play⁴ (bis Mai 2014 play³) ist ein monatlich erscheindendes Spielemagazin, das sich ausschliesslich den PlayStation Videospielkonsolen von Sony widmet. Verlag ist Computec Media AG.

Website von play⁴


Grand Theft Auto VPlaystation 401/201595%
Red Dead Redemption IIPlaystation 412/201895%
Uncharted 4: A Thief's EndPlaystation 407/201694%
Grand Theft Auto VPlaystation 311/201394%
God Of War IIPlaystation 205/200794%
Portal 2Playstation 306/201194%
Killzone 3Playstation 303/201193%
Killzone 3Playstation 305/201193%
Uncharted 2: Among ThievesPlaystation 311/200993%
God Of War IIIPlaystation 304/201093%
The Last Of Us: RemasteredPlaystation 409/201493%
The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionPlaystation 305/200793%
Grand Theft Auto IVPlaystation 307/200893%
Grand Theft Auto IVPlaystation 306/200893%
Uncharted 3: Drake's DeceptionPlaystation 312/201193%
Uncharted 3: Drake's DeceptionPlaystation 301/201293%
The Orange BoxPlaystation 302/200893%
Fallout 3Playstation 312/200893%
BloodbornePlaystation 406/201593%
Team Fortress 2Playstation 303/200893%
Divinity: Original Sin IIPlaystation 410/201893%
Dragon Quest XI: Streiter des SchicksalsPlaystation 411/201892%
Persona 4: GoldenPlaystation VITA03/201392%
BioShockPlaystation 312/200892%
Call Of Duty 4: Modern WarfarePlaystation 301/200892%
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The PatriotsPlaystation 307/200892%
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The PatriotsPlaystation 308/200892%
Dark Souls IIPlaystation 304/201492%
The Last Of UsPlaystation 308/201392%
The Last Of UsPlaystation 307/201392%
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Playstation 301/201092%
Batman: Arkham CityPlaystation 311/201192%
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Playstation 301/201291%
Little Big Planet 2Playstation 302/201191%
Call Of Juarez: Bound In BloodPlaystation 308/200991%
Battlefield 3Playstation 301/201291%
NBA 2K16Playstation 411/201591%
Unreal Tournament IIIPlaystation 303/200891%
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryPlaystation 205/200791%
Red Dead RedemptionPlaystation 308/201091%
Red Dead RedemptionPlaystation 307/201091%
Ni No Kuni: Der Fluch der weissen KöniginPlaystation 302/201391%
God Of War: AscensionPlaystation 305/201391%
BioShock: InfinitePlaystation 305/201391%
NBA 2K15Playstation 412/201491%
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Add-on: Blood And WinePlaystation 408/201691%
Dragon Quest XI: Streiter des SchicksalsPlaystation 410/201791%
InsidePlaystation 410/201691%
NBA 2K17Playstation 411/201691%
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade EditionPlaystation 308/201191%
Final Fantasy XIV Online: StormbloodPlaystation 409/201791%
Rayman LegendsPlaystation 310/201391%
Rayman LegendsPlaystation 404/201491%
The Witcher III: Wild HuntPlaystation 407/201591%
Gran Turismo 6Playstation 302/201490%
Final Fantasy XIV Online Add-on: HeavenswardPlaystation 410/201590%
NBA 2K14Playstation 401/201490%
Journey - Collector's EditionPlaystation 305/201290%
Call Of Duty: GhostsPlaystation 401/201490%
FIFA 14Playstation 402/201490%
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPlaystation 303/201490%
TearawayPlaystation VITA01/201490%
DiRT RallyPlaystation 406/201690%
Guilty Gear Xrd: RevelatorPlaystation 409/201690%
CelestePlaystation 404/201890%
Shadow Of The Tomb RaiderPlaystation 411/201890%
NBA 2K18Playstation 412/201790%
Monster Hunter: WorldPlaystation 403/201890%
Tekken 7Playstation 408/201790%
Battlefield 1Playstation 401/201790%
Rez InfinitePlaystation 412/201690%
Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der MaskePlaystation 401/201790%
JourneyPlaystation 409/201590%
LimboPlaystation 405/201590%
LimboPlaystation 309/201190%
DJ Hero 2Playstation 312/201090%
Resident Evil 4 HDPlaystation 311/201190%
Battlefield 3: Back To KarkandPlaystation 302/201290%
Der PuppenspielerPlaystation 311/201390%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops IIIIPlaystation 412/201890%
Okami HDPlaystation 301/201390%
Velocity UltraPlaystation VITA07/201390%
Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The ForcePlaystation VITA01/201490%
Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The ForcePlaystation 301/201490%
FlowerPlaystation 402/201490%
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars - Heroes WithinPlaystation 407/201490%
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars - Heroes WithinPlaystation 307/201490%
Rocket LeaguePlaystation 409/201590%
Diablo IIIPlaystation 410/201490%
Ultra Street Fighter IVPlaystation 308/201490%
The Evil WithinPlaystation 412/201490%
The Evil WithinPlaystation 312/201490%
Persona 4: ArenaPlaystation 306/201390%
Call Of Duty: GhostsPlaystation 301/201490%
Dead Space 3Playstation 303/201390%
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty CityPlaystation 306/201090%
Little Big PlanetPlaystation 312/200890%
Tomb Raider: UnderworldPlaystation 312/200890%
Odin SpherePlaystation 208/200790%
LocoRoco 2PSP02/200990%
Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 4Playstation 204/200990%
Uncharted: Drake's FortunePlaystation 301/200890%
Rock Band 2Playstation 305/200990%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009Playstation 312/200890%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016Playstation 411/201590%
Final Fantasy XIII-2Playstation 302/201290%
Mass Effect 3Playstation 304/201290%
UFC Undisputed 3Playstation 303/201290%
FIFA 13Playstation 311/201290%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013Playstation 311/201290%
NBA 2K13Playstation 312/201290%
Dishonored: Die Maske des ZornsPlaystation 312/201290%
FIFA 14Playstation 311/201390%
FIFA 11Playstation 311/201090%
NBA 2K12Playstation 312/201190%
Call Of Duty: Black OpsPlaystation 301/201190%
Assassin's Creed IIPlaystation 312/200990%
Assassin's Creed: BrotherhoodPlaystation 301/201190%
God Of War: Ghost Of SpartaPSP12/201090%
BlazBlue: Calamity TriggerPlaystation 305/201090%
BlazBlue: Calamity TriggerPlaystation 309/200990%
Far Cry 3Playstation 301/201390%
Far Cry 3Playstation 302/201390%
Batman: Arkham AsylumPlaystation 309/200990%
Far Cry 2Playstation 312/200890%
Far Cry 2Playstation 301/200990%
Mass Effect 2Playstation 303/201190%
Fight Night ChampionPlaystation 304/201190%
Red Dead Redemption: Undead NightmarePlaystation 301/201190%
BlazBlue: Continuum ShiftPlaystation 302/201190%
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsPSP12/200990%
FIFA 12Playstation 311/201189%
DJ HeroPlaystation 312/200989%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010Playstation 312/200989%
FIFA 09Playstation 311/200889%
Midnight Club: L.A. RemixPSP12/200889%
Max Payne 3Playstation 307/201289%
Fight Night Round 4Playstation 307/200989%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010Playstation 311/200989%
Beyond: Two SoulsPlaystation 312/201389%
XCOM: Enemy UnknownPlaystation 312/201289%
DmC: Devil May CryPlaystation 302/201389%
NHL 14Playstation 311/201389%
NHL 13Playstation 311/201289%
Madden NFL 18Playstation 410/201789%
Madden NFL 16Playstation 411/201589%
inFamous: Second SonPlaystation 405/201489%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13Playstation 305/201289%
Resistance 2Playstation 301/200989%
Final Fantasy XIIIPlaystation 304/201089%
Disgaea: Afternoon Of DarknessPSP03/200889%
WarhawkPlaystation 310/200789%
Deus Ex: Human RevolutionPlaystation 312/201389%
Call Of Duty: World At WarPlaystation 301/200989%
FIFA Fussball Weltmeisterschaft Südafrika 2010Playstation 306/201089%
Crysis 3Playstation 304/201389%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14Playstation 306/201389%
XCOM: Enemy WithinPlaystation 301/201489%
Dragon Age: InquisitionPlaystation 401/201589%
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship EditionPlaystation 409/201489%
The Pinball ArcadePlaystation 403/201489%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019Playstation 410/201889%
Brothers: A Tale Of Two SonsPlaystation 311/201389%
Madden NFL 17Playstation 410/201689%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017Playstation 411/201689%
Project CARS 2Playstation 411/201789%
Dark Souls IIIPlaystation 405/201689%
Project CARSPlaystation 407/201589%
Hitman: AbsolutionPlaystation 312/201288%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11Playstation 308/201088%
OverwatchPlaystation 408/201688%
Ni no kuni II: Revenant KingdomPlaystation 405/201888%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018Playstation 411/201788%
XCOM 2Playstation 412/201688%
Final Fantasy XVPlaystation 401/201788%
Persona 5Playstation 405/201788%
Oddworld: Strangers Vergeltung HDPlaystation 303/201288%
Spider-ManPlaystation 411/201888%
Battlefield VPlaystation 401/201988%
Zen Pinball 2Playstation 403/201488%
The Last Of Us: Left BehindPlaystation 304/201488%
Odin Sphere LeifthrasirPlaystation 409/201688%
Yakuza 5Playstation 301/201688%
Sonic & All-Stars Racing TransformedPlaystation 301/201388%
Persona 4: Arena MultimaxPlaystation 303/201588%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012Playstation 311/201188%
Skate.Playstation 311/200788%
Skate.Playstation 312/200788%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2Playstation 309/200788%
Dead SpacePlaystation 312/200888%
Soul Calibur IVPlaystation 309/200888%
Deus Ex: Human RevolutionPlaystation 309/201188%
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VIIPSP07/200888%
Battlefield: Bad CompanyPlaystation 308/200888%
Killzone 2Playstation 303/200988%
Killzone 2Playstation 305/200988%
Burnout ParadisePlaystation 302/200888%
Guitar Hero III: Legends Of RockPlaystation 302/200888%
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals - Fireteam Bravo 2PSP09/200788%
Assassin's CreedPlaystation 301/200888%
BioShock 2Playstation 303/201088%
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesPlaystation 405/201488%
God Of War III RemasteredPlaystation 409/201588%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops IIIPlaystation 401/201688%
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainPlaystation 410/201588%
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainPlaystation 310/201588%
Metal Gear Solid HD CollectionPlaystation 303/201288%
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift ExtendPlaystation VITA04/201288%
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake CollectionPlaystation 411/201588%
F1 2012Playstation 311/201288%
Fallout 4Playstation 401/201688%
NBA 2K14Playstation 312/201388%
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last RewardPlaystation VITA04/201388%
Assassin's Creed IIIPlaystation 301/201388%
Assassin's Creed IIIPlaystation 312/201288%
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In TimePlaystation 312/200988%
BayonettaPlaystation 301/201088%
Top Spin 4Playstation 305/201188%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: MastersPlaystation 306/201188%
DiRT 3Playstation 308/201188%
DiRT 3Playstation 307/201188%
Assassin's Creed: RevelationsPlaystation 301/201288%
Rayman OriginsPlaystation 301/201288%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09Playstation 310/200888%
F1 2011Playstation 311/201188%
Dead Space 2Playstation 302/201188%
Guitar Hero: MetallicaPlaystation 306/200988%
Rock BandPlaystation 312/200888%
NHL 12Playstation 310/201187%
Dragon Age IIPlaystation 304/201187%
Resident Evil 5Playstation 304/200987%
Colin McRae: DIRT 2Playstation 310/200987%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10Playstation 308/200987%
Need For Speed - ShiftPlaystation 310/200987%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011Playstation 312/201087%
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger PortablePSP08/201087%
RagePlaystation 312/201187%
Dark SoulsPlaystation 311/201187%
Heavy RainPlaystation 304/201087%
Dissidia 012 (Duodecim) Final FantasyPSP05/201187%
Need For Speed: Shift 2: UnleashedPlaystation 305/201187%
Crysis 2Playstation 305/201187%
Crysis 2Playstation 306/201187%
WWE '13Playstation 312/201287%
Resident Evil 6Playstation 311/201287%
Resident Evil 6Playstation 312/201287%
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Add-on: Hearts Of StonePlaystation 412/201587%
Dead Or Alive 5Playstation 311/201287%
Metal Gear Solid HD CollectionPlaystation VITA08/201287%
Little Big PlanetPlaystation VITA11/201287%
Darksiders IIPlaystation 309/201287%
Soul Calibur VPlaystation 304/201287%
Soul Calibur VPlaystation 303/201287%
FIFA FootballPlaystation VITA04/201287%
The Jak And Daxter TrilogyPlaystation 305/201287%
