Need For Speed: Most WantedGame Boy Advance01/200662%
SpongeBob: Die Macht des SchleimsWii01/200962%
Air Boarder 64Nintendo 6409/199862%
Fighting Force 64Nintendo 6407/199962%
Saban's Power Rangers: Lightspeed RescueNintendo 6401/200162%
Big Family GamesWii07/200962%
Sports Island 2Wii07/200962%
Sim AnimalsDS03/200962%
Guilty Gear: Dust StrikersDS09/200762%
Reign Of FireGameCube01/200362%
Pac-Man Party 3D3DS04/201262%
Das Geheimnis von Dragonville: May's MysteryDS09/201162%
Monsters vs. AliensDS06/200962%
Ninja CaptainsWii12/200962%
Elements Of DestructionDS01/200962%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf und seine Freunde: Durch dick und dünnGame Boy Advance06/200662%
Disney Sports SoccerGameCube09/200262%
Flower, Sun And RainDS02/200962%
Wakeboarding UnleashedGame Boy Advance08/200362%
Iron ManWii07/200862%
Tony Hawk's MotionDS02/200962%
Harvest Moon: Dorf des Himmelsbaumes3DS07/201762%
Fate/Extella: The Umbral StarSwitch09/201762%
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2Switch02/201962%
G.I. Joe: Geheimauftrag CobraDS10/200962%
Ducati MotoDS03/200962%
Sonic ForcesSwitch01/201862%
Men In Black 2Game Boy Color02/200162%
Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen Helfen: Die Anti-WeltGame Boy Advance02/200662%
Ben 10: Protector Of EarthDS05/200862%
Space Invaders RevolutionDS09/200562%
Nancy Drew: The Deadly Secret Of Olde World ParkDS06/200862%
Ben 10: Protector Of EarthWii05/200861%
Stuart LittleGame Boy Advance09/200161%
Score International BajaWii02/200961%
SX SuperstarGameCube08/200361%
Reign Of FireGame Boy Advance12/200261%
ATV Quad Power RacingGame Boy Advance02/200361%
Smashing DriveGameCube04/200261%
Tom & Jerry TalesGame Boy Advance03/200761%
RobocopGame Boy Advance02/200461%
Ty The Tasmanian TigerGameCube01/200361%
NFL Quarterback Club 2002GameCube03/200261%
Cartoon Network RacingDS04/200761%
Harvest Moon: Das verlorene Tal3DS07/201561%
Angler's Club: Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D3DS12/201161%
Driver: San FranciscoWii10/201161%
Emergency 2012DS02/201161%
WWE Crush HourGameCube05/200361%
Monopoly PartyGameCube02/200361%
Gauntlet: Dark LegacyGameCube06/200261%
Gauntlet: Dark LegacyGameCube11/200261%
Bolt: Ein Hund für alle FälleWii03/200961%
Winx Club: Quest For The CodexDS02/200761%
Bomberman Land WiiWii05/200861%
Star Wars Episode III: Die Rache der SithGame Boy Advance06/200561%
Moto GPGame Boy Advance03/200261%
Road RashGame Boy Color03/200161%
J-League Live 64Nintendo 6407/199761%
Tank! Tank! Tank!Wii U01/201360%
Real Heroes: Firefighter 3D3DS01/201360%
Rugrats: Die große SchatzsucheNintendo 6409/199960%
Rugrats: Die große SchatzsucheNintendo 6412/199960%
Lost In Blue: ShipwreckedWii02/200960%
Mr. DRILLER: Drill SpiritsDS02/200560%
Kim Possible: KimmunicatorDS05/200660%
Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The ImperfectsGameCube11/200560%
Jurassic Park III: DNA FactorGame Boy Advance09/200160%
Tetris WorldsGameCube11/200260%
NBA HangtimeNintendo 6406/199760%
NBA HangtimeNintendo 6407/199760%
Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut'sDS06/200660%
Wii PlayWii01/200760%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Königreich der IllusionenGameCube01/200560%
Flipper CrittersDS05/200760%
Bolt: Ein Hund für alle FälleDS03/200960%
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic HeroesDS11/200960%
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie BreakersWii11/200960%
X-Men: The Official GameDS07/200660%
Gotcha ForceGameCube03/200460%
Vegas Casino High 5!DS06/200760%
Rat AttackNintendo 6405/200060%
Zendoku: Battle Action SudokuDS07/200760%
Winter Sports 2012: Feel The Spirit3DS02/201260%
Monster Jam: Pfad der ZerstörungWii05/201160%
Don King BoxingDS06/200960%
SpongeBob: KüchenchefDS05/200960%
Cooking Mama: Bon appétit!3DS04/201560%
Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Europa3DS11/201260%
Iron ManDS07/200860%
Cocoto Magic CircusWii02/200960%
Spider-Man: Battle For New YorkGame Boy Advance03/200760%
Looney Tunes Double Pack: Dizzy Driving / Acme AnticsGame Boy Advance05/200660%
Shreks schräge PartyspieleWii02/200960%
Shreks schräge PartyspieleDS02/200960%