Street Fighter X TekkenPlaystation 305/201287%
Tales Of XilliaPlaystation 310/201387%
Batman: Arkham KnightPlaystation 408/201587%
ThiefPlaystation 404/201487%
Final Fantasy X | X2 - HD RemasterPlaystation VITA05/201487%
Prototype 2Playstation 305/201287%
Demon's SoulsPlaystation 312/200987%
Demon's SoulsPlaystation 308/201087%
Driver: San FranciscoPlaystation 311/201187%
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 OnePlaystation 312/201187%
inFamous 2Playstation 308/201187%
Skate 2Playstation 303/200987%
Street Fighter IVPlaystation 303/200987%
Street Fighter IVPlaystation 305/200987%
Wipeout PulsePSP12/200787%
Ratchet & Clank: Tools Of DestructionPlaystation 312/200787%
John Woo Presents StrangleholdPlaystation 310/200787%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008Playstation 312/200787%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008Playstation 301/200887%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: VegasPlaystation 308/200787%
Monster Hunter Freedom 2PSP10/200787%
Madden NFL 08Playstation 310/200787%
The DarknessPlaystation 308/200787%
NHL 08Playstation 311/200787%
God Of War: Chains Of OlympusPSP04/200887%
God Of War - Collection Volume IIPlaystation 310/201187%
F1 2010Playstation 311/201087%
Super Street Fighter IVPlaystation 305/201087%
Skate 3Playstation 306/201087%
Skate 3Playstation 307/201087%
UFC Undisputed 2010Playstation 307/201087%
BlurPlaystation 308/201087%
BlurPlaystation 307/201087%
Two Worlds IIPlaystation 301/201187%
Ico & Shadow Of The ColossusPlaystation 310/201187%
PUREPlaystation 310/200887%
Metal Gear Rising: RevengeancePlaystation 303/201387%
Dead Or Alive 5+Playstation VITA05/201387%
Tomb Raider [2013]Playstation 304/201387%
Call Of Duty: Advanced WarfarePlaystation 301/201587%
NHL 15Playstation 411/201487%
FIFA 15Playstation 412/201487%
Bloodborne: The Old HuntersPlaystation 402/201687%
World Of TanksPlaystation 404/201687%
Defense Grid 2Playstation 412/201487%
FIFA 19Playstation 411/201887%
RainPlaystation 312/201387%
Guacamelee!Playstation 306/201387%
Hellblade: Senua's ScrificePlaystation 410/201787%
Hollow KnightPlaystation 412/201887%
Steins;Gate 0Playstation 402/201787%
Resident Evil 2Playstation 403/201987%
Cities: SkylinesPlaystation 410/201787%
OlliOlli 2: Welcome To OlliWoodPlaystation VITA05/201587%
OlliOlli 2: Welcome To OlliWoodPlaystation 405/201587%
Resident Evil RemasterPlaystation 403/201587%
Life Is Strange: Before The StormPlaystation 403/201887%
Assassin's Creed OriginsPlaystation 401/201887%
FIFA 18Playstation 411/201787%
WWE 2K14Playstation 301/201487%
Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionPlaystation 403/201487%
Killzone - MercenaryPlaystation VITA10/201387%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops IIPlaystation 301/201387%
Diablo IIIPlaystation 310/201387%
Final Fantasy X | X2 - HD RemasterPlaystation 305/201487%
Dead Or Alive 5 UltimatePlaystation 311/201387%
Killzone - Shadow FallPlaystation 401/201487%
Steins;GatePlaystation 308/201587%
Steins;GatePlaystation VITA08/201587%
Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First SinPlaystation 306/201587%
Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First SinPlaystation 406/201587%
Kingdom Hearts - HD 2.5 RemixPlaystation 302/201587%
DmC: Devil May CryPlaystation 405/201586%
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2Playstation 405/201686%
UFC 2Playstation 405/201686%
NHL 18Playstation 412/201786%
Destiny 2Playstation 411/201786%
Call Of Duty: WWIIPlaystation 401/201886%
The Banner Saga 2Playstation 409/201686%
Skullgirls: 2nd EncorePlaystation 410/201586%
NHL 17Playstation 411/201686%
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac AgePlaystation 409/201786%
DiRT 4Playstation 408/201786%
Injustice 2Playstation 407/201786%
Uncharted: The Lost LegacyPlaystation 410/201786%
Bulletstorm: Full Clip EditionPlaystation 406/201786%
Hitman: Die komplette erste SeasonPlaystation 401/201786%
Rise Of The Tomb RaiderPlaystation 412/201686%
Rock BandPlaystation 212/200886%
Madden NFL 19Playstation 410/201886%
CrysisPlaystation 312/201186%
Gran Turismo 5: Spec 2.0Playstation 301/201286%
Renegade OpsPlaystation 310/201186%
Darkstalkers ResurrectionPlaystation 305/201386%
Ratchet: GladiatorPlaystation 312/201386%
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission [VR]Playstation 412/201886%
Hotline MiamiPlaystation 309/201386%
Borderlands 2: Tiny Tinas Sturm auf die DrachenfestungPlaystation 309/201386%
Lone Survivor: The Director's CutPlaystation 312/201386%
The Unfinished SwanPlaystation 312/201286%
SomaPlaystation 411/201586%
Pixeljunk Shooter UltimatePlaystation 408/201486%
Pixeljunk Shooter UltimatePlaystation VITA08/201486%
Beyond: Two SoulsPlaystation 402/201686%
MinecraftPlaystation 412/201486%
Madden NFL 15Playstation 411/201486%
Batman: Arkham OriginsPlaystation 312/201386%
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3Playstation 304/201386%
Trials FusionPlaystation 406/201486%
Medal Of HonorPlaystation 311/201086%
Prince Of Persia: Die vergessene ZeitPlaystation 307/201086%
Split/Second: VelocityPlaystation 307/201086%
Valkyrie Profile 2: SilmeriaPlaystation 211/200786%
Colin McRae: DIRTPlaystation 310/200786%
Resistance 3Playstation 310/201186%
Resistance 3Playstation 311/201186%
Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 3 FESPlaystation 204/200886%
Tom Clancy's EndWarPSP01/200986%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009Playstation 312/200886%
EvolvePlaystation 404/201586%
Dead Or Alive 5: Last RoundPlaystation 405/201586%
Guitar Hero III: Legends Of RockPlaystation 312/200786%
Dante's InfernoPlaystation 303/201086%
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008Playstation 312/200786%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008PSP03/200886%
Watch DogsPlaystation 407/201486%
Grid 2Playstation 307/201386%
Grid 2Playstation 308/201386%
SSXPlaystation 304/201286%
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling TogetherPSP03/201186%
Borderlands 2Playstation 311/201286%
Borderlands 2Playstation 312/201286%
FIFA 16Playstation 411/201586%
This War Of Mine: The Little OnesPlaystation 403/201686%
Life Is StrangePlaystation 401/201686%
F1 2013Playstation 311/201386%
F1 2013Playstation 312/201386%
Baphomets Fluch 5: Der Sündenfall - Episode 2Playstation VITA08/201486%
L.A. NoirePlaystation 307/201186%
DarksidersPlaystation 302/201086%
NBA 2K11Playstation 312/201086%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011Playstation 311/201086%
Castlevania: Lords Of ShadowPlaystation 311/201086%
Monkey Island - Special Edition CollectionPlaystation 311/201186%
Guitar Hero 5Playstation 311/200986%
Dissidia: Final FantasyPSP10/200986%
Tom Clancy's HAWXPlaystation 304/200986%
FIFA 10Playstation 311/200986%
Guitar Hero: World TourPlaystation 301/200985%
Castlevania: The Dracula X ChroniclesPSP03/200885%
Ace Combat: Assault HorizonPlaystation 312/201185%
Sonic GenerationsPlaystation 312/201185%
BulletstormPlaystation 304/201185%
Prince Of Persia - TrilogyPlaystation 302/201185%
Midnight Club: Los AngelesPlaystation 312/200885%
inFamousPlaystation 307/200985%
Valkyria ChroniclesPlaystation 312/200885%
Rock Band: The BeatlesPlaystation 310/200985%
WolfensteinPlaystation 310/200985%
Disgaea 4: A Promise UnforgottenPlaystation 301/201285%
CatherinePlaystation 303/201285%
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By SleepPSP11/201085%
Need For Speed: Hot PursuitPlaystation 312/201085%
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed IIPlaystation 312/201085%
VanquishPlaystation 312/201085%
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2Playstation 312/201085%
Final Fantasy IVPSP06/201185%
The Tomb Raider TrilogyPlaystation 306/201185%
Brütal LegendPlaystation 312/200985%
Dragon Age: OriginsPlaystation 312/200985%
Just Cause 3Playstation 402/201685%
Tekken Tag Tournament 2Playstation 310/201285%
Divinity: Original SinPlaystation 401/201685%
Assassin's Creed: SyndicatePlaystation 412/201585%
Dragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenPlaystation 307/201385%
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3Playstation 301/201285%
Lumines: Electronic SymphonyPlaystation VITA04/201285%
Rayman OriginsPlaystation VITA04/201285%
Uncharted: Golden AbyssPlaystation VITA03/201285%
Uncharted: Golden AbyssPlaystation VITA04/201285%
Brothers: A Tale Of Two SonsPlaystation 410/201585%
Destiny: König der BesessenenPlaystation 411/201585%
Ninja Gaiden 3Playstation 304/201285%
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3Playstation VITA04/201285%
Pursuit Force: Extreme JusticePSP12/200785%
Battlefield: Bad Company 2Playstation 304/201085%
Battlefield: Bad Company 2Playstation 305/201085%
Valkyria Chronicles IIPSP10/201085%
Gran Turismo 5Playstation 302/201185%
Disgaea 3: Absence Of JusticePlaystation 304/200985%
Ninja Gaiden SigmaPlaystation 307/200785%
Mercenaries 2: World In FlamesPlaystation 310/200885%
Tony Hawk's Proving GroundPlaystation 312/200785%
NHL 2K8Playstation 312/200785%
Silent Hill: OriginsPSP12/200785%
Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade SquadronPSP12/200785%
Stuntman: IgnitionPlaystation 310/200785%
Racedriver GridPlaystation 307/200885%
Sid Meier's Civilization RevolutionPlaystation 307/200885%
Top Spin 3Playstation 308/200885%
Mafia IIPlaystation 310/201085%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08Playstation 310/200785%
Resonance Of FatePlaystation 304/201085%
MotorStorm: Pacific RiftPlaystation 301/200985%
MotorStorm: Pacific RiftPlaystation 312/200885%
Child Of LightPlaystation 406/201485%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: BlacklistPlaystation 310/201385%
The Walking Dead - A Telltale Games SeriesPlaystation 302/201385%
inFamous: First LightPlaystation 411/201485%
The Wolf Among UsPlaystation 309/201485%
Far Cry 4Playstation 401/201585%
DanganRonpa 2: Goodbye DespairPlaystation VITA11/201485%
Disgaea 4: A Promise RevisitedPlaystation VITA11/201485%
Plants vs Zombies: Garden WarfarePlaystation 411/201485%
The Walking Dead: Season TwoPlaystation 303/201485%
Grand KingdomPlaystation VITA09/201685%
UnravelPlaystation 404/201685%
Heavy RainPlaystation 405/201685%
Day Of The TentaclePlaystation 405/201685%
Child Of LightPlaystation 306/201485%
Salt And SanctuaryPlaystation 405/201685%
Mirror's Edge CatalystPlaystation 408/201685%
ResogunPlaystation 402/201485%
Bit.Trip presents... Runner 2: Future Of Rhythm AlienPlaystation VITA03/201485%
Baphomets Fluch 5: Der Sündenfall - Episode 1Playstation VITA03/201485%
Horizon: Zero Dawn - The Frozen WildsPlaystation 401/201885%
Okami HDPlaystation 402/201885%
F1 2018Playstation 410/201885%
Far Cry 3: Blood DragonPlaystation 306/201385%
Zen Pinball 2Playstation 311/201285%
SkullgirlsPlaystation 305/201285%
SpelunkyPlaystation 311/201385%
Sonic CDPlaystation 302/201285%
Overcooked! 2Playstation 410/201885%
F1 2017Playstation 410/201785%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory HDPlaystation 310/201185%
Dragon Quest BuildersPlaystation 412/201685%
Skylanders ImaginatorsPlaystation 412/201685%
Titanfall 2Playstation 412/201685%
Shantae: Half-Genie HeroPlaystation 403/201785%
Cursed CastillaPlaystation 402/201785%
What Remains Of Edith FinchPlaystation 407/201785%
WipEout Omega CollectionPlaystation 408/201785%
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedPlaystation 410/201685%
Syphon Filter: Dark MirrorPlaystation 210/200785%
The Binding Of Isaac: RebirthPlaystation 402/201585%
Wolfenstein II: The New ColossusPlaystation 401/201885%
Pillars Of EternityPlaystation 411/201785%
Life Is Strange: Before The StormPlaystation 411/201785%
The Inner World: Der letzte WindmönchPlaystation 411/201785%
The Evil Within 2Playstation 412/201785%
Gran Turismo SportPlaystation 404/201885%
Hotline MiamiPlaystation 412/201485%
AlienationPlaystation 407/201685%
Shantae And The Pirate's CursePlaystation 407/201685%
Kingdom Hearts - HD 1.5 RemixPlaystation 310/201385%
DanganRonpa - Trigger Happy HavocPlaystation VITA04/201485%
Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA f 2ndPlaystation VITA02/201585%
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesPlaystation 305/201485%
Ratchet & Clank: NexusPlaystation 301/201485%
Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA f 2ndPlaystation 302/201585%
Final Fantasy X | X2 - HD RemasterPlaystation 407/201585%
Towerfall AscensionPlaystation 406/201484%
GRID AutosportPlaystation 308/201484%
Rocksmith 2014Playstation 312/201384%