All-Star Fruit RacingSwitch09/201860%
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And BeansSwitch09/201860%
Little Dragons CaféSwitch12/201860%
Legend Of Spyro: A New BeginningGame Boy Advance02/200760%
Der Goldene KompassDS01/200860%
Zarah - Das Schloss des GwoorDS08/200960%
Off RoadWii10/200860%
Sega CasinoDS03/200660%
Pokémon Tekken DX - Battle Pack Runde 1Switch03/201860%
Meine Tierklinik in AfrikaGame Boy Advance02/200760%
Ben 10 - Alien Force: Vilgax AttacksWii10/201060%
Max & The Magic MarkerDS11/201160%
Minon: Der Held der StundeWii07/200960%
Animaniacs: Lights, Camera, Action!DS11/200559%
Mystery Stories: Die verborgene StadtDS01/201259%
Flying DragonNintendo 6409/199959%
Balls Of FuryDS05/200859%
Lizzie McGuireGame Boy Advance03/200459%
Meine TierarztpraxisDS02/200759%
Space InvadersGame Boy Color11/199959%
Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipGame Boy Color05/200159%
Golden GoalGame Boy Color10/199959%
Crash Boom Bang!DS01/200759%
DefenderGame Boy Advance02/200359%
Dragon Blade: Wrath Of FireWii04/200859%
Spirit Camera: Das verfluchte Tagebuch3DS07/201259%
Bionicle: The GameGame Boy Advance10/200359%
Tony Hawk: RIDEWii01/201059%
Iron Man 2DS06/201059%
Dragonball Z: TaiketsuGame Boy Advance05/200459%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice MonstersGame Boy Advance05/200159%
Jimmy Neutron: Der mutige ErfinderGameCube04/200359%
Beyblade: Super Tournament BattleGameCube01/200459%
Men in Black II: Alien EscapeGameCube03/200359%
RakugakidsNintendo 6410/199859%
X-Men: Reign Of ApocalypseGame Boy Advance10/200159%
Sonic Adventure DXGameCube08/200359%
Der Herr der Ringe: Die EroberungDS03/200958%
Alien SyndromeWii11/200758%
Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle3DS11/201458%
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens3DS08/201658%
Mighty No. 9Wii U08/201658%
Die wilden FußballkerleGame Boy Advance07/200658%
X-Bladez: Inline SkaterGame Boy Advance04/200258%
Monster 4x4: World CircuitWii01/200758%
Brave Spirits WrestlingNintendo 6405/199858%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005DS02/200558%
Lucas der AmeisenschreckWii06/200758%
Dynasty Warriors DS: Fighter's BattleDS10/200758%
Harry Potter und der Orden des PhönixDS09/200758%
Colin McRae: DIRT 2Wii11/200958%
Rygar: The Battle Of ArgusWii09/200958%
Der Goldene KompassWii02/200858%
Minigolf ResortWii03/201158%
Konami Arcade ClassicsDS11/200758%
Die Sims 3Wii01/201158%
Robin HoodGame Boy Color05/200158%
Dragonball Z: Legendäre SuperkämpferGame Boy Color07/200258%
Lego Jurassic World3DS08/201558%
Popstar GuitarWii03/200958%
Transformers: The Dark SparkWii U08/201458%
Driv3rGame Boy Advance02/200658%
Pool PartyWii10/200858%
Fish Tycoon DSDS06/200858%
X-Men: The Official GameGame Boy Advance07/200658%
Disney Sports BasketballGameCube07/200358%
Hot Wheels Velocity XGameCube01/200358%
Legend Of The DragonWii09/200758%
Bibi Blocksberg: Der magische HexenkreisGame Boy Advance03/200658%
Tao's Adventure: Curse Of The Demon SealDS07/200658%
Der Schatz der DelfineDS09/200958%
Cocoto: Kart Racer 2Wii03/201258%
Waialae Country ClubNintendo 6409/199858%
Crazy CircusDS09/200958%
Duell der MagierDS10/201057%
CatwomanGame Boy Advance11/200457%
The Spiderwick ChroniclesDS05/200857%
Star Wars: Flight Of The FalconGame Boy Advance12/200357%
FIFA 07DS12/200657%
Gardening Mama: Forest Friends3DS04/201557%
Cars 23DS01/201257%
X-Men: DestinyDS11/201157%
World Snooker Championship 2007-08DS03/200857%
Bleach: Shattered BladeWii04/200857%
Overlord: MinionsDS08/200957%
Diner DashDS07/200757%
MX 2002 Featuring Ricky CarmichaelGame Boy Advance12/200157%
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade CollectionGame Boy Advance06/200657%
Funky BarnWii U02/201357%
Family PartyWii02/200957%
Crash: Herrscher der MutantenDS01/200956%
Asterix & Obelix XXLGame Boy Advance10/200456%
Tenchu: Dark SecretDS02/200756%
Crazy Taxi: Catch A RideGame Boy Advance07/200356%
Wii SportsWii01/200756%
Könige der WellenDS12/200756%
Don King BoxingWii05/200956%
Beyblade: Metal Fusion - Counter LeoneWii12/201056%
Megamind: Das Bündnis von Team MegaWii02/201156%
Hey Arnold! The MovieGame Boy Advance05/200356%