TerrariaPlaystation 308/201384%
Axiom VergePlaystation 406/201584%
Warhammer: Vermintide 2Playstation 403/201984%
Steamworld Dig 2Playstation 412/201784%
Rock Band UnpluggedPSP08/200984%
Kingdom Hearts IIIPlaystation 403/201984%
Mutant Year Zero: Road To EdenPlaystation 402/201984%
RunbowPlaystation 410/201884%
Anomaly: Warzone EarthPlaystation 311/201284%
OlliOlliPlaystation VITA04/201484%
Giana Sisters: Twisted DreamsPlaystation 309/201384%
OlliOlliPlaystation 312/201484%
OlliOlliPlaystation 412/201484%
Metro ReduxPlaystation 410/201484%
Lego Marvel Super HeroesPlaystation 301/201484%
MinecraftPlaystation 303/201484%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double AgentPlaystation 305/200784%
Resistance: RetributionPSP06/200984%
NHL 09Playstation 311/200884%
Sega Mega Drive Ultimate CollectionPlaystation 304/200984%
TerrariaPlaystation VITA03/201484%
Lego Herr der RingePlaystation 301/201384%
Transformers: Untergang von CybertronPlaystation 310/201284%
Virtua Tennis 4Playstation 306/201184%
MotorStorm ApocalypsePlaystation 305/201184%
The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimPlaystation 301/201284%
Die Sims 3Playstation 312/201084%
Soulcalibur: Broken DestinyPSP10/200984%
Virtua Tennis 2009Playstation 307/200984%
Tom Clancy's EndWarPlaystation 301/200984%
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate Of Two WorldsPlaystation 304/201184%
HomefrontPlaystation 305/201184%
Everybody's Golf 2PSP07/200884%
NBA Live 09Playstation 311/200884%
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2Playstation 311/200983%
Dungeon Siege 3Playstation 307/201183%
BorderlandsPlaystation 312/200983%
Bionic CommandoPlaystation 306/200983%
UFC 2009: UndisputedPlaystation 307/200983%
Katamari ForeverPlaystation 311/200983%
MAGPlaystation 304/201083%
Rock Band 3Playstation 312/201083%
Little Big Planet KartingPlaystation 301/201383%
Far Cry PrimalPlaystation 405/201683%
The Talos PrinciplePlaystation 412/201583%
Lego Batman 2: DC Super HeroesPlaystation 308/201283%
Dragon's DogmaPlaystation 306/201283%
Birds Of SteelPlaystation 305/201283%
Sleeping DogsPlaystation 309/201283%
Shovel KnightPlaystation 406/201583%
The Ratchet & Clank TrilogyPlaystation 308/201283%
Tearaway UnfoldedPlaystation 411/201583%
Street Fighter X TekkenPlaystation VITA01/201383%
FIFA StreetPlaystation 305/201283%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future SoldierPlaystation 308/201283%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future SoldierPlaystation 307/201283%
PrototypePlaystation 307/200983%
Alpha ProtocolPlaystation 307/201083%
Sega RallyPlaystation 311/200783%
F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginPlaystation 303/200983%
Prince Of PersiaPlaystation 302/200983%
Borderlands: The Handsome CollectionPlaystation 406/201583%
Gran Turismo 5 ProloguePlaystation 305/200883%
Gran Turismo 5 ProloguePlaystation 306/200883%
Lost Planet 2Playstation 305/201083%
Just Cause 2Playstation 305/201083%
Rogue GalaxyPlaystation 210/200783%
Metro: Last LightPlaystation 307/201383%
Sly Cooper: Thieves In TimePlaystation 304/201383%
Skylanders: Trap TeamPlaystation 412/201483%
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!Playstation 312/201483%
Anomaly 2Playstation 412/201483%
The SwapperPlaystation 410/201483%
The SwapperPlaystation 310/201483%
The SwapperPlaystation VITA10/201483%
Soul Sacrifice DeltaPlaystation VITA08/201483%
The Banner SagaPlaystation 403/201683%
Joe Danger 2 - The MoviePlaystation 312/201283%
Trine 2: Complete StoryPlaystation 402/201483%
TxKPlaystation VITA04/201483%
Dead Nation: Apocalypse EditionPlaystation 405/201483%
Phantom DoctrinePlaystation 410/201883%
Yakuza Kiwami 2Playstation 410/201883%
LocoRoco 2 RemasteredPlaystation 403/201883%
Mega Man 11Playstation 412/201883%
Soul Calibur VIPlaystation 412/201883%
ClosurePlaystation 306/201283%
DyadPlaystation 302/201383%
Dead CellsPlaystation 410/201883%
Monster Boy And The Cursed KingdomPlaystation 402/201983%
Ace Combat 7: Skies UnknownPlaystation 403/201983%
Assassin's Creed: The Ezio CollectionPlaystation 401/201783%
Robinson: The Journey [VR]Playstation 401/201783%
NieR: AutomataPlaystation 405/201783%
Yooka-LayleePlaystation 406/201783%
Prey [2017]Playstation 407/201783%
Shadow Tactics: Blades Of The ShogunPlaystation 409/201783%
Tales From The Borderlands: Zer0 SumPlaystation 302/201583%
Shovel KnightPlaystation 306/201583%
Galak-Z: The DimensionalPlaystation 410/201583%
Shovel KnightPlaystation VITA06/201583%
Tales From The Borderlands: Zer0 SumPlaystation 402/201583%
FIFA 17Playstation 412/201683%
LocoRoco RemasteredPlaystation 403/201883%
Surviving MarsPlaystation 405/201883%
PinstripePlaystation 404/201883%
Prison ArchitectPlaystation 409/201683%
NBA Live 08Playstation 211/200783%
Ys - Memories Of CelcetaPlaystation VITA04/201483%
Skylanders: SWAP ForcePlaystation 312/201382%
Toukiden: The Age Of DemonsPlaystation VITA04/201482%
Disgaea D2: A Brighter DarknessPlaystation 312/201382%
Atelier Escha & Logy - Alchemists Of The Dusk SkyPlaystation 305/201482%
Lego Marvel Super HeroesPlaystation 402/201482%
Extreme ExorcismPlaystation 401/201682%
Madden NFL 25 1989-2014Playstation 402/201482%
Killer Is DeadPlaystation 310/201382%
Giana Sisters: Twisted DreamsPlaystation 402/201582%
AwesomeNauts Assemble!Playstation 405/201482%
Resident Evil: Revelations 2Playstation 404/201582%
Invisible, Inc.Playstation 407/201682%
The Walking Dead: MichonnePlaystation 407/201682%
DoomPlaystation 407/201682%
MLB 16: The ShowPlaystation 406/201682%
Trackmania TurboPlaystation 406/201682%
IconoclastsPlaystation 404/201882%
Shadow Of The ColossusPlaystation 403/201882%
BastionPlaystation 406/201582%
South Park: The Fractured But WholePlaystation 412/201782%
MLB 16: The ShowPlaystation 306/201682%
Die Säulen der Erde: Wer den Wind sätPlaystation 402/201882%
Pac Man: Championship Edition 2Playstation 411/201682%
Puzzle Quest: Challenge Of The WarlordsPlaystation 204/200882%
The King Of Fighters XIVPlaystation 411/201682%
Tricky TowersPlaystation 410/201682%
F1 2016Playstation 410/201682%
Anarchy ReignsPlaystation 302/201382%
Grim Fandango RemasteredPlaystation 404/201582%
The King of Fighters XIPlaystation 207/200782%
Grim Fandango RemasteredPlaystation VITA04/201582%
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong NumberPlaystation 405/201582%
Sonic ManiaPlaystation 410/201782%
Nioh: Drache des NordensPlaystation 407/201782%
Danganronpa 1-2 ReloadPlaystation 405/201782%
Killing Floor 2Playstation 401/201782%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: WildlandsPlaystation 405/201782%
Thronebreaker: The Witcher TalesPlaystation 402/201982%
The Banner Saga 3Playstation 410/201882%
State Of MindPlaystation 410/201882%
The Pinball ArcadePlaystation 306/201282%
Hitman 2Playstation 401/201982%
Disgaea 1 CompletePlaystation 412/201882%
Valkyria Chronicles 4Playstation 411/201882%
Chaos auf DeponiaPlaystation 402/201882%
Battlefield 4 - China RisingPlaystation 302/201482%
Hell Yeah! Der Zorn des toten KarnickelsPlaystation 312/201282%
Resident Evil ZeroPlaystation 403/201682%
A Boy And His BlobPlaystation 403/201682%
Nuclear ThronePlaystation 402/201682%
Extreme ExorcismPlaystation 301/201682%
Nuclear ThronePlaystation VITA02/201682%
Valiant Hearts: The Great WarPlaystation 409/201482%
Valiant Hearts: The Great WarPlaystation 309/201482%
Assault Android CactusPlaystation 405/201682%
Peggle 2Playstation 412/201482%
Super Meat BoyPlaystation 412/201582%
Super Meat BoyPlaystation VITA12/201582%
Zero Time DilemmaPlaystation VITA09/201682%
DestinyPlaystation 411/201482%
WWE 2K15Playstation 401/201582%
The Walking Dead - A Telltale Games SeriesPlaystation 307/201282%
Hitman HD TrilogyPlaystation 303/201382%
Tales From The BorderlandsPlaystation 401/201682%
Marvel: Ultimate AlliancePlaystation 305/200782%
SilencePlaystation 401/201782%
Eternal SonataPlaystation 304/200982%
Mytran WarsPSP05/200982%
Warhammer 40.000: Space MarinePlaystation 311/201182%
Warhammer 40.000: Space MarinePlaystation 310/201182%
Resident Evil: Revelations 2Playstation 304/201582%
Patapon 2PSP05/200982%
Mirror's EdgePlaystation 312/200882%
Shaun White SnowboardingPSP01/200982%
FIFA 08Playstation 211/200782%
Die Simpsons: Das SpielPlaystation 312/200782%
Lego Star Wars: Die komplette SagaPlaystation 301/200882%
King Of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2Playstation 207/200782%
Disgaea 3: Absence Of JusticePlaystation 306/201282%
Devil May Cry 4Playstation 303/200882%
Sonic & Sega All-Stars RacingPlaystation 304/201082%
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals - Tactical StrikePSP01/200882%
Lost Planet: Extreme ConditionPlaystation 305/200882%
Skylanders: SuperChargersPlaystation 412/201582%
StarhawkPlaystation 307/201282%
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour EditionPlaystation VITA04/201282%
Super Monkey Ball: Banana SplitzPlaystation VITA01/201382%
The Darkness IIPlaystation 304/201282%
RocksmithPlaystation 311/201282%
The Sly TrilogyPlaystation 302/201182%
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2Playstation 411/201582%
Soul SacrificePlaystation VITA07/201382%
Port Royale 3Playstation 310/201282%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: SiegePlaystation 402/201682%
Life Is StrangePlaystation 403/201582%
WRC 3: FIA World Rally ChampionshipPlaystation 312/201282%
R.U.S.E.Playstation 310/201082%
Little Big Planet [2009]PSP01/201082%
Star Ocean: The Last Hope InternationalPlaystation 303/201082%
Guitar Hero: Warriors Of RockPlaystation 311/201082%
de Blob 2Playstation 303/201182%
Red Faction: ArmageddonPlaystation 307/201182%
WWE '12Playstation 301/201282%
Resident Evil VII: BiohazardPlaystation 403/201782%
Overlord IIPlaystation 308/200982%
Siren: Blood CursePlaystation 301/200982%
MotorStorm: Arctic EdgePSP11/200981%
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedPlaystation 311/200881%
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: Das VideospielPlaystation 307/201181%
WWE All StarsPlaystation 305/201181%
Little Big Planet KartingPlaystation 312/201281%
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4Playstation 403/201681%
Spec Ops: The LinePlaystation 308/201281%
Spec Ops: The LinePlaystation 309/201281%
Kingdoms Of Amalur: ReckoningPlaystation 303/201281%
NHL 16Playstation 411/201581%
Trine 2Playstation 302/201281%
Madden NFL 12Playstation 311/201181%
Brothers In Arms: Hell's HighwayPlaystation 311/200881%
Fallout: New VegasPlaystation 312/201081%
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2PSP09/200881%
Worms: Open Warfare 2PSP09/200781%
Everything's Gone To The RapturePlaystation 410/201581%
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm RebornPlaystation 406/201481%
F1 2014Playstation 312/201481%
Mega Man Legacy CollectionPlaystation 411/201581%
FezPlaystation 306/201481%
FezPlaystation VITA06/201481%
FezPlaystation 406/201481%
LuftrausersPlaystation 306/201481%
LuftrausersPlaystation VITA06/201481%
Rayman 3 HDPlaystation 305/201281%
Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big PackagePlaystation 402/201881%
Unravel TwoPlaystation 409/201881%
Warhammer 40.000: Kill TeamPlaystation 309/201181%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HDPlaystation 310/201181%
L.A. Noire: Rockstar PassPlaystation 309/201181%
DeponiaPlaystation 401/201781%
ClustertruckPlaystation 412/201681%
Darkest DungeonPlaystation 412/201681%
Viking SquadPlaystation 412/201681%
Nex Machina: Death MachinePlaystation 408/201781%
Yakuza 4Playstation 304/201181%
Transformers: Kampf um CybertronPlaystation 308/201081%
Sega RallyPSP12/200781%
OutlastPlaystation 404/201481%
Warhammer The End Times: VermintidePlaystation 412/201681%
EVE: Valkyrie [VR]Playstation 412/201681%
Middle-Earth: Shadow Of WarPlaystation 412/201781%
Moss [VR]Playstation 405/201881%
Valkyria Chronicles RemasteredPlaystation 407/201681%
Madden NFL 08Playstation 210/200781%
Skylanders: SWAP ForcePlaystation 402/201481%
Tales Of Symphonia ChroniclesPlaystation 306/201481%
South Park: Der Stab der WahrheitPlaystation 305/201481%
When Vikings AttackPlaystation 301/201380%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel UnlimitedPlaystation 409/201580%
Madden NFL 25 1989-2014Playstation 311/201380%
Lara Croft und der Tempel des OsirisPlaystation 402/201580%
Stick It To The Man!Playstation 407/201480%
Mortal Kombat XPlaystation 409/201580%
BattlebornPlaystation 407/201680%
Life Goes On: Done To DeathPlaystation 407/201680%
Yakuza 6: The Song Of LifePlaystation 405/201880%