Samurai Jack: The Amulet Of TimeGame Boy Advance12/200356%
Mission: Impossible - Operation SurmaGame Boy Advance02/200456%
Godzilla DominationGame Boy Advance12/200256%
Legends Of WrestlingGameCube07/200256%
DogzGame Boy Advance01/200756%
CatzGame Boy Advance12/200656%
Der letzte König von AfrikaDS02/200956%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade AttackDS01/201056%
Lucky Luke: Die DaltonsDS02/200956%
Shrek Super SlamGame Boy Advance01/200655%
Der tierisch verrückte BauernhofGame Boy Advance12/200655%
K11: Kommissare im EinsatzWii06/201055%
SpongeBob Schwammkopf und seine Freunde: Durch dick und dünnDS05/200655%
Pro Tennis WTA TourGameCube11/200255%
Hot Wheels Velocity XGame Boy Advance01/200355%
Cartoon Network Block Party / Cartoon Network SpeedwayGame Boy Advance05/200655%
Dungeons & Dragons: Eye Of The BeholderGame Boy Advance01/200355%
HomeTown Story3DS06/201455%
Carnival: Wilder Westen 3D3DS05/201255%
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1DS01/201155%
Monster Jam: Maximum DestructionGameCube01/200355%
Sudoku MasterDS12/200655%
Shrek Smash N' Crash RacingDS06/200755%
FIFA 64Nintendo 6406/199755%
Tamagotchi Connexion: Corner ShopDS06/200655%
Pac-Man und die Geisterabenteuer3DS05/201455%
Sports ConnectionWii U01/201355%
Music MonStarsDS02/200955%
Bass Masters ClassicGame Boy Color04/200055%
Premier Manager 64Nintendo 6410/199954%
Far Cry: VengeanceWii02/200754%
Battlezone: Rise Of The Black DogsNintendo 6405/200054%
Bubble Bobble: Double ShotDS06/200754%
Augusta Masters '98Nintendo 6405/199854%
GT Advance Championship RacingGame Boy Advance05/200154%
NBA Jam 2002Game Boy Advance02/200254%
Minority ReportGameCube05/200354%
Rock RevolutionDS06/200954%
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1Wii01/201154%
Pokémon Rumble World3DS06/201554%
Tierisch wildGame Boy Advance07/200654%
Fussball Fan PartyWii06/201054%
Jackass: The GameDS12/200853%
Aliens: Thanatos EncounterGame Boy Color06/200153%
Disney's PartyGameCube11/200353%
Evolution SkateboardingGameCube04/200353%
Disneys PrinzessinnenGame Boy Advance07/200353%
Big Air FreestyleGameCube11/200253%
Family Park TycoonDS02/200953%
Meine TierarztpraxisGame Boy Advance10/200653%
Wer wird MillionärDS01/200853%
Rapala Tournament FishingWii06/200753%
The Scorpion King: Aufstieg des AkkadiersGameCube01/200353%
Men In Black: The SeriesGame Boy Advance10/200153%
Driver: Parallel LinesWii09/200753%
Cruis'n USANintendo 6406/199753%
Cruis'n USANintendo 6402/199853%
Milo's Astro LanesNintendo 6405/199952%
David Beckham SoccerGame Boy Advance12/200152%
Wer wird Millionär - 2. EditionWii02/200952%
Transformers: AutobotsDS10/200752%
Transformers: DecepticonsDS10/200752%
Der gestiefelte KaterWii01/201252%
Oddworld: Munch's OddyseeGame Boy Advance01/200452%
Jumper: Griffin's StoryWii05/200852%
Carnival Games MinigolfWii01/200952%
Meine Tierklinik in AfrikaDS03/200752%
Shimano Extreme FishingWii12/201052%
Best Friends: Hunde & KatzenGame Boy Advance02/200751%
Igel ärgern!DS09/200851%
Superman ReturnsDS02/200751%
Golden Nugget CasinoDS07/200651%
E.T. der AusserirdischeGame Boy Advance04/200251%
Enclave: Shadows Of TwilightWii08/201251%
Spongebob Schwammkopf: Verflixt und zugemalt3DS06/201151%
Transformers: Die Rache - DecepticonsDS09/200951%
Sherlock Holmes: Das Geheimnis des silbernen OhrringsWii01/201251%
Transformers: Die Rache - AutobotsDS09/200951%
Action Man: Search For Base XGame Boy Color05/200151%
Emergency DSDS02/200951%
Wild Earth: African SafariWii01/200951%
Top Spin 2DS06/200651%
Salt Lake 2002Game Boy Advance03/200251%
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000Nintendo 6404/200050%
Hasbro Familien-SpieleabendWii01/200950%
Harry Potter und der Halbblut-PrinzDS09/200950%
Texas Hold'em Poker PackDS07/200650%
Animal Crossing: amiibo FestivalWii U01/201650%
Justice League HeroesDS03/200750%
3 In 1: Darts / Ball-A-Ball / Shuffle BowlGame Boy Advance05/200650%
Shrek Smash N' Crash RacingGame Boy Advance05/200750%
Rainbow Islands RevolutionDS09/200650%
Hello Kitty: Der große Party-SpaßGame Boy Advance04/200650%
Disney Art Academy3DS08/201650%
WCW NitroNintendo 6404/199949%
Disney's Kim PossibleGame Boy Advance12/200349%
Superman: Countdown To ApokolipsGame Boy Advance05/200349%
Disney's PartyGame Boy Advance12/200349%
Bratz Forever DiamondzDS04/200749%
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver SurferWii10/200749%
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver SurferDS10/200749%
Beach Fun - Summer ChallengeWii07/200949%
Top Spin 2Game Boy Advance06/200649%
Celebrity Sports ShowdownWii01/200948%
PGA European Tour GolfNintendo 6403/200048%
GT Racing ChampionshipNintendo 6407/199848%
Knife EdgeNintendo 6401/199948%
Choro QNintendo 6409/199848%
DoraemonNintendo 6406/199748%
J-League Dynamite Soccer 64Nintendo 6411/199748%
FIFA 15Wii11/201448%
Samurai Jack: The Shadow Of AkuGameCube09/200448%
Impossible MissionDS09/200748%
Alarm für Cobra 11 3D3DS02/201248%
Rooms: The Main BuildingDS07/201048%
Minority ReportGame Boy Advance01/200348%
Looney Tunes: Back In ActionGame Boy Advance02/200448%
Star XGame Boy Advance08/200248%
Lego Star Wars II: Die klassische TrilogieDS12/200648%
Ben 10: Omniverse 23DS01/201448%
64 ozumoNintendo 6404/199848%
Vacation Isle: Beach PartyWii08/201048%
Hysteria Hospital: Emergency WardWii02/201048%
Ben 10: Galactic RacingWii01/201248%
Golden Nugged Casino & Texas Hold 'Em PokerGame Boy Advance05/200648%
Crazy School GamesDS09/200947%
Der unglaubliche HulkWii09/200847%
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric AdventureDS06/200847%
Der AnschlagGameCube01/200347%
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 2Wii U09/201447%
Devil's ThirdWii U10/201547%
Bad Boys IIGameCube12/200447%
Star Trek: ConquestWii07/200846%
Ben 10: Omniverse 2Wii U01/201446%
FIFA 07Game Boy Advance12/200646%
Garfield und seine neun LebenGame Boy Advance09/200646%
Sonic Boom: Der zerbrochene Kristall3DS01/201546%
Big Beach SportsWii09/200846%
Superman: Shadow Of ApokolipsGameCube05/200345%
Garfield 2DS11/200645%
Woody Woodpecker: Crazy Castle 5Game Boy Advance12/200245%
Family Party: 30 Great Games - Obstacle ArcadeWii U02/201345%
Monster TrucksDS09/200645%
Happy BakeryDS08/200945%
G.I. Joe: Geheimauftrag CobraWii10/200945%
Die Monster AG: Monster-BallGameCube05/200345%
Disney Sports SkateboardingGameCube04/200345%
ATV Quad FuryDS07/200645%
Tom & Jerry TalesDS03/200745%
Inspector Gadget RacingGame Boy Advance11/200245%
CarsGame Boy Advance12/200645%
Carnival GamesSwitch01/201945%
Ben 10: Galactic RacingDS01/201245%
Cars Toon: Hooks unglaubliche GeschichtenWii02/201145%
Super Robot SpiritsNintendo 6409/199845%
Dual HeroesNintendo 6402/199844%
Dual HeroesNintendo 6407/199844%
Lost ReaversWii U06/201644%
Snood 2: On VacationDS04/200644%
Care Beans - Care QuestGame Boy Advance01/200644%
Happy FeetWii02/200744%
Eikou no St AndrewsNintendo 6406/199744%
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2DS11/200943%
Transformers 33DS08/201143%
Crazy Frog RacerGame Boy Advance02/200643%
Jenga World TourWii05/200843%
Transformers 3Wii08/201143%
Miss Spider Harvest Time: Hop And FlyDS10/200643%
Bionicle HeroesGame Boy Advance01/200743%
Power Rangers S.P.D.Game Boy Advance06/200643%
Monster Jam: Pfad der ZerstörungDS05/201142%
Flutsch und wegGame Boy Advance02/200742%
Babar: To The RescueGame Boy Advance10/200642%
The Mask Of ZorroGame Boy Color06/200042%
FIFA 153DS11/201441%
Die Mumie kehrt zurückGame Boy Color07/200141%
James Pond: Codename RobocodDS12/200641%
The Koala Brothers: Outdoor AdventuresGame Boy Advance12/200541%
Tamagotchi 64: Minna de Tamagotchi WorldNintendo 6404/199841%
In einem Land vor unserer ZeitGame Boy Advance03/200241%
Ratatouille: Frohes FestmahlDS04/200841%
MC Groovz Dance CrazeGameCube09/200540%
Wheel Of FortuneNintendo 6402/199840%
Big Mutha TruckersDS04/200640%
Jeremy McGrath's Supercross WorldGameCube07/200240%
FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft Deutschland 2006Game Boy Advance07/200640%
Deer DriveWii12/201040%
3 Engel für Charlie: Volle PowerGameCube09/200339%
X-Men: DestinyWii12/201139%
SSX 3Game Boy Advance02/200439%
Disney Infinity3DS10/201339%
Brothers In Arms: Double TimeWii12/200838%
King Of ClubsWii05/200838%
GT Pro SeriesWii01/200738%
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game Of The MovieDS02/200638%