Dragonball FighterZPlaystation 404/201880%
UFC 3Playstation 403/201880%
A.O.T. 2Playstation 405/201880%
Gran Turismo SportPlaystation 401/201880%
L.A. NoirePlaystation 401/201880%
Dishonored: Der Tod des OutsidersPlaystation 411/201780%
Yakuza KiwamiPlaystation 410/201780%
Ken Follett: Die Säulen der ErdePlaystation 410/201780%
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2Playstation 401/201880%
Knowledge Is Power - Wissen ist MachtPlaystation 402/201880%
Batman: The Telltale SeriesPlaystation 410/201680%
ATV Offroad Fury 4Playstation 204/200880%
Yakuza 0Playstation 403/201780%
AbzûPlaystation 410/201680%
ObliteracersPlaystation 410/201680%
The King of Fighters XIIIPlaystation 302/201280%
Skylanders: GiantsPlaystation 301/201380%
Steamworld HeistPlaystation VITA08/201680%
Steamworld HeistPlaystation 408/201680%
Trine: Enchanted EditionPlaystation 403/201580%
Tetris UltimatePlaystation 403/201580%
Super Stardust UltraPlaystation 404/201580%
Strider [2014]Playstation 304/201480%
Strider [2014]Playstation 404/201480%
King's Quest: Episode 1Playstation 410/201580%
King's Quest: Episode 1Playstation 310/201580%
Skulls Of The ShogunPlaystation 408/201580%
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyPlaystation 409/201780%
Agents Of MayhemPlaystation 410/201780%
That's You!Playstation 409/201780%
MatterfallPlaystation 412/201780%
Sudden Strike 4Playstation 410/201780%
Farpoint [VR]Playstation 407/201780%
RiMEPlaystation 407/201780%
NieR: AutomataPlaystation 407/201780%
The Inner WorldPlaystation 406/201780%
Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Telltale SeriesPlaystation 406/201780%
The Sexy BrutalePlaystation 407/201780%
Outlast 2Playstation 406/201780%
Full Throttle RemasteredPlaystation 406/201780%
The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimPlaystation 401/201780%
Stardew ValleyPlaystation 402/201780%
Here They Lie [VR]Playstation 412/201680%
Call Of Duty: Infinite WarfarePlaystation 401/201780%
World Of Final FantasyPlaystation 412/201680%
Dark Souls III: Ashes Of Ariandel [DLC]Playstation 401/201780%
Super Stardust DeltaPlaystation VITA04/201280%
Slime-SanPlaystation 409/201880%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell HDPlaystation 310/201180%
Boulder Dash RocksPSP05/200880%
Motorstorm RCPlaystation 305/201280%
Motorstorm RCPlaystation VITA05/201280%
Quantum ConundrumPlaystation 309/201280%
Der Herr der Ringe: Wächter von MittelerdePlaystation 302/201380%
The CavePlaystation 303/201380%
RochardPlaystation 312/201180%
Duke Nukem Forever: Der Doktor, der mich klontePlaystation 302/201280%
PixelJunk Side ScrollerPlaystation 301/201280%
Capcom Arcade CabinetPlaystation 305/201380%
PulzarPlaystation 308/201280%
Sound ShapesPlaystation 310/201280%
Final Fantasy XV: Pocket EditionPlaystation 411/201880%
WWE 2K19Playstation 412/201880%
Guacamelee 2Playstation 410/201880%
Stick It To The Man!Playstation VITA02/201480%
Stick It To The Man!Playstation 302/201480%
Cloudberry KingdomPlaystation 310/201380%
KickbeatPlaystation 311/201380%
Sine MoraPlaystation 302/201380%
CastlestormPlaystation VITA05/201480%
Doki-Doki UniversePlaystation 402/201480%
Sound ShapesPlaystation 402/201480%
CastlestormPlaystation 305/201480%
Persona 3: Dancing In MoonlightPlaystation 402/201980%
Spyro: Reignited TrilogyPlaystation 401/201980%
LEGO DC Super-VillainsPlaystation 412/201880%
Persona 3 / Persona 5: Endless Night CollectionPlaystation 402/201980%
Enter The GungeonPlaystation 406/201680%
Rebel GalaxyPlaystation 404/201680%
Chronicles Of Teddy: Harmony Of ExidusPlaystation 406/201680%
TransistorPlaystation 407/201480%
Final Fantasy VIIPlaystation 402/201680%
Lego Star Wars: The Force AwakensPlaystation 409/201680%
R-Type DimensionsPlaystation 308/201480%
Lego Batman 3: Beyond GothamPlaystation 401/201580%
Assassin's Creed: RoguePlaystation 301/201580%
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists Of The Dusk SeaPlaystation 306/201580%
FIFA World Cup 2014 BrazilPlaystation 306/201480%
Wolfenstein: The New OrderPlaystation 407/201480%
Tropico 5Playstation 407/201580%
Super Time Force UltraPlaystation 411/201580%
Super Time Force UltraPlaystation VITA11/201580%
Tales Of Xillia 2Playstation 310/201480%
FolklorePlaystation 311/200780%
ModNation RacersPlaystation 306/201080%
Enslaved: Odyssey To The WestPlaystation 311/201080%
James Bond 007: Blood StonePlaystation 312/201080%
Saints Row IV Re-Elected & Gat Out Of HellPlaystation 403/201580%
Need For Speed: ProStreetPlaystation 301/200880%
Guitar Hero: AerosmithPlaystation 309/200880%
The Eye Of JudgmentPlaystation 311/200780%
FIFA 08Playstation 311/200780%
Warhammer 40,000: Squad CommandPSP01/200880%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008Playstation 201/200880%
Chessmaster: Die Kunst des LernensPSP06/200880%
F.E.A.R. 3Playstation 308/201180%
No More Heroes: Heroes' ParadisePlaystation 306/201180%
Saints Row: The ThirdPlaystation 301/201280%
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot 3 - Ultimate EditionPlaystation 305/200980%
The Chronicles Of Riddick: Assault On Dark AthenaPlaystation 306/200980%
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions Of WW2Playstation 302/200880%
Yakuza 3Playstation 305/201080%
Lost Planet: Extreme ConditionPlaystation 304/200880%
Devil May Cry HD CollectionPlaystation 305/201280%
DiRT: ShowdownPlaystation 307/201280%
Resistance: Burning SkiesPlaystation VITA07/201280%
Tales Of Graces FPlaystation 310/201280%
WipEout 2048Playstation VITA04/201280%
Everybody's GolfPlaystation VITA04/201280%
The ShootPlaystation 312/201080%
NBA 2K8Playstation 312/200780%
NBA JamPlaystation 301/201180%
Lollipop ChainsawPlaystation 308/201280%
Gravity RushPlaystation VITA07/201280%
Lego DimensionsPlaystation 412/201580%
London 2012Playstation 308/201280%
Resident Evil: RevelationsPlaystation 307/201380%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014Playstation 311/201380%
The 3rd BirthdayPSP05/201180%
Lego Indiana Jones 2: Die neuen AbenteuerPlaystation 301/201080%
Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesPlaystation 204/201080%
GoldenEye 007 ReloadedPlaystation 301/201280%
Metal Gear Solid: Peace WalkerPSP07/201080%
Ace Combat: Joint AssaultPSP10/201080%
Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 1-4Playstation 308/201080%
The Walking Dead: Season ThreePlaystation 403/201780%
EA Sports MMAPlaystation 312/201080%
Golden Eye 007: ReloadedPlaystation 312/201180%
Saints Row 2Playstation 312/200880%
Sacred 2: Fallen AngelPlaystation 307/200980%
Overlord: Raising HellPlaystation 307/200880%
Ice Age 3: Die Dinosaurier sind losPlaystation 209/200980%
Ghostbusters: The Video GamePlaystation 307/200980%
Dungeon Siege 3Playstation 308/201180%
Siegecraft CommanderPlaystation 403/201779%
Jak And Daxter: The Lost FrontierPSP02/201079%
Tekken 6PSP02/201079%
Need For Speed: Most WantedPlaystation 312/201279%
Street Fighter VPlaystation 404/201679%
Medal Of Honor: WarfighterPlaystation 312/201279%
Transformers: DevastationPlaystation 412/201579%
Star Wars: BattlefrontPlaystation 402/201679%
Grand Slam Tennis 2Playstation 304/201279%
Lego Indiana Jones: Die legendären AbenteuerPlaystation 307/200879%
UEFA Euro 2008PSP05/200879%
Monster Hunter Freedom UnitePSP08/200979%
Guitar Hero: Rocks The 80sPlaystation 210/200779%
Atelier Iris 3: Grand PhantasmPlaystation 208/200779%
Resident Evil: Revelations 2Playstation 305/201579%
Enemy Territory: Quake WarsPlaystation 308/200879%
Nascar 08Playstation 309/200779%
The Walking Dead: Season TwoPlaystation 411/201479%
The Walking Dead: Season TwoPlaystation 311/201479%
MXGP: The Official Motocross VideogamePlaystation 402/201579%
FeistPlaystation 403/201779%
Rogue LegacyPlaystation VITA10/201479%
Rogue LegacyPlaystation 410/201479%
Rogue LegacyPlaystation 310/201479%
Velocity 2XPlaystation VITA12/201479%
Styx: Master Of ShadowsPlaystation 412/201479%
Grow HomePlaystation 411/201579%
BroforcePlaystation 405/201679%
DC Universe OnlinePlaystation 402/201479%
The Walking Dead: 400 DaysPlaystation 309/201379%
Gravity Rush 2Playstation 403/201779%
Yesterday OriginsPlaystation 402/201779%
Batman: Arkham VRPlaystation 412/201679%
Batman: The Telltale SeriesPlaystation 403/201779%
RIGS: Mechanized Combat League [VR]Playstation 412/201679%
Velocity 2XPlaystation 412/201479%
Resident Evil: Revelations 2Playstation 405/201579%
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2Playstation 304/201479%
Lego Jurassic WorldPlaystation 408/201579%
Dragon's CrownPlaystation 312/201378%
Wonderbook: Dinosaurier - Im Reich der GigantenPlaystation 301/201478%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08Playstation 210/200778%
Madden NFL 08PSP10/200778%
Wolfenstein: The Old BloodPlaystation 407/201578%
The Bureau: Xcom DeclassifiedPlaystation 310/201378%
Injustice: Gods Among UsPlaystation 402/201478%
Scribblenauts: ShowdownPlaystation 405/201878%
Armored WarfarePlaystation 404/201878%
Fallout 4: Far HarborPlaystation 408/201678%
RépubliquePlaystation 405/201678%
Everybody's GolfPlaystation 412/201778%
WWE 2K18Playstation 412/201778%
HammerwatchPlaystation 403/201878%
Super Stardust Ultra VRPlaystation 412/201678%
HeadlanderPlaystation 410/201678%
Lego: The IncrediblesPlaystation 409/201878%
BadlandPlaystation 408/201578%
BadlandPlaystation 308/201578%
Dragon Quest Heroes IIPlaystation 406/201778%
FuriPlaystation 409/201678%
Watch Dogs 2Playstation 401/201778%
Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter ProloguePlaystation 403/201778%
Wild Guns ReloadedPlaystation 403/201778%
Lego City UndercoverPlaystation 406/201778%
SteepPlaystation 402/201778%
88 HeroesPlaystation 405/201778%
Rekken RevolutionPlaystation 308/201378%
Assassin's Creed OdysseyPlaystation 412/201878%
Stealth Incorporated - A Long In The DarkPlaystation 310/201378%
Rainbow MoonPlaystation VITA02/201478%
MachinariumPlaystation 307/201378%
Urban Trial FreestylePlaystation 304/201378%
UEFA Euro 2012Playstation 307/201278%
PuddlePlaystation 304/201278%
The BaconingPlaystation 310/201178%
From DustPlaystation 311/201178%
Darksiders IIIPlaystation 401/201978%
Steamworld DigPlaystation 406/201478%
Steamworld DigPlaystation VITA06/201478%
Digimon Story: Cyber SleuthPlaystation VITA04/201678%
Arcana Heart 3 - LoveMax!!!!!Playstation 303/201578%
RidePlaystation 406/201578%
The Wolf Among UsPlaystation 301/201478%
The Wolf Among UsPlaystation 304/201478%
The Wolf Among UsPlaystation VITA01/201478%
PlanetSide 2Playstation 410/201578%
BadlandPlaystation VITA08/201578%
Damascus Gear: Operation TokyoPlaystation VITA07/201578%
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA fPlaystation 311/201378%
Disney InfinityPlaystation 310/201378%
Saints Row IVPlaystation 310/201378%
Virtua Fighter 5Playstation 307/201278%
Stuntman: IgnitionPlaystation 210/200778%
Spider-Man: DimensionsPlaystation 311/201078%
Final Fantasy Type-0 HDPlaystation 405/201578%
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals - Combined AssaultPlaystation 206/200778%
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals - Combined AssaultPlaystation 208/200778%
Das Bourne KomplottPlaystation 308/200878%
Viking: Battle For AsgardPlaystation 306/200878%
Ninja Gaiden Sigma PlusPlaystation VITA04/201278%
Williams Pinball ClassicsPlaystation 309/201178%
Skylanders: Spyro's AdventurePlaystation 301/201278%
Asura's WrathPlaystation 304/201278%
Binary DomainPlaystation 304/201278%
F1 2015Playstation 409/201578%
Dragon Quest HeroesPlaystation 411/201578%
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing LegendsPlaystation 308/201278%
SorceryPlaystation 307/201278%
Digimon Story: Cyber SleuthPlaystation 404/201678%
Lego Marvel's AvengersPlaystation 404/201678%
Wonderbook: Das Buch der ZaubersprüchePlaystation 301/201378%
Sports ChampionsPlaystation 310/201078%
Major League Baseball 2K11Playstation 309/201178%
Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 5-7Playstation 301/201278%
Def Jam: RapstarPlaystation 301/201178%
3D Dot Game HeroesPlaystation 307/201078%
Arcana Heart 3Playstation 310/201178%
FracturePlaystation 312/200878%
Everybody's Golf: World TourPlaystation 305/200878%
Mortal Kombat vs DC UniversePlaystation 301/200978%
EyePetPlaystation 301/201078%
Green Day: Rock BandPlaystation 308/201078%
Shadows Of The DamnedPlaystation 308/201178%
Mini NinjasPlaystation 311/200978%
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2Playstation 311/200978%
Guitar Hero: Greatest HitsPlaystation 309/200978%
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon RisingPlaystation 311/200977%