Batman Of The Future: Return Of The JokerNintendo 6402/200137%
Barbie in Die 12 tanzenden PrinzessinnenDS04/200737%
Dragon BoosterDS08/200637%
Monster Trucks & Quad Desert FuryGame Boy Advance05/200636%
Escape from Bug Island!Wii12/200736%
FIFA Street 2DS05/200635%
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!Wii08/200935%
Star Wars Episode II: Angriff der KlonkriegerGame Boy Advance07/200234%
Golden Nugget 64Nintendo 6406/199933%
WWE 2K18Switch02/201833%
Ford Racing 3DS04/200633%
Jeopardy!Nintendo 6405/199832%
Legends Of Wrestling 2Game Boy Advance02/200332%
Just Dance 2016Wii U12/201530%
Kong: King Of AtlantisGame Boy Advance04/200629%
Balls Of FuryWii05/200829%
Flutsch und wegGameCube02/200728%
SupermanNintendo 6408/199928%
Wonder World Amusement ParkWii01/200928%
Godzilla The Series: Monster WarsGame Boy Color02/200126%
Sonic Boom: Lyrics AufstiegWii U01/201525%
Rodea The Sky SoldierWii U01/201625%
Rodea The Sky Soldier3DS01/201623%
Holy Magic CenturyGame Boy Color09/199923%
Midway Arcade Hits: Moon Patrol / Spy HunterGame Boy Color08/199920%
Ping PalsDS02/200519%
Robotron 64Nintendo 6405/199819%
Anstoss ActionGame Boy Advance09/200615%
Divinity: Original Sin IISwitch11/201910%
Portal: BegleiterkollektionSwitch09/202210%
Cult Of The LambSwitch10/20229%
Bayonetta 3Switch12/20229%
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ReunionSwitch02/20239%
Triangle StrategySwitch04/20229%
Kirby und das vergessene LandSwitch05/20229%
Live A LiveSwitch09/20229%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's RevengeSwitch08/20229%
13 Sentinels: Aegis RimSwitch06/20229%
Two Point CampusSwitch10/20229%
Xenoblade Chronicles 3Switch09/20229%
Splatoon 3Switch10/20229%
NieR: AutomataSwitch12/20229%
Sayonara Wild HeartsSwitch11/20199%
XCOM 2 CollectionSwitch07/20209%
Through The Darkest Of TimesSwitch10/20209%
Pikmin 3 DeluxeSwitch12/20209%
Chicory: A Colorful TaleSwitch02/20229%
Chained EchoesSwitch03/20239%
Metroid Prime RemasteredSwitch04/20239%
The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The KingdomSwitch07/20239%
Brothers: A Tale Of Two SonsSwitch07/20199%
Shovel Knight: King Of CardsSwitch03/20209%
A Short HikeSwitch12/20209%
Monster Hunter RiseSwitch05/20219%
BioShock: The CollectionSwitch07/20209%
Xenoblade Chronicles - Definitive EditionSwitch07/20209%
Ori And The Blind ForestSwitch11/20199%
Streets Of Rage 4Switch06/20209%
What The Golf?Switch07/20209%
Animal Crossing: New HorizonsSwitch04/20209%
Metro ReduxSwitch04/20209%
Hellblade: Senua's ScrificeSwitch06/20199%
The Legend Of Zelda: Link's AwakeningSwitch11/20199%
The Witcher III: Wild HuntSwitch12/20199%
Luigi's Mansion 3Switch12/20199%
Trials Of ManaSwitch06/20209%
Metroid DreadSwitch11/20219%
Baba Is YouSwitch05/20199%
Super Mario Maker 2Switch08/20199%
Fire Emblem: Three HousesSwitch09/20199%
Tischfussball 2008Wii10/20089%
The Walking Dead: Die letzte StaffelSwitch05/20199%
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac AgeSwitch07/20199%
Bravely Default IISwitch04/20219%
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's FurySwitch03/20219%
Ori And The Will Of The WispsSwitch11/20209%
Dragon Quest XI S: Streiter des SchicksalsSwitch11/20199%
Robotron 64Nintendo 6403/19989%
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth3DS08/20198%
The Wonderful 101: RemasteredSwitch07/20208%
Immortals: Fenyx RisingSwitch01/20218%
Chronos: Before The AshesSwitch03/20218%
Jurassic World EvolutionSwitch12/20208%
Kirby und das extra magische Garn3DS04/20198%
Moving OutSwitch06/20208%
Burnout Paradise RemasteredSwitch08/20208%
Resident Evil 4Switch07/20198%
Subnautica: Below ZeroSwitch07/20218%
Turnip Boy Commits Tax EvasionSwitch07/20218%
Mortal Kombat 11Switch07/20198%
Final Fantasy X | X2 - HD RemasterSwitch06/20198%
Mario Golf: Super RushSwitch08/20218%
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HDSwitch09/20218%
Little Nightmares IISwitch04/20218%
Persona 5 StrikersSwitch04/20218%
Unravel TwoSwitch05/20198%
Yoshi's Crafted WorldSwitch05/20198%
Can't Drive ThisSwitch05/20218%
Picross 5Switch02/20218%
No More HeroesSwitch01/20218%
No More Heroes 2: Desperate StruggleSwitch01/20218%
Quiplash 2: InterlashionalSwitch02/20218%
Hitman IIISwitch03/20218%
Thomas Was AloneSwitch04/20218%
Dragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenSwitch06/20198%
Tetris 99Switch04/20198%
Astral ChainSwitch10/20198%
Collection Of ManaSwitch08/20198%
Spyro: Reignited TrilogySwitch11/20198%
Dragon Quest Builders 2Switch09/20198%
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black OrderSwitch09/20198%
Katana ZeroSwitch07/20198%
Crash Team Racing: Nitro-FueledSwitch08/20198%
Assassin's Creed III RemasteredSwitch07/20198%
SteamWorld Quest: Hand Of GilgamechSwitch06/20198%
Sonic Colours UltimateSwitch11/20218%
Pokémon SchildSwitch01/20208%
Pokémon SchwertSwitch01/20208%
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle und die Verschwörung der Millionäre - DeluxeSwitch01/20208%
Mario Party SuperstarsSwitch12/20218%
Super Monkey Ball: Banana ManiaSwitch01/20228%
Good JobSwitch06/20208%
Contra Anniversary CollectionSwitch08/20198%
New Super Lucky's TaleSwitch01/20208%
Catherine: Full BodySwitch09/20208%
What Remains Of Edith FinchSwitch09/20198%
Pillars Of EternitySwitch10/20198%
Harveys neue AugenSwitch10/20198%
FAR: Lone SailsSwitch10/20198%
Hotline Miami CollectionSwitch10/20198%
Ring Fit AdventureSwitch12/20198%
Two Point HospitalSwitch04/20208%
Children Of MortaSwitch01/20208%
Dr. Kawashimas Gehirn-Jogging für Nintendo SwitchSwitch02/20208%
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE EncoreSwitch03/20208%
Doraemon: Story Of SeasonsSwitch12/20198%
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrinceSwitch12/20198%
Yooka-Laylee And The Impossible LairSwitch11/20198%
Call Of CthulhuSwitch12/20198%
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't DrySwitch08/20198%
Ace Attorney TrilogySwitch06/20198%
Boxboy! + Boxgirl!Switch06/20198%
The Swords Of Ditto: Mormo's CurseSwitch07/20198%
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Retterteam DXSwitch04/20208%
Shantae And The Seven SirensSwitch07/20208%
Tower Of TimeSwitch09/20208%
Cadence Of HyruleSwitch08/20198%
My Friend PedroSwitch08/20198%
Untitled Goose GameSwitch11/20198%
Unbound: Worlds ApartSwitch10/20218%
51 Worldwide GamesSwitch07/20208%
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle For NeighborvilleSwitch05/20218%
Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive TownSwitch05/20218%
Slay The SpireSwitch08/20198%
The Outer WorldsSwitch07/20208%
Turok 2: Seeds Of EvilSwitch10/20198%
Pokémon MastersAndroid10/20198%
Pokémon MastersiOS10/20198%
Devil May Cry 3Switch04/20208%
Resident Evil ZeroSwitch07/20198%
Resident EvilSwitch07/20198%
Borderlands: Legendary CollectionSwitch07/20208%
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HDSwitch03/20208%
Pikmin 1+2Switch08/20238%
Ghost TrickSwitch08/20238%
Lego BricktalesSwitch12/20228%
Kirby's Return To Dream Land DeluxeSwitch04/20238%
Octopath Traveler IISwitch04/20238%
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza And The Lost DemonSwitch05/20238%
PowerWash SimulatorSwitch04/20238%
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot CampSwitch07/20238%
Have A Nice DeathSwitch05/20238%
Minecraft LegendsSwitch06/20238%
PowerSlave ExhumedSwitch04/20228%
Fire Emblem EngageSwitch03/20238%
The Artful EscapeSwitch03/20228%
Ruined King: A League Of Legends StorySwitch03/20228%
Ender Lilies: Quietus Of The KnightsSwitch09/20218%
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!Switch09/20218%
Shin Megami Tensei VSwitch12/20218%
The Jackbox Party Pack 8Switch12/20218%
Crysis Remastered TrilogySwitch12/20218%
Football Manager 2022 TouchSwitch01/20228%
Beyond A Steel SkySwitch01/20228%
Death's DoorSwitch01/20228%
Mad Rat DeadSwitch12/20208%
Sakuna: Of Rice and RuinSwitch02/20218%
Disc RoomSwitch01/20218%
Part Time UFOSwitch01/20218%
Crown TrickSwitch03/20218%
Doom EternalSwitch02/20218%
Dry DrowningSwitch05/20218%
Cris TalesSwitch09/20218%
Among UsSwitch03/20218%
Super Mario 3D All-StarsSwitch11/20208%
PixelJunk Eden 2Switch02/20218%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2Switch08/20218%
Ninja Gaiden: Master CollectionSwitch08/20218%
New Pokémon SnapSwitch06/20218%
Thronebreaker: The Witcher TalesSwitch04/20208%
Kingdom Hearts: Melody Of MemorySwitch01/20218%