Space Invaders ExtremePSP09/200877%
DC Universe OnlinePlaystation 304/201177%
Fairytale FightsPlaystation 312/200977%
Need For Speed: The RunPlaystation 301/201277%
Band HeroPlaystation 301/201077%
Duke Nukem ForeverPlaystation 308/201177%
Titan AttacksPlaystation VITA07/201477%
The SaboteurPlaystation 302/201077%
Gravity Rush RemasteredPlaystation 404/201677%
Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice Of ArlandPlaystation 307/201277%
Guitar Hero LivePlaystation 401/201677%
Blood Bowl IIPlaystation 411/201577%
Until DawnPlaystation 410/201577%
Everybody's TennisPSP09/201077%
Twisted MetalPlaystation 305/201277%
Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesPSP04/201077%
TurokPlaystation 304/200877%
Child Of EdenPlaystation 311/201177%
Everybody's TennisPlaystation 205/200777%
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm RebornPlaystation 310/201377%
Injustice: Gods Among UsPlaystation 306/201377%
ArmelloPlaystation 411/201577%
UnepicPlaystation 406/201677%
UnepicPlaystation VITA06/201677%
Titan AttacksPlaystation 307/201477%
Titan AttacksPlaystation 407/201477%
Starlink: Battle For AtlasPlaystation 412/201877%
Shank 2Playstation 304/201277%
Dungeon DefendersPlaystation 303/201277%
inFamous: Festival Of BloodPlaystation 301/201277%
Mercury HgPlaystation 312/201177%
Gatling GearsPlaystation 309/201177%
Don't StarvePlaystation 403/201477%
The Long Journey HomePlaystation 401/201977%
Steep - Winter Games EditionPlaystation 402/201877%
Dust 514Playstation 310/201377%
VesselPlaystation 305/201477%
Toukiden 2Playstation 405/201777%
Tales Of BerseriaPlaystation 403/201777%
The Last GuardianPlaystation 402/201777%
Eagle Flight [VR]Playstation 401/201777%
Pac-Man 256Playstation 410/201677%
Assassin's Creed: Liberation HDPlaystation 303/201477%
The Final StationPlaystation 411/201677%
Tom Clancy's The DivisionPlaystation 405/201677%
Dragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenPlaystation 412/201777%
HobPlaystation 412/201777%
Battle Chasers: NightwarPlaystation 412/201777%
Lost SphearPlaystation 403/201877%
Injustice: Gods Among UsPlaystation VITA02/201477%
Demon GazePlaystation VITA06/201477%
Pure PoolPlaystation 410/201476%
The Order: 1886Playstation 404/201576%
Battlefield: HardlinePlaystation 405/201576%
Wonderbook: Privatdetektiv DiggsPlaystation 308/201376%
GravelPlaystation 405/201876%
ElexPlaystation 412/201776%
Last Day Of JunePlaystation 411/201776%
Hidden AgendaPlaystation 401/201876%
Destiny: Das Erwachen der eisernen LordsPlaystation 411/201676%
Battlezone VRPlaystation 412/201676%
Toybox TurbosPlaystation 302/201576%
I Am SetsunaPlaystation 409/201676%
MekazooPlaystation 402/201776%
Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood VRPlaystation 412/201676%
Just Dance 2017Playstation 401/201776%
TransferencePlaystation 411/201876%
Escape PlanPlaystation 402/201476%
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Schrei nach FreiheitPlaystation 403/201476%
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Schrei nach FreiheitPlaystation 303/201476%
Payday: The HeistPlaystation 301/201276%
Hamilton's Great AdventurePlaystation 310/201176%
Escape PlanPlaystation VITA04/201276%
Sonic 4: Episode 2Playstation 307/201276%
Burnout CrashPlaystation 312/201176%
Magic: The Gathering - Duels Of The Planeswalkers 2013Playstation 309/201276%
Call Of CthulhuPlaystation 401/201976%
Playerunknown's BattlegroundsPlaystation 402/201976%
MetricoPlaystation VITA10/201476%
Dead StarPlaystation 406/201676%
FirewatchPlaystation 404/201676%
Gone HomePlaystation 405/201676%
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist Of DuskPlaystation 305/201376%
The Ratchet & Clank TrilogyPlaystation VITA09/201476%
MX vs ATV SupercrossPlaystation 312/201476%
Shadow Hearts: From The New WorldPlaystation 207/200776%
Tom Clancy's HAWX 2Playstation 310/201076%
SingStar Deutsch Rock-Pop Vol. 2Playstation 210/200776%
Flatout: Head OnPSP04/200876%
ATV Offroad Fury ProPSP09/200876%
UEFA Euro 2008Playstation 305/200876%
Time Crisis: Razing StormPlaystation 312/201076%
SingStar: Die Toten HosenPlaystation 210/200776%
SingStar '90sPlaystation 210/200776%
FIFA Street 3Playstation 305/200876%
Heavenly SwordPlaystation 310/200776%
Juiced 2: Hot Import NightsPlaystation 311/200776%
SingStarPlaystation 310/200776%
Dynasty Warriors NextPlaystation VITA04/201276%
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm GenerationsPlaystation 305/201276%
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden ZPlaystation 305/201476%
Warriors Orochi 3Playstation 306/201276%
The Amazing Spider-ManPlaystation 309/201276%
WWE 2K16Playstation 401/201676%
Tales Of ZestiriaPlaystation 412/201576%
Gods Eater BurstPSP04/201176%
James Cameron's Avatar: Das SpielPlaystation 301/201076%
Toy Story 3Playstation 309/201076%
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysPlaystation 310/201076%
MX vs. ATV AlivePlaystation 307/201176%
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds Of PreyPlaystation 310/200976%
Gran TurismoPSP11/200976%
007: Ein Quantum TrostPlaystation 301/200976%
WetPlaystation 311/200975%
Kung Fu PandaPlaystation 308/200875%
Tekken 6Playstation 312/200975%
MX vs. ATV ReflexPlaystation 303/201075%
Majin And The Forsaken KingdomPlaystation 301/201175%
Medieval MovesPlaystation 301/201275%
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell Of Ar CielPlaystation 306/201175%
MotoGP 10/11Playstation 305/201175%
Rock Band 4Playstation 412/201575%
Silent Hill HD CollectionPlaystation 305/201275%
Borderlands 2Playstation VITA08/201475%
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere Of InfluencePlaystation 411/201575%
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3Playstation 411/201575%
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3Playstation 311/201575%
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3Playstation VITA11/201575%
Rory McIlroy PGA TourPlaystation 409/201575%
Devil May Cry 4Playstation 409/201575%
Touch My KatamariPlaystation VITA04/201275%
Unit 13Playstation VITA04/201275%
White Knight Chronicles IIPlaystation 308/201175%
Medal Of Honor: AirbornePlaystation 301/200875%
VeneticaPlaystation 303/201175%
Odin SpherePlaystation 204/200875%
Ferrari ChallengePlaystation 309/200875%
Secret Agent ClankPSP08/200875%
SingularityPlaystation 308/201075%
Medal Of HonorPlaystation 312/201075%
uDraw Studio - Instant ArtistPlaystation 302/201275%
Little Big Planet 3Playstation 402/201575%
WRC 4: FIA World Rally ChampionshipPlaystation 312/201375%
Middle-Earth: Shadow Of MordorPlaystation 411/201475%
Remember MePlaystation 307/201375%
Moto GP 13Playstation 308/201375%
Not A HeroPlaystation 405/201675%
KlausPlaystation 404/201675%
Monster MonpiecePlaystation VITA09/201475%
CrimsonlandPlaystation 409/201475%
Hard Reset: ReduxPlaystation 409/201675%
Duel Of The Champions: Forgotten WarsPlaystation 310/201475%
Retro City RampagePlaystation 312/201275%
Max Payne 3: Lokale GerechtigkeitPlaystation 309/201275%
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled ChickenPlaystation 304/201375%
EufloriaPlaystation 312/201175%
Battlefield 3: Armored KillPlaystation 311/201275%
Rainbow MoonPlaystation 308/201275%
SkydriftPlaystation 311/201175%
SBK 2011: FIM Superbike World ChampionshipPlaystation 306/201175%
LocoRoco: Midnight CarnivalPSP01/201075%
FurminsPlaystation VITA02/201475%
Call Of Duty: Ghosts - OnslaughtPlaystation 405/201475%
WarframePlaystation 402/201475%
Metro: Last Light - Faction PackPlaystation 309/201375%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II - VengeancePlaystation 310/201375%
NBA Live 19Playstation 411/201875%
NBA 2K19Playstation 411/201875%
WWE 2K17Playstation 412/201675%
2DarkPlaystation 405/201775%
Vikings: Wolves Of MidgardPlaystation 405/201775%
Mass Effect: AndromedaPlaystation 405/201775%
Duke Nukem 3DPlaystation 405/201775%
Disc JamPlaystation 405/201775%
The SurgePlaystation 407/201775%
Dead By DaylightPlaystation 409/201775%
Lone Survivor: The Director's CutPlaystation 401/201575%
ApotheonPlaystation 404/201575%
Assetto CorsaPlaystation 411/201675%
Worms W.M.D - All StarsPlaystation 410/201675%
Silent Hill: OriginsPlaystation 206/200875%
Nidhogg 2Playstation 412/201775%
The Hunter: Call Of The WildPlaystation 412/201775%
Marvel vs. Capcom: InfinitePlaystation 411/201775%
Conan ExilesPlaystation 409/201875%
Need For Speed: RivalsPlaystation 402/201475%
Just Dance 2014Playstation 402/201475%
The Witch And The Hundred KnightPlaystation 405/201675%
MotoGP 14Playstation 409/201475%
Dynasty Warriors 8Playstation 309/201375%
Lego Rock BandPlaystation 301/201075%
WRC 2: FIA World Rally ChampionshipPlaystation 312/201175%
Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of ZPlaystation 303/201475%
Hitman GoPlaystation VITA05/201674%
One Piece: Unlimited World RedPlaystation 309/201474%
The EscapistsPlaystation 408/201574%
Broken AgePlaystation 406/201574%
Broken AgePlaystation VITA06/201574%
Die Sims 4Playstation 401/201874%
The Crew 2Playstation 409/201874%
OrgarhythmPlaystation VITA05/201374%
HuePlaystation 402/201774%
Never AlonePlaystation 403/201574%
The Vanishing Of Ethan CarterPlaystation 409/201574%
OxenfreePlaystation 408/201674%
Super Mutant Alien AssaultPlaystation 409/201674%
Embers Of MirrimPlaystation 407/201774%
Get EvenPlaystation 408/201774%
Dreamfall ChaptersPlaystation 407/201774%
Mordheim: City Of The DamnedPlaystation 401/201774%
We SingPlaystation 402/201774%
HuePlaystation VITA02/201774%
Wayward Sky [VR]Playstation 412/201674%
Hungry Shark WorldPlaystation 410/201874%
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Mirror Of FatePlaystation 301/201474%
Thief: Der BankraubPlaystation 405/201474%
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Berühmte PiratenPlaystation 403/201474%
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Berühmte PiratenPlaystation 303/201474%
DustforcePlaystation 304/201474%
Black The FallPlaystation 409/201774%
Duels Of The Planeswalkers 2012Playstation 309/201174%
Unmechanical ExtendedPlaystation 412/201574%
Oddworld: New 'n' TastyPlaystation 410/201474%
Oddworld: New 'n' TastyPlaystation 310/201474%
Oddworld: New 'n' TastyPlaystation VITA10/201474%
Hitman GoPlaystation 405/201674%
Yakuza 2Playstation 211/200874%
Layers Of FearPlaystation 404/201674%
UFCPlaystation 409/201474%
N++Playstation 410/201574%
Assassin's Creed: UnityPlaystation 401/201574%
Alien Isolation: Ripley EditionPlaystation 412/201474%
WRC: FIA World Rally ChampionshipPlaystation 311/201074%
MX vs. ATV UntamedPlaystation 304/200874%
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007Playstation 205/200774%
Star Ocean: Second EvolutionPSP04/200974%
Star Ocean: First DeparturePSP12/200874%
Harry Potter und der Orden des PhönixPlaystation 307/200774%
UFC Undisputed 2010PSP10/201074%
Disney Infinity 3.0: Star WarsPlaystation 311/201574%
Disney Infinity 3.0: Star WarsPlaystation 411/201574%
One Piece: Pirate WarriorsPlaystation 311/201274%
Need For SpeedPlaystation 401/201674%
New Little King's StoryPlaystation VITA12/201274%
The Jak And Daxter TrilogyPlaystation VITA09/201374%
Das Testament des Sherlock HolmesPlaystation 311/201274%
Of Orcs And MenPlaystation 312/201274%
One Piece: Unlimited World RedPlaystation VITA09/201474%
Wonderbook: Das Buch der ZaubertränkePlaystation 301/201474%
White Knight ChroniclesPlaystation 304/201074%
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer Of ArlandPlaystation 312/201174%
Guitar Hero: Van HalenPlaystation 304/201074%
Bethesda PinballPlaystation 403/201774%
Madagascar 2Playstation 302/200974%
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?PSP09/200974%
Heroes Over EuropePlaystation 311/200974%
Silent Hill: HomecomingPlaystation 303/200974%
Red Faction: GuerrillaPlaystation 308/200974%
WWE: Legends Of WrestlemaniaPlaystation 305/200973%
FuelPlaystation 307/200973%
Harry Potter und der Halbblut-PrinzPlaystation 309/200973%
BodycountPlaystation 310/201173%
Assassin's Creed: BloodlinesPSP01/201073%
Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist Of ArlandPlaystation 308/201473%
Mugen SoulsPlaystation 311/201273%
Deception IV: Blood TiesPlaystation VITA06/201473%
Bladestorm: Der hundertjährige KriegPlaystation 301/200873%
Kane & Lynch: Dead MenPlaystation 301/200873%
Crazy Taxi: Fare WarsPSP10/200773%
Lost: Das SpielPlaystation 304/200873%
TimeShiftPlaystation 302/200873%
Vancouver 2010Playstation 302/201073%
Lords Of The FallenPlaystation 401/201573%
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & PunishmentsPlaystation 411/201473%