The Turing TestSwitch04/20208%
Blazing ChromeSwitch09/20198%
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings Of RuinSwitch08/20218%
Asphal 9: LegendsSwitch12/20198%
AVICII InvectorSwitch10/20208%
The Great Ace Attorney ChroniclesSwitch09/20218%
A Plague Tale: InnocenceSwitch09/20218%
Quake ISwitch10/20218%
Endling - Extinction is ForeverSwitch09/20228%
Assassin's Creed: The Ezio CollectionSwitch04/20228%
Nintendo Switch SportsSwitch06/20228%
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three HopesSwitch08/20228%
Monster Hunter Rise: SunbreakSwitch08/20228%
Diablo II: ResurrectedSwitch11/20218%
Hextech Mayhem - A League Of Legends StorySwitch02/20228%
Loop HeroSwitch02/20228%
Mario + Rabbids: Sparks Of HopeSwitch12/20228%
New Tales From The BorderlandsSwitch12/20228%
Haven ParkSwitch10/20218%
Monster Train First ClassSwitch10/20218%
Cursed To GolfSwitch10/20228%
To Be Or Not To BeSwitch03/20228%
OlliOlli WorldSwitch04/20228%
Return To Monkey IslandSwitch11/20228%
It Takes TwoSwitch01/20238%
A Musical StorySwitch07/20228%
The Kids We WereSwitch02/20227%
Voice Of Cards: The Isle Dragon RoarsSwitch02/20227%
Fall Guys: Ultimate KnockoutSwitch09/20227%
Arcade ParadiseSwitch10/20227%
Big Brain Academy: Kopf an KopfSwitch01/20227%
Pokémon PurpurSwitch01/20237%
Pokémon KarmesinSwitch01/20237%
Sonic FrontiersSwitch01/20237%
River City Girls ZeroSwitch04/20227%
Zorya: The Celestial SisterSwitch04/20227%
Dragon Quest TreasuresSwitch02/20237%
DanganRonpa DecadenceSwitch02/20227%
Card SharkSwitch08/20227%
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old RepublicSwitch01/20227%
Life Is Strange: True ColorsSwitch02/20227%
Pokémon Legenden: ArceusSwitch03/20227%
Sky: Kinder des LichtsSwitch09/20217%
Axiom Verge 2Switch10/20217%
WarioWare: Get It Together!Switch11/20217%
Morbid: The Seven AcolytesSwitch02/20217%
Pokémon UniteSwitch09/20217%
NEO: The World Ends With YouSwitch09/20217%
MotoGP 22Switch07/20227%
Mario Strikers: Battle League FootballSwitch08/20227%
Digimon SurviveSwitch10/20227%
Black Future '88Switch01/20207%
Samurai ShodownSwitch04/20207%
BipedPlaystation 408/20207%
Towaga: Among ShadowsSwitch10/20207%
Super Kirby ClashSwitch11/20197%
Neo CabSwitch12/20197%
The ComplexSwitch06/20207%
Edna bricht ausSwitch08/20207%
Blair WitchSwitch08/20207%
Kirby Fighters 2Switch11/20207%
Hyrule Warriors: Zeit der VerheerungSwitch01/20217%
Destroy All Humans!Switch08/20217%
Disgaea 6: Defiance Of DestinySwitch08/20217%
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD RemasterSwitch07/20217%
World's End ClubSwitch07/20217%
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2Switch04/20217%
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure PackSwitch02/20217%
Wonder Boy: Asha In Monster WorldSwitch07/20217%
Pokémon Leuchtende PerleSwitch01/20227%
Pokémon Strahlender DiamantSwitch01/20227%
Marsupilami: HoobadventureSwitch02/20227%
Windjammers 2Switch03/20227%
Resident Evil 2Switch01/20237%
Resident Evil VillageSwitch12/20227%
SpongeBob: The Cosmic ShakeSwitch03/20237%
Remnant: From The AshesSwitch05/20237%
Life Is Strange 2Switch04/20237%
Master Detective Archives: Rain CodeSwitch08/20237%
I Am DeadSwitch01/20217%
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy CollectionSwitch04/20207%
Duke Nukem 3DSwitch09/20207%
A Fold ApartSwitch06/20207%
Rock Of Ages III: Make & BreakSwitch09/20207%
Prinny 1-2: Exploded and Reloaded - Just Desserts EditionSwitch12/20207%
The StretchersSwitch01/20207%
Phantom DoctrineSwitch08/20197%
Tools Up!Switch02/20207%
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeSwitch05/20217%
Doom 64Switch05/20207%
Gato RobotoSwitch07/20197%
Help Will Come TomorrowSwitch06/20207%
Minecraft DungeonsSwitch07/20207%
Summer In MaraSwitch08/20207%
Crysis RemasteredSwitch09/20207%
The Elder Scrolls: BladesSwitch08/20207%
Final Fantasy IXSwitch04/20197%
Final Fantasy VIISwitch05/20197%
Ghostbusters: The Video Game RemasteredSwitch12/20197%
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen Tokyo 2020Switch12/20197%
Darksiders GenesisSwitch04/20207%
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4Switch06/20207%
Saints Row IV: Re-ElectedSwitch05/20207%
Road 96Switch10/20217%
Story Of Seasons: Friends Of Mineral TownSwitch09/20207%
Alien Isolation: Ripley EditionSwitch02/20207%
Dice LegacySwitch11/20217%
Snack World: Die Schatzjagd GoldSwitch03/20207%
MotoGP 20Switch06/20207%
Asterix & Obelix: Slap Them All!Switch02/20227%
Hot Wheels UnleashedSwitch12/20217%
Puyo Puyo ChampionsSwitch07/20197%
Team Sonic RacingSwitch07/20197%
God Eater 3Switch09/20197%
Bloodstained: Ritual Of The NightSwitch08/20197%
Ni No Kuni: Der Fluch der weissen KöniginSwitch11/20197%
The LEGO Movie 2 VideogameSwitch04/20197%
King's Bounty IISwitch11/20217%
No More Heroes IIISwitch10/20217%
Trials RisingSwitch04/20197%
Cozy GroveSwitch06/20217%
Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir & The Girl Who Stands BehindSwitch07/20217%
Cat Quest IISwitch12/20197%
SpongeBob: Battle For Bikini Bottom - RehydratedSwitch08/20207%
Paper Mario: The Origami KingSwitch09/20207%
Nintendo Labo - Toy-Con 04: VR KitSwitch06/20197%
The Jackbox Party Pack 7Switch12/20207%
Okunoka MadnessSwitch12/20207%
What The ForkSwitch12/20207%
Let's Sing 2021 mit deutschen HitsSwitch02/20217%
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3Switch11/20207%
void tRrLM; //Void TerrariumSwitch09/20206%
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit RemasteredSwitch01/20216%
Bake 'N SwitchSwitch11/20206%
Gear.Club Unlimited 2 - Tracks EditionSwitch11/20206%
Football, Tactics & GlorySwitch03/20206%
Sniper Elite V2 RemasteredSwitch07/20196%
Sea Of SolitudeSwitch05/20216%
Mars HorizonSwitch03/20216%
Käpt'n Säbelzahn und der magische DiamantSwitch01/20216%
Hyperbrawl TournamentSwitch03/20216%
Saints Row: The ThirdSwitch07/20196%
Daemon X MachinaSwitch10/20196%
Wolfenstein: YoungbloodSwitch09/20196%
Super Neptunia RPGSwitch08/20196%
Turok: Legenden des verlorenen LandesSwitch05/20196%
Bee SimulatorSwitch01/20206%
AO Tennis 2Switch03/20206%
Close To The SunSwitch12/20196%
Dr. Mario WorldAndroid09/20196%
Disaster Report 4: Summer MemoriesSwitch06/20206%
Fairy TailSwitch09/20206%
Little Town HeroSwitch12/20196%
Eldest SoulsSwitch10/20216%
Dr. Mario WorldiOS09/20196%
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating SimulatorSwitch09/20196%
RPG Maker MVSwitch11/20206%
Exit The GungeonSwitch05/20206%
Harvest Moon: Mad DashSwitch01/20206%
Reverie Knight TacticsSwitch04/20226%
Kingdom Hearts: Integrum Masterpiece CollectionSwitch04/20226%
Kirby's Dream BuffetSwitch10/20226%
Resident Evil 3Switch01/20236%
RPGolf LegendsSwitch03/20226%
Let's Sing 2022 mit deutschen HitsSwitch02/20226%
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Remastered EditionSwitch10/20206%
Raji: An Ancient EpicSwitch10/20206%
Project Zero: Priesterin des schwarzen WassersSwitch12/20216%
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry TwiceSwitch08/20216%
PGA Tour 2K21Switch10/20206%
Mad Games TycoonSwitch01/20206%
Garden StorySwitch10/20216%
Chocobo GPSwitch04/20226%
Marvel's Guardians Of The GalaxySwitch12/20216%
Dynasty Warriors 9: EmpiresSwitch04/20226%
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker SagaSwitch05/20226%
Spelunker HD DeluxeSwitch10/20216%
A Plague Tale: RequiemSwitch12/20226%
Sonic OriginsSwitch09/20226%
Blacksad: Under The SkinSwitch02/20205%
Mario Kart TouriOS11/20195%
Cannibal CuisineSwitch08/20205%
Captain Tsubasa: Rise Of New ChampionsSwitch11/20205%
Atari ManiaSwitch12/20225%
AEW: Fight ForeverSwitch08/20235%
Mario Kart TourAndroid11/20195%
WWE 2K BattlegroundsSwitch11/20205%
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HDSwitch01/20205%
Knockout Home FitnessSwitch11/20215%
Our World Is Ended.Switch07/20195%
Landflix OdysseySwitch03/20215%
Bakugan: Champions Of VestroiaSwitch02/20215%
Say No MoreSwitch06/20215%
Buildings Have Feelings Too!Switch06/20215%
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In DisguiseSwitch09/20205%
Empire Of SinSwitch02/20215%
Wer wird Millionär?Switch12/20204%
No Straight RoadsSwitch10/20204%
The SurvivalistsSwitch12/20204%
Schlag den Star: Das 2. SpielSwitch12/20203%
Harvest Moon: One WorldSwitch05/20213%
Apex LegendsSwitch05/20213%
Grand Theft Auto - The TrilogySwitch01/20222%
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