Aliens: Colonial MarinesPlaystation 304/201373%
Sniper Elite IIIPlaystation 409/201473%
Sniper Elite IIIPlaystation 309/201473%
Lego The HobbitPlaystation 406/201473%
Deadly PremonitionPlaystation 306/201373%
Risk Of RainPlaystation 406/201673%
Risk Of RainPlaystation VITA06/201673%
The Deadly Tower Of MonstersPlaystation 403/201673%
MouseCraftPlaystation 409/201473%
MouseCraftPlaystation 309/201473%
MouseCraftPlaystation VITA09/201473%
Battle Princess Of ArcadiasPlaystation 309/201473%
Puzzle ChroniclesPSP04/201073%
Sacred CitadelPlaystation 306/201373%
PidPlaystation 301/201373%
Pixel Heroes: Byte & MagicPlaystation 409/201773%
FlowPlaystation 402/201473%
CastlestormPlaystation VITA01/201473%
CastlestormPlaystation 301/201473%
Tiny BrainsPlaystation 402/201473%
Job Simulator [VR]Playstation 412/201673%
Dragonball: Xenoverse 2Playstation 401/201773%
DuckTales RemasteredPlaystation 310/201373%
Space Rift: Episode 1Playstation 401/201773%
Switch Galaxy UltraPlaystation VITA03/201573%
HelldiversPlaystation 305/201573%
Switch Galaxy UltraPlaystation 403/201573%
SBK 08: Superbike World ChampionshipPlaystation 209/200873%
Resident Evil VII: End Of ZoePlaystation 403/201873%
The Witch And The Hundred KnightPlaystation 306/201473%
Ridge Racer UnboundedPlaystation 305/201273%
Ridge Racer UnboundedPlaystation 306/201273%
Earth Defense Force 2025Playstation 305/201472%
Invizimals: The Lost KingdomPlaystation 304/201472%
The Guided Fate: ParadoxPlaystation 303/201472%
MXGP: The Official Motocross VideogamePlaystation 306/201472%
Kingdom Come: DeliverancePlaystation 404/201872%
Resident Evil: RevelationsPlaystation 410/201772%
Overcooked!Playstation 410/201672%
Grow UpPlaystation 410/201672%
NeverwinterPlaystation 410/201672%
Secret PonchosPlaystation 402/201572%
Ironclad TacticsPlaystation 404/201572%
Costume Quest 2Playstation 301/201572%
The Assembly [VR]Playstation 412/201672%
The Flame in The FloodPlaystation 403/201772%
Shift HappensPlaystation 405/201772%
Styx: Shards Of DarknessPlaystation 405/201772%
Star Trek: Bridge Crew [VR]Playstation 408/201772%
Skydive: Proximity FlightPlaystation 312/201372%
Saints Row IV - How The Saints Save ChristmasPlaystation 302/201472%
Battlefield 4 - Second AssaultPlaystation 405/201472%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HDPlaystation 309/201272%
WarpPlaystation 305/201272%
Mad RidersPlaystation 307/201272%
Resident Evil: The Darkside ChroniclesPlaystation 308/201272%
BloodRayne: BetrayalPlaystation 311/201172%
Superhot VRPlaystation 410/201772%
Abyss OdysseyPlaystation 309/201472%
Murasaki BabyPlaystation VITA12/201472%
Foul PlayPlaystation VITA05/201672%
Guns, Gore And CannoliPlaystation 402/201672%
The WitnessPlaystation 404/201672%
AmplitudePlaystation 403/201672%
Foul PlayPlaystation 405/201672%
Strike Suit ZeroPlaystation 406/201472%
The Lego Movie VideogamePlaystation 406/201472%
F1 Race StarsPlaystation 301/201372%
PlayStation Allstars Battle RoyalePlaystation 301/201372%
TeslagradPlaystation 403/201572%
Cars 2Playstation 309/201172%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2Playstation 307/200872%
Alone In The Dark: InfernoPlaystation 301/200972%
Need For Speed - UndercoverPlaystation 301/200972%
Naruto Ultimate Ninja StormPlaystation 302/200972%
Beijing 2008Playstation 309/200872%
FaceBreakerPlaystation 310/200872%
F1 2009PSP01/201072%
MotoGP 09/10Playstation 304/201072%
NeverDeadPlaystation 303/201272%
Shaun White SkateboardingPlaystation 312/201072%
F1 2011Playstation VITA04/201272%
Doom 3: BFG EditionPlaystation 312/201272%
Wasteland 2Playstation 412/201572%
Socom: Special ForcesPlaystation 306/201172%
Die Abenteuer von Tim & Struppi: Das Geheimnis der EinhornPlaystation 312/201172%
Sega Superstars TennisPlaystation 305/200872%
Der Pate IIPlaystation 305/200971%
CreatePlaystation 301/201171%
Shaun White SkateboardingPlaystation 312/200871%
El Shaddai: Ascension Of The MetatronPlaystation 310/201171%
Green Lantern: Rise Of The ManhuntersPlaystation 309/201171%
Ghostbusters: The Video GamePlaystation 209/200971%
Sword Art Online: Lost SongPlaystation 402/201671%
Grand Ages: MedievalPlaystation 411/201571%
Fist Of The North Star: Ken's Rage 2Playstation 304/201371%
Tokyo JunglePlaystation 311/201271%
PaRappa The RapperPSP08/200771%
Silent Hill: DownpourPlaystation 305/201271%
Mad MaxPlaystation 411/201571%
HelldiversPlaystation 405/201571%
Canis Canem EditPlaystation 206/201671%
Sonic Rivals 2PSP03/200871%
Hunted: Die Schmiede der FinsternisPlaystation 308/201171%
Angry Birds - Star WarsPlaystation VITA02/201471%
Batman: Arkham OriginsPlaystation 306/201471%
Angry Birds - Star WarsPlaystation 302/201471%
Mercenary KingsPlaystation 406/201471%
DeadlightPlaystation 408/201671%
RangoPlaystation 305/201171%
Choplifter HDPlaystation 303/201271%
Rage: The ScorchersPlaystation 303/201371%
Gothan City ImpostorsPlaystation 304/201271%
Legend Of KayPlaystation 304/201471%
Castle Of IllusionPlaystation 311/201371%
The Raven: Legacy Of A Master ThiefPlaystation 303/201471%
Super MotherloadPlaystation 402/201471%
Super MotherloadPlaystation 302/201471%
The Golf Club 2Playstation 409/201771%
KonaPlaystation 405/201771%
Lego WorldsPlaystation 405/201771%
HelldiversPlaystation VITA05/201571%
Magical BeatPlaystation VITA04/201571%
Titan SoulsPlaystation 406/201571%
JujuPlaystation 303/201571%
Titan SoulsPlaystation VITA06/201571%
God Eater 2: Rage BurstPlaystation 411/201671%
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist Of The Mysterious BookPlaystation 408/201671%
Arcage Game Series: Dig DugPlaystation 407/201671%
Resident Evil 6Playstation 406/201671%
Deception IV: Blood TiesPlaystation 306/201471%
Angry Birds - Star WarsPlaystation 402/201471%
Sword Art Online: Lost SongPlaystation VITA02/201671%
The CrewPlaystation 402/201571%
Toukiden: KiwamiPlaystation 406/201570%
Dead NationPlaystation VITA06/201470%
Battle Worlds: KronosPlaystation 407/201670%
Stories: The Path Of DestiniesPlaystation 406/201670%
Railway EmpirePlaystation 403/201870%
Onimusha: WarlordsPlaystation 403/201970%
NBA Live 18Playstation 412/201770%
Outcast: Second ContactPlaystation 402/201870%
MudRunner - A Spintires GamePlaystation 402/201870%
Ride 2Playstation 412/201670%
Tales Of The World: Radiant MythologyPSP10/200770%
The FallPlaystation 409/201570%
Under Night: In-BirthPlaystation 305/201570%
Fruit Ninja VRPlaystation 403/201770%
Headmaster [VR]Playstation 412/201670%
Rain WorldPlaystation 406/201770%
Steep: Alaska [DLC]Playstation 405/201770%
BreakQuest ExtraPlaystation VITA02/201470%
Let Them ComePlaystation 402/201870%
Planet Of The Apes: Last FrontierPlaystation 402/201870%
Call Of Juarez: GunslingerPlaystation 308/201370%
WWE 2K14: Superstars & Legends PackPlaystation 303/201470%
Rock Band BlitzPlaystation 311/201270%
Papo & YoPlaystation 310/201270%
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock auf GrosswildjagdPlaystation 303/201370%
Jet Set RadioPlaystation 311/201270%
Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePlaystation 311/201270%
MaliciousPlaystation 304/201270%
Zack ZeroPlaystation 303/201270%
RTL Wintersports 2008 - The Ultimate ChallengePlaystation 201/200870%
Rock Band: AC/DC LivePlaystation 302/200970%
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PlusPSP05/200870%
ShelteredPlaystation 405/201670%
HohokumPlaystation 310/201470%
HohokumPlaystation VITA10/201470%
Table Top RacingPlaystation VITA10/201470%
HohokumPlaystation 410/201470%
PonchoPlaystation 401/201670%
Octodad: Dadliest CatchPlaystation 406/201470%
Fat Princess AdventuresPlaystation 402/201670%
DriveclubPlaystation 412/201470%
Zone Of The Enders - HD CollectionPlaystation 301/201370%
Sports Champions 2Playstation 312/201270%
Gauntlet Slayer EditionPlaystation 410/201570%
Micky Epic: Die Macht der 2Playstation 301/201370%
Dragonball Z: Burst LimitPlaystation 308/200870%
TNA Impact! Total Nonstop Action WrestlingPlaystation 311/200870%
HazePlaystation 307/200870%
Baja: Edge Of ControlPlaystation 311/200870%
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedPSP12/200870%
R-Type TacticsPSP12/200870%
LegendaryPlaystation 312/200870%
Spider-Man 3Playstation 306/200770%
Tower Of GunsPlaystation 306/201570%
Saint Seiya: Soldiers' SoulPlaystation 412/201570%
Saint Seiya: Soldiers' SoulPlaystation 312/201570%
Army Corps Of HellPlaystation VITA04/201270%
Der Industrie Gigant IIPlaystation 403/201770%
Spider-Man: Edge Of TimePlaystation 312/201170%
Silent Hill: Book Of MemoriesPlaystation VITA12/201270%
DokuroPlaystation VITA04/201370%
Angry Birds TrilogyPlaystation 312/201270%
Game Of Thrones - A Telltale Games SeriesPlaystation 302/201670%
Game Of Thrones - A Telltale Games SeriesPlaystation 402/201670%
Tower Of GunsPlaystation 406/201570%
SawPlaystation 301/201070%
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone WarsPlaystation 306/201170%
Split/Second: VelocityPSP02/201170%
Disney UniversePlaystation 312/201170%
Apache: Air AssaultPlaystation 302/201170%
Superstars V8 RacingPlaystation 309/200970%
Phantasy Star PortablePSP06/200969%
Wanted: Weapons Of FatePlaystation 306/200969%
Mercenaries 2: World In FlamesPlaystation 211/200869%
Risen 2: Dark WatersPlaystation 309/201269%
Ragnarok OdysseyPlaystation VITA06/201369%
Trinity: Souls Of Zill O'llPlaystation 304/201169%
Bomberman LandPSP05/200869%
Rise Of The ArgonautsPlaystation 302/200969%
Ratchet & Clank: Size MattersPlaystation 205/200869%
Tony Hawk: ShredPlaystation 301/201169%
The TechnomancerPlaystation 409/201669%
Road Not TakenPlaystation 410/201469%
Iron ManPlaystation 307/200869%
Summer Challenge: Athletics TournamentPlaystation 309/201069%
Dynasty Warriors: GundamPlaystation 301/200869%
Sumioni: Demon ArtsPlaystation VITA05/201369%
Master RebootPlaystation 305/201469%
Little NightmaresPlaystation 406/201769%
Tumble VRPlaystation 412/201669%
AragamiPlaystation 412/201669%
Die ZwergePlaystation 401/201769%
Party HardPlaystation 407/201669%
Need For Speed: RivalsPlaystation 301/201469%
Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Unversum in GefahrPlaystation VITA02/201468%
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm RevolutionPlaystation 312/201468%
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's DaughterPlaystation 408/201668%
The Inpatient [VR]Playstation 404/201868%
Let It DiePlaystation 402/201768%
Slain: Back From HellPlaystation 412/201668%
Starblood Arena [VR]Playstation 406/201768%
Game Of Thrones: Das Lied von Eis und FeuerPlaystation 402/201568%
Game Of Thrones: Das Lied von Eis und FeuerPlaystation 302/201568%
White NightPlaystation 305/201568%
Pac-Man RallyPlaystation 205/200768%
No Man's SkyPlaystation 410/201668%
Mafia IIIPlaystation 412/201668%
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!Playstation 410/201868%
The PlayroomPlaystation 402/201468%
Saints Row IV: Stone Age-PackPlaystation 303/201468%
Jeremy McGrath's OffroadPlaystation 306/201368%
Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinn's RevengePlaystation 308/201268%
SBK XPlaystation 307/201068%
We Happy FewPlaystation 410/201868%
Just Cause 4Playstation 403/201968%
Natural DoctrinePlaystation VITA12/201468%
Batman: Arkham Origins BlackgatePlaystation VITA12/201368%
Conflict: Denied OpsPlaystation 304/200868%
LairPlaystation 312/200768%
Smash Court Tennis 3PSP08/200768%
Trinity UniversePlaystation 309/201068%
Enchanted ArmsPlaystation 305/200768%
Eurosport Winter StarsPlaystation 302/201268%
Playstation Move HeroesPlaystation 305/201168%
Yakuza: Dead SoulsPlaystation 304/201268%
Little DeviantsPlaystation VITA04/201268%
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon CityPlaystation 305/201268%
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon CityPlaystation 306/201268%
MXGP: The Official Motocross VideogamePlaystation VITA06/201468%
Armored Core VPlaystation 305/201268%
Armored Core VPlaystation 306/201268%
Arcania: The Complete TalePlaystation 407/201568%
Game Of ThronesPlaystation 308/201268%
Agatha Christie: The ABC MurdersPlaystation 404/201668%
FusePlaystation 307/201368%
Tenchu: Shadow AssassinsPSP05/200968%
Der Herr der Ringe: Die EroberungPlaystation 303/200968%
Bolt: Ein Hund für alle FällePlaystation 303/200968%
ScreencheatPlaystation 405/201668%
ObenPlaystation 311/200968%
Buzz! Quiz WorldPlaystation 312/200968%
Lord Of ArcanaPSP03/201168%
Transformers: Die RachePlaystation 309/200968%
Nail'dPlaystation 302/201168%
Alice: Madness ReturnsPlaystation 308/201168%
Dark VoidPlaystation 302/201068%
Sniper: Ghost WarriorPlaystation 307/201167%
PainPlaystation 309/200967%
Test Drive Unlimited 2Playstation 304/201167%
Wheelman feat. Vin DieselPlaystation 305/200967%
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing PerfectionPlaystation VITA08/201467%
TV SuperstarsPlaystation 312/201067%
NierPlaystation 306/201067%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: PredatorPSP12/201067%
Start The Party!Playstation 310/201067%
Buzz! Quiz TVPlaystation 309/200867%
Just Dance 2015Playstation 312/201467%
Just Dance 2015Playstation 412/201467%
Landrover OffroadPSP05/200867%
ProteusPlaystation 301/201467%
ProteusPlaystation VITA01/201467%
DustforcePlaystation VITA04/201467%
Batman: Return To ArkhamPlaystation 401/201767%
Hustle Kings VRPlaystation 412/201667%
Red Faction: Guerrilla - Re-Mars-teredPlaystation 409/201867%
Trivial Pursuit Live!Playstation 405/201567%
NecropolisPlaystation 402/201767%
A Hat In TimePlaystation 402/201867%
Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3: FortunePlaystation 406/201667%
Armored Core: Verdict DayPlaystation 312/201367%
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme LegendsPlaystation VITA06/201467%
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme LegendsPlaystation 406/201467%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanten in ManhattanPlaystation 408/201666%
Metal Gear SurvivePlaystation 405/201866%
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaPlaystation 406/201566%
UltratronPlaystation 407/201566%
UltratronPlaystation 307/201566%
UltratronPlaystation VITA07/201566%
Schrödinger's CatPlaystation 407/201566%
Need For Speed PaybackPlaystation 401/201866%
Rogue StormersPlaystation 412/201666%
Alarm für Cobra 11: Das SyndikatPlaystation 302/201266%
Mount & Blade: WarbandPlaystation 411/201666%
RTL Winter Sports 2010Playstation 301/201066%
Warriors Orochi 3 UltimatePlaystation 411/201466%
Disney Infinity 2.0Playstation 412/201466%
Disney Infinity 2.0Playstation 312/201466%
Zombie VikingsPlaystation 411/201566%
Für immer ShrekPlaystation 309/201066%
Wolkig mit Aussicht auf FleischbällchenPlaystation 303/201066%
Lego Ninjago: NindroidsPlaystation VITA10/201466%
Sonic UnleashedPlaystation 302/200966%
Way Of The Samurai 3Playstation 303/201066%
Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme LegendsPlaystation 302/201266%
Air Conflicts: Secret WarsPlaystation 309/201165%
Carnival IslandPlaystation 301/201265%
White Knight Chronicles: OriginsPSP08/201165%
Assassin's Creed III: LiberationPlaystation VITA01/201365%
Tekken HybridPlaystation 302/201265%
The FightPlaystation 301/201165%
ModNation Racers: Road TripPlaystation VITA04/201265%
Ridge RacerPlaystation VITA04/201265%
Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2PSP03/200865%
Tony Hawk: RIDEPlaystation 302/201065%
EntwinedPlaystation 409/201465%
Star Ocean: Integrity And FaithlessnessPlaystation 409/201665%
Trine 3: The Artifacts Of PowerPlaystation 402/201665%
IroncastPlaystation 405/201665%
Army Of Two: The Devil's CartelPlaystation 306/201365%
Jackass: The GamePlaystation 201/200865%
MySims: Sky HeroesPlaystation 312/201065%
Shadow Of The BeastPlaystation 407/201665%
Arcania: The Complete TalePlaystation 307/201365%
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2Playstation 412/201865%
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Die amourösen Abenteuer des Sir Hans CaponPlaystation 412/201865%
Borderlands 2 DLCPlaystation 304/201465%
Poker Night 2Playstation 307/201365%
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011Playstation 307/201165%
Landrover OffroadPlaystation 205/200865%
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HDPlaystation 311/201265%
Dollar DashPlaystation 306/201364%
Crysis 3: Die verlorene InselPlaystation 308/201364%
BioShock: Infinite - Kampf in den WolkenPlaystation 310/201364%
Déraciné [VR]Playstation 401/201964%
Lost Planet 3Playstation 310/201364%
Murdered: Soul SuspectPlaystation 408/201464%
Micky Epic: Die Macht der 2Playstation VITA09/201364%
MXGP 2: The Official Motocross VideogamePlaystation 406/201664%
Adventures Of ManaPlaystation VITA09/201664%
Alone In The DarkPlaystation 208/200864%
Summer AthleticsPlaystation 209/200864%
Driveclub VRPlaystation 412/201664%
LivelockPlaystation 411/201664%
Watch Dogs 2: Menschliche Bedingungen [DLC]Playstation 405/201764%
NBA Live 15Playstation 401/201564%
Invizimals: Das BündnisPlaystation VITA05/201464%
Ar Nosurge - Ode To An Unborn StarPlaystation 312/201464%
BackbreakerPlaystation 308/201064%
Bladestorm: NightmarePlaystation 405/201564%
Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2Playstation 304/201264%
Arslan: The Warriors Of LegendPlaystation 404/201664%
Minecraft: Story ModePlaystation 412/201564%
Snoopys grosse AbenteuerPlaystation 401/201664%
Monster Jam: Pfad der ZerstörungPlaystation 305/201164%
NBA 08Playstation 303/200864%
Hyperdimension NeptuniaPlaystation 305/201163%
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1Playstation 302/201163%
Way Of The Samurai 4Playstation 311/201263%
Family Guy: Zurück ins MultiversumPlaystation 302/201363%
Asphalt: InjectionPlaystation VITA04/201263%
Warriors: Legends Of TroyPlaystation 305/201163%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: VegasPSP08/200763%
Dragonball: XenoversePlaystation 305/201563%
Dragonball: XenoversePlaystation 405/201563%
Earth Defense Force: Insect ArmageddonPlaystation 309/201163%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2PSP11/200763%
Prison Break: The ConspiracyPlaystation 305/201063%
Zombie Army TrilogyPlaystation 405/201563%
ShütshimiPlaystation 406/201663%
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaPlaystation 403/201663%
Ace Combat: InfinityPlaystation 308/201463%
WondershotPlaystation 405/201663%
McDROIDPlaystation 405/201663%
Anima: Gate Of MemoriesPlaystation 408/201663%
Valkyria RevolutionPlaystation 409/201763%
DeformersPlaystation 407/201763%
Strike Vector EXPlaystation 411/201663%
HawkenPlaystation 409/201663%
DexPlaystation 409/201663%
Mind ZeroPlaystation VITA01/201563%
Knack IIPlaystation 411/201763%
ShütshimiPlaystation VITA06/201663%
Metal Slug XXPSP09/201063%
Karaoke RevolutionPlaystation 304/201063%
Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's RevengePlaystation 307/201362%
Metro: Last Light - Das Turm-PackPlaystation 311/201362%
Shoot Many RobotsPlaystation 305/201262%
Farming SimulatorPlaystation VITA07/201362%
ContrastPlaystation 402/201462%
Dakar 18Playstation 412/201862%
Little Dragons CaféPlaystation 401/201962%
Dissidia Final Fantasy NTPlaystation 404/201862%
Dynasty Warriors - Gundam RebornPlaystation 309/201462%
Kill StrainPlaystation 409/201662%
Captain America: Super SoldierPlaystation 309/201162%
Final FantasyPSP03/200862%
FlinthookPlaystation 407/201762%
NBA PlaygroundsPlaystation 407/201762%
Portal KnightsPlaystation 407/201762%
The Escapists 2Playstation 411/201762%
GunscapePlaystation 405/201662%
Dynasty Warriors 7: EmpiresPlaystation 305/201362%
DefiancePlaystation 306/201362%
ConanPlaystation 311/200762%
Der Herr der Ringe: Der Krieg im NordenPlaystation 301/201262%
Reality FightersPlaystation VITA04/201262%
Drakengard 3Playstation 308/201462%
Shinobido 2: Revenge Of ZenPlaystation VITA04/201262%
Sébastien Loeb Rally EvoPlaystation 403/201662%
StormrisePlaystation 306/200962%
X-BladesPlaystation 304/200962%
Coded Arms ContagionPSP05/200862%
Front Mission: EvolvedPlaystation 312/201062%
Saw II: Flesh & BloodPlaystation 312/201062%
BrinkPlaystation 307/201162%
Warriors OrochiPSP06/200861%
Die Legende von Beowulf: Das SpielPlaystation 301/200861%
Die Hüter des LichtsPlaystation 302/201361%
Risen 3: Titan LordsPlaystation 310/201461%
Serious Sam 3: BFEPlaystation 307/201461%
Eat Lead: The Return Of Matt HazardPlaystation 305/200961%
BedlamPlaystation 412/201561%
Drawn To DeathPlaystation 406/201761%
Friday The 13thPlaystation 408/201761%
RisikoPlaystation 404/201561%
KnackPlaystation 401/201461%
RTL Biathlon 2008Playstation 201/200861%
Scary GirlPlaystation 304/201261%
Wheels Of DestructionPlaystation 306/201260%
Shenmue I & IIPlaystation 411/201860%
Batman: Arkham Origins - Die AnfängePlaystation 302/201460%
A-Men 2Playstation VITA01/201460%
A-Men 2Playstation 301/201460%
Secret Of ManaPlaystation 404/201860%
Rogue Trooper ReduxPlaystation 412/201760%
Table Top Racing: World TourPlaystation 407/201660%
Sonic Riders: Zero GravityPlaystation 204/200860%
The Huntsman: Winter's CursePlaystation 411/201660%
Blue EstatePlaystation 409/201460%
KholatPlaystation 405/201660%
Sacred 3Playstation 309/201460%
Mugen Souls ZPlaystation 308/201460%
Top Gun: Hard LockPlaystation 306/201260%
MUD: FIM Motocross World ChampionshipPlaystation 306/201260%
Michael Jackson: The ExperiencePlaystation VITA04/201260%
Blades Of TimePlaystation 305/201260%
DanceStar PartyPlaystation 301/201260%
Herr der Ringe: Die Abenteuer von AragornPlaystation 312/201059%
Terminator: Die ErlösungPlaystation 307/200959%
Tron: EvolutionPlaystation 303/201159%
Knights ContractPlaystation 304/201159%
Michael Jackson: The ExperiencePlaystation 306/201159%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium DuelsPlaystation 307/201459%
Trials Of The Blood DragonPlaystation 409/201659%
Aaru's AwakeningPlaystation 306/201559%
How Tow SurvivePlaystation 401/201559%
Aaru's AwakeningPlaystation 406/201559%
Time And EternityPlaystation 309/201359%
Far Cry ClassicPlaystation 304/201459%
Black MirrorPlaystation 402/201859%
Dishonored: Dunwall City TrialsPlaystation 303/201359%
Aliens vs. Predator: Survival Of The FittestPSP01/200859%
The Fast And The FuriousPSP05/200859%
Winter Sports 2011: Go For GoldPlaystation 301/201159%
Under SiegePlaystation 308/201158%
DaturaPlaystation 307/201258%
Blacklight: RetributionPlaystation 403/201458%
How Tow SurvivePlaystation 301/201458%
Painkiller: Hell & DamnationPlaystation 309/201358%
Homefront: The RevolutionPlaystation 408/201658%
Slender: The ArrivalPlaystation 312/201458%
Hardware RivalsPlaystation 403/201658%
Mighty No. 9Playstation 408/201658%
DaylightPlaystation 407/201458%
Tour de France 2008PSP09/200858%
BlackSitePlaystation 306/200858%
Kampf der TitanenPlaystation 307/201058%
Shrek der DrittePlaystation 208/200758%
YooStar 2 - In The MoviesPlaystation 305/201158%
NBA Live 16Playstation 412/201558%
Samurai Warriors 4-IIPlaystation 401/201658%
Summer Stars 2012Playstation 306/201258%
RioPlaystation 306/201158%
Call Of Juarez: The CartelPlaystation 309/201158%
Rock RevolutionPlaystation 307/200958%
The King of Fighters XIIPlaystation 310/200958%
Fist Of The North Star: Ken's RagePlaystation 301/201158%
Transformers 3Playstation 309/201158%
Star Trek: The GamePlaystation 307/201357%
Transformers: The GamePlaystation 209/200757%
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaPlaystation 404/201657%
Escape Dead IslandPlaystation 302/201557%
Ratchet & ClankPlaystation 406/201657%
Saint Seiya: Brave SoldiersPlaystation 302/201457%
GhostbustersPlaystation 409/201657%
Aqua Moto Racing UtopiaPlaystation 402/201757%
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - From The AshesPlaystation 410/201857%
WreckedPlaystation 306/201257%
Spelunker HDPlaystation 310/201156%
Young Justice: LegacyPlaystation 303/201456%
Cel Damage HDPlaystation 308/201456%
Cel Damage HDPlaystation VITA08/201456%
Transformers: The GamePlaystation 309/200756%
Alarm für Cobra 11: UndercoverPlaystation 311/201256%
X-Men: DestinyPlaystation 312/201156%
Cel Damage HDPlaystation 408/201456%
MindJackPlaystation 303/201155%
Dungeon Hunter: AlliancePlaystation VITA04/201255%
SWAT: Target LibertyPSP01/200855%
Need For Speed: ProStreetPSP05/200855%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Am Ende der WeltPSP07/200755%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Am Ende der WeltPlaystation 207/200755%
Samurai Warriors 4Playstation 412/201455%
KoiPlaystation 407/201655%
WRC 6Playstation 412/201655%
Le Tour de France 2017Playstation 408/201755%
Babel RisingPlaystation 308/201255%
Troll And IPlaystation 405/201754%
The Playroom VRPlaystation 412/201654%
MXGP 3: The Official Motocross VideogamePlaystation 408/201754%
Coffin DodgersPlaystation 407/201654%
Samurai Warriors 4: EmpiresPlaystation 405/201654%
Enemy FrontPlaystation 308/201454%
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Am Ende der WeltPlaystation 307/200754%
Project RootPlaystation 407/201554%
Project RootPlaystation VITA07/201554%
Chivalry: Medieval WarfarePlaystation 402/201654%
Turning Point: Fall Of LibertyPlaystation 305/200854%
Cross EdgePlaystation 312/200954%
Ape EscapePlaystation 309/201154%
Quantum TheoryPlaystation 311/201053%
GodzillaPlaystation 409/201553%
Skylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover IslandPlaystation 408/201753%
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3Playstation 407/201752%
FlatOut 4: Total InsanityPlaystation 405/201752%
Resident Evil: Umbrella CorpsPlaystation 409/201652%
Dynasty Warriors 8: EmpiresPlaystation 405/201552%
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - SlingshotPlaystation 303/201352%
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Second WavePlaystation 303/201352%
Pac-Man MuseumPlaystation 305/201452%
WRC 5Playstation 412/201552%
WRC 5Playstation 312/201552%
WRC 5Playstation VITA12/201552%
Der Goldene KompassPlaystation 303/200852%
The Cursed CrusadePlaystation 311/201152%
Undead KnightsPSP03/201052%
Dragon Fin SoupPlaystation 401/201652%
Dragon Fin SoupPlaystation 301/201652%
Dragon Fin SoupPlaystation VITA01/201652%
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2Playstation 306/201352%
Valhalla Knights 3Playstation VITA02/201451%
The Tomorrow ChildrenPlaystation 411/201650%
PlayStation VR WorldsPlaystation 412/201650%
Iron Sky - InvasionPlaystation 307/201350%
007 LegendsPlaystation 312/201250%
Dungeon ExplorerPSP06/200850%
Damage Inc.: Pacific Squadron WWIIPlaystation 311/201249%
The Amazing Spider-Man 2Playstation 307/201449%
The Amazing Spider-Man 2Playstation 407/201449%
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver SurferPlaystation 309/200749%
Blood KnightsPlaystation 301/201449%
NBA Live 14Playstation 402/201449%
Looney Tunes: Die galaktischen SpielePlaystation VITA08/201549%
Need For Speed: Rivals - Complete Movie PackPlaystation 405/201449%
The Expendables 2: Das VideospielPlaystation 310/201248%
The ParkPlaystation 407/201648%
The Red StarPlaystation 205/200748%
History: Legends Of WarPlaystation 307/201348%
History: Legends Of WarPlaystation VITA07/201348%
Adam's Venture ChroniclesPlaystation 304/201448%
Schlag den Raab: Das 2. SpielPlaystation 301/201248%
Kung Fu RiderPlaystation 311/201048%
Tour de FrancePlaystation 309/201148%
Pure FootballPlaystation 308/201048%
Le Tour de France 2014Playstation 409/201447%
Naughty BearPlaystation 309/201047%
Demon ChaosPlaystation 206/200747%
Time And Eternity: Bonusquest-DLCsPlaystation 310/201347%
Carnival GamesPlaystation 401/201945%
Micro Machines World SeriesPlaystation 409/201745%
Jumper: Griffin's StoryPlaystation 205/200845%
Le Tour De France 2012Playstation 309/201245%
UFC Personal Trainer - The Ultimate Fitness SystemPlaystation 309/201145%
Iron Man 2Playstation 307/201044%
7 Days To DiePlaystation 409/201644%
ZombeerPlaystation 304/201444%
Syberia 3Playstation 407/201743%
MX vs ATV Supercross EncorePlaystation 412/201543%
AmyPlaystation 303/201242%
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver SurferPlaystation 209/200740%
Transformers: The Dark SparkPlaystation 409/201440%
Supremacy MMAPlaystation 312/201140%
Akiba's Trip: Undead & UndressedPlaystation 302/201540%
Harry Potter 7: Und die Heiligtümer des Todes Teil 2Playstation 309/201140%
Dead Or Alive: ParadisePSP06/201040%
Dino Dini's Kick Off RevivalPlaystation 409/201639%
The Walking Dead: Survival InstinctPlaystation 306/201339%
Giana Sisters: Dream RunnersPlaystation 412/201538%
Sonic The HedgehogPlaystation 305/200738%
G.I. Joe: Geheimauftrag CobraPlaystation 309/200938%
DamnationPlaystation 307/200938%
ZombiPlaystation 410/201538%
Moto Racer 4Playstation 401/201738%
Thor: God Of ThunderPlaystation 307/201138%
Star RaidersPlaystation 309/201136%
Criminal Girls: Invite OnlyPlaystation VITA04/201536%
Putty SquadPlaystation 403/201436%
Battle: Los AngelesPlaystation 308/201135%
Basement CrawlPlaystation 405/201435%
Z-RunPlaystation VITA08/201435%
Armored Core: For AnswerPlaystation 302/200934%
SnipersPlaystation 306/201234%
Rambo: The Video GamePlaystation 305/201433%
Landwirtschafts Simulator 14Playstation VITA09/201433%
NCISPlaystation 301/201233%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops DeclassifiedPlaystation VITA01/201332%
Scene it?: Ganz großes Kino!Playstation 303/201032%
Overlord: Gefährten des BösenPlaystation 401/201631%
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 16Playstation VITA01/201630%
Just Dance 2016Playstation 301/201630%
Just Dance 2016Playstation 401/201630%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5Playstation 412/201528%
Flirt-GewitterPlaystation 305/201126%
Road RagePlaystation 402/201820%
Fast & Furious: ShowdownPlaystation 308/201313%
The Last Of Us Part IIPlaystation 408/202010%
Final Fantasy VII RemakePlaystation 406/202010%
Desperados IIIPlaystation 408/20209%
The Walking Dead: Die letzte StaffelPlaystation 406/20199%
Sekiro: Shadows Die TwicePlaystation 406/20199%
The Division 2Playstation 405/20199%
CupheadPlaystation 410/20209%
The Elder Scrolls Online: ElsweyrPlaystation 408/20199%
eFootball PES 2020Playstation 411/20199%
Borderlands 3Playstation 411/20199%
Final Fantasy XIV Online: ShadowbringersPlaystation 409/20199%
JudgmentPlaystation 408/20199%
A Plague Tale: InnocencePlaystation 407/20199%
Civilization VIPlaystation 401/20209%
DreamsPlaystation 404/20209%
Death StrandingPlaystation 401/20209%
Pillars Of Eternity 2: DeadfirePlaystation 403/20209%
Trials Of ManaPlaystation 407/20209%
Streets Of Rage 4Playstation 407/20209%
Doom EternalPlaystation 405/20209%
Ghost Of TsushimaPlaystation 409/20209%
Monster Hunter: World - IcebornePlaystation 411/20199%
Mafia: Definitive EditionPlaystation 411/20209%
BlasphemousPlaystation 412/20199%
Sayonara Wild HeartsPlaystation 412/20199%
F1 2020Playstation 409/20209%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2Playstation 411/20208%
Fall Guys: Ultimate KnockoutPlaystation 410/20208%
RelictaPlaystation 410/20208%
Shantae And The Seven SirensPlaystation 408/20208%
Doraemon: Story Of SeasonsPlaystation 411/20208%
ObservationPlaystation 407/20198%
Slay The SpirePlaystation 409/20198%
HuntdownPlaystation 407/20208%
My Friend PedroPlaystation 406/20208%
Mafia IIPlaystation 407/20208%
The Elder Scrolls Online: GreymoorPlaystation 408/20208%
The SojournPlaystation 411/20198%
Arise: A Simple StoryPlaystation 402/20208%
Lost EmberPlaystation 402/20208%
FAR: Lone SailsPlaystation 407/20198%
Path Of ExilePlaystation 406/20198%
Battlefield V: FirestormPlaystation 406/20198%
Marvel's AvengersPlaystation 411/20208%
Ace Attorney TrilogySwitch06/20198%
Contra Anniversary CollectionPlaystation 409/20198%
Untitled Goose GameSwitch02/20208%
Fury UnleashedPlaystation 408/20208%
CrossCodePlaystation 409/20208%
The Wonderful 101: RemasteredPlaystation 408/20208%
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 RemasteredPlaystation 406/20208%
Five Nights At Freddy's VR: Help WantedPlaystation 408/20198%
River City GirlsPlaystation 411/20198%
Iron Man VRPlaystation 409/20208%
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen OrderPlaystation 401/20208%
Two Point HospitalPlaystation 404/20208%
Nioh 2Playstation 405/20208%
Assassin's Creed III RemasteredPlaystation 406/20198%
The Surge 2Playstation 412/20198%
GridPlaystation 412/20198%
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrincePlaystation 412/20198%
Yooka-Laylee And The Impossible LairPlaystation 412/20198%
The Outer WorldsPlaystation 401/20208%
Call Of Duty: Modern WarfarePlaystation 401/20208%
Children Of MortaPlaystation 412/20198%
Dragonball Z: KakarotPlaystation 403/20208%
F1 2019Playstation 409/20198%
ControlPlaystation 410/20198%
Dragon Quest Builders 2Playstation 409/20198%
Madden NFL 20Playstation 410/20198%
Age Of Wonders: PlanetfallPlaystation 410/20198%
FIFA 20Playstation 412/20198%
Catherine: Full BodyPlaystation 410/20198%
Metro ExodusPlaystation 404/20198%
Devil May Cry 5Playstation 405/20198%
The MessengerPlaystation 407/20198%
Harveys neue AugenPlaystation 411/20198%
PGA Tour 2K21Playstation 411/20208%
Wasteland 3Playstation 411/20208%
Crash Team Racing: Nitro-FueledPlaystation 409/20198%
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't DryPlaystation 408/20198%
Bloodstained: Ritual Of The NightPlaystation 409/20198%
Apex LegendsPlaystation 404/20198%
Blood & Truth [VR]Playstation 408/20198%
Stellaris: Console EditionPlaystation 404/20198%
Mortal Kombat 11Playstation 407/20198%
Dead Or Alive 6Playstation 405/20198%
Trials RisingPlaystation 405/20198%
Trover Saves The UniversePlaystation 408/20198%
Resident Evil 3Playstation 406/20208%
Moving OutPlaystation 407/20208%
SnowRunnerPlaystation 407/20208%
DiRT Rally 2.0Playstation 404/20198%
Blazing ChromePlaystation 409/20198%
Beat Saber [VR]Playstation 408/20198%
Tales Of Vesperia: Definitive EditionPlaystation 404/20198%
OninakiPlaystation 411/20197%
SpongeBob: Battle For Bikini Bottom - RehydratedPlaystation 409/20207%
Days GonePlaystation 406/20197%
TrüberbrookPlaystation 406/20197%
World War ZPlaystation 407/20197%
The LEGO Movie 2 VideogamePlaystation 405/20197%
Puyo Puyo ChampionsPlaystation 407/20197%
Rage 2Playstation 407/20197%
Project CARS 3Playstation 411/20207%
The Division 2: Warlords Of New YorkPlaystation 405/20207%
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy CollectionPlaystation 405/20207%
Help Will Come TomorrowPlaystation 406/20207%
Rocket ArenaPlaystation 410/20207%
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-ReckoningPlaystation 411/20207%
Far Cry: New DawnPlaystation 404/20197%
Ghostbusters: The Video Game RemasteredPlaystation 401/20207%
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of MedanPlaystation 410/20197%
NBA 2K20Playstation 411/20197%
GreedFallPlaystation 411/20197%
Code VeinPlaystation 412/20197%
Wolfenstein: YoungbloodPlaystation 410/20197%
Zombie Army 4: Dead WarPlaystation 404/20207%
Life Is Strange 2Playstation 402/20207%
MediEvilPlaystation 401/20207%
Team Sonic RacingPlaystation 407/20197%
Remnant: From The AshesPlaystation 411/20197%
RADPlaystation 410/20197%
Journey To The Savage PlanetPlaystation 404/20207%
Darksiders GenesisPlaystation 404/20207%
Need For Speed: HeatPlaystation 401/20207%
Saints Row: The Third - RemasteredPlaystation 408/20207%
Fallout 76: WastelandersPlaystation 407/20207%
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4Playstation 407/20207%
MotoGP 20Playstation 407/20207%
Madden NFL 21Playstation 411/20207%
NBA 2K21Playstation 411/20207%
Skater XLPlaystation 410/20207%
Rock Of Ages III: Make & BreakPlaystation 410/20207%
The ComplexPlaystation 406/20207%
Minecraft DungeonsPlaystation 408/20207%
The Bradwell ConspiracyPlaystation 403/20207%
WartilePlaystation 406/20207%
Felix The ReaperPlaystation 412/20197%
John Wick HexPlaystation 407/20207%
A Fold ApartPlaystation 408/20207%
Neon AbyssPlaystation 409/20207%
Cat Quest IIPlaystation 401/20207%
Edna bricht ausPlaystation 408/20207%
Crysis RemasteredPlaystation 411/20207%
Destroy All Humans!Playstation 410/20207%
Pathfinder: KingmakerPlaystation 410/20207%
EricaPlaystation 411/20197%
Doom 64Playstation 406/20207%
BipedPlaystation 407/20207%
void tRrLM; //Void TerrariumPlaystation 409/20206%
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyPlaystation 402/20206%
Utawarerumono: Prelude To The FallenPlaystation 408/20206%
ManeaterPlaystation 408/20206%
Sword Art Online: Alicization LycorisPlaystation 410/20206%
Fairy TailPlaystation 410/20206%
DisintegrationPlaystation 409/20206%
Harvest Moon: Mad DashPlaystation 402/20206%
Football, Tactics & GloryPlaystation 404/20206%
AO Tennis 2Playstation 403/20206%
Sniper: Ghost Warrior ContractsPlaystation 402/20206%
Bee SimulatorPlaystation 402/20206%
Close To The SunPlaystation 401/20206%
Ghost Recon BreakpointPlaystation 412/20196%
Super Neptunia RPGPlaystation 409/20196%
The Sinking CityPlaystation 409/20196%
Generation ZeroPlaystation 406/20196%
AnthemPlaystation 405/20196%
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Remastered EditionPlaystation 411/20206%
Warhammer: ChaosbanePlaystation 408/20196%
One Piece: World SeekerPlaystation 405/20196%
OutwardPlaystation 406/20196%
Sniper Elite V2 RemasteredPlaystation 407/20196%
Sea Of SolitudePlaystation 409/20196%
Disaster Report 4: Summer MemoriesPlaystation 407/20206%
Layers Of Fear 2Playstation 407/20196%
Mad Games TycoonPlaystation 402/20206%
Jump ForcePlaystation 404/20195%
Shenmue IIIPlaystation 402/20205%
Blacksad: Under The SkinPlaystation 403/20205%
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Those Who RemainPlaystation 408/20205%
WWE 2K20Playstation 401/20204%
Fast & Furious CrossroadsPlaystation 411/20203%
Autobahn-Polizei Simulator 2Playstation 404/20202%
